
  1. 村庄精英在社区公共事务中的角色扮演以甘肃定西市Z村婚嫁丧葬仪式为例黄土丘陵区不同退耕模式对土壤物理性状影响研究以甘肃定西市为例

    The Role-Playing of Rural Elites in Public Affairs of the Community ; Research of the Effect on the Physical Properties of Different " Conversion of Farmland to Forest " Practices - Take Dingxi City of Gansu Province as An Example

  2. 基层自治:对社区公共事务和文化生活的管理&日本冲绳县言壳谷村区自治会的考察与分析

    Autonomy at Basic Level : The Management of Public Work and Cultural Life in Community

  3. 社区公共事务管理的实践探索和理论研究,都在涉及较为深层的问题。

    Both the practical and theoretical research on community public affairs management is concerning many questions .

  4. 并对参与城市社区公共事务的多方治理主体的角色依据其现实作用和发展趋势给予重新定位。

    At last , the paper relocates the roles of subjects involved in the pubic affairs of urban communities according to the practical situation and developing trend .

  5. 其次,综合事务属性、责任主体、相近事务合并等三重标准,重新梳理、整合和细分社区公共事务。

    Secondly , we should re-order , integrate and sub-divide the public affairs according to the triple standards of the synthesized public affairs attributes , the main responsibility and the consolidation of the similar affairs .

  6. 因此,积极推动居民参与社区公共事务,有利于提高社区居民的认同感和归属感,从而增强社区凝聚力,维护社区稳定。

    Therefore , On the one hand , actively promoting residents ' participation in community public affairs is benefit to improve the residents ' community Identity and belonging , which can enhance community cohesion , maintain community stability .

  7. 如何投入社区或公共事务的参与,进而提升组织的「公共性」?

    How can it enhance the publicness by participating in community and public affairs ?

  8. 土生土长香港人,积极参与社区及公共事务。

    As a native of Hong Kong , T.C.is actively involved in community and public services .

  9. 为此,要在治理理念的指导下,依靠政府积极有效引导社区自治组织、社区居民广泛参与社区公共事务的管理。

    Therefore , the broad participation of residents in communities in public administration should be encouraged in adherence to the government leadership and the active guidance of government on autonomous communities .

  10. 城市社区治理是社区利益相关者之间合作治理社区公共事务的过程。

    Community governance refers to the process in which community stakeholders cooperatively govern the public affairs .

  11. 社区治理是政府与社区组织、社区公民共同管理社区公共事务的活动。

    Community administration is cooperative participation of government , community organization and community residents in community business .

  12. 从规范意义上讲,在社区治理中,这四种主体应分工合作,共同处理好社区公共事务。

    From a normative sense , in community governance , the four main should work together on community public affairs .

  13. 政府与社区关系变得日益复杂,社区治理要求政府、社区组织与社区居民共同承担社区公共事务治理的责任。

    Relationship between government and community is transforming . Community governance demands that the responsibility of community public affairs should be undertaken by government and community together with residents .