
  1. 对社区专职工作者激励问题的研究,已经成为社区工作者队伍管理中一个具有重要理论和实践意义的课题。

    For community full-time workers incentive question of the research , has become a community workers team management in an important theoretical and practical significance of the subject .

  2. 通过本文的研究,力图为社区专职工作者激励制度的建设提供可操作性的实践方案,实现对社区工作者队伍的科学化管理,促进和谐社区建设。

    The research in this paper , which tries to community full-time workers incentive system , the construction practice of providing operability for community program to realize scientific management , workers group promote harmonious community construction .

  3. 通过调研,笔者发现:经过不断努力,沈阳市S区社区专职工作者队伍年龄结构逐步趋于年轻化,文化水平趋于知识化,社区专职工作者所能提供的服务也更专业化、多样化。

    Through investigation and research , the author found that : with continuous efforts , full-time workers of S district community in Shenyang gradually tend to be younger in age structure , better educated in cultural level , and more specialized and diversified in service provided by community full-time workers .

  4. 社区建设专职工作者双重身份,角色冲突严重;

    Double statuses of the professional in community building causing a clash of role ;