
  • 网络Community Nutrition
  1. 社区营养教育传播方式的国内外进展

    Development of communication pattern in community nutrition education

  2. 沈阳市社区营养健康教育对老年人膳食结构的影响

    Influence of Community Nutrition Health Education on Dietary Structure of Senior Citizens in Shenyang City

  3. 社区营养不良婴幼儿骨强度监测对照研究

    Case-control study on bone strength of children with malnutrition in community

  4. 老年人高血压、高血糖和高血脂的社区营养干预评价

    Evaluation of Community Based Nutritional Intervention of the Elder with High Blood Pressure , High Blood Glucose , and High Blood Triglycerides of Cholesterol

  5. 实际上,在“社区营养研究所”案中,法院是愿意找出这样的意图的,尽管在有争议的法规里没有任何明确的排除性的用语。

    Indeed , in CNI itself , the court was willing to find such intent despite the absence of any explicit preclusive language in the statute in controversy .

  6. 长江社区居民营养现状调查及干预对策

    Nutrition survey and intervention countermeasure among residents in Changjiang community

  7. 社区儿童营养监测分析

    Community Supervision and Analysis of Children Nutrition of Social District

  8. 深圳市社区居民营养知识与行为水平研究

    Study on nutrition knowledge and behavior level in the resident of community in Shenzhen

  9. 太原市社区居民营养知识、态度、行为调查研究

    Survey on nutritional knowledge , attitude and practice among the residents living in Taiyuan

  10. [目的]了解社区居民营养现状,以便今后在社区开展针对性的综合营养干预。

    To understand the current circumstances of dietary nutrition among residents in community , in order to conduct comprehensive nutritional intervention .

  11. 方法在安阳市安钢社区进行营养教育活动,并在教育前后分别随机抽取2400人调查营养知识和膳食行为,进行膳食调查,了解食物食用量和频率。

    Methods The activities of nutrition education was implemented in the Adult community in angang . 2400 individual randomly selected from Adult in community were interviewed of knowledge , attitude and behavior of the nutrition and made diet investigation .

  12. 目的:了解目前成都市社区居民的营养知识、态度、行为(KAP)水平及其影响因素,为在社区居民中开展营养教育提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the level of nutrition knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) and its influencing factors among residents in a community of Chengdu for nutrition education .

  13. 上海市某社区高血压人群营养健康教育效果分析

    Effects of Nutritional Health Education on Hypertension in Changning District , Shanghai

  14. 社区人群高血压营养健康教育

    The Nutritional Health Education On Hypertension In A Community , Shanghai , China

  15. 运用平衡膳食宝塔对社区居民进行营养干预的效果评价

    The effect of nutrition intervention on community residents by utilizing the balance diet pagoda

  16. 城市社区中年居民营养知识、态度及行为水平的研究

    Study on Nutritional Knowledge , Attitude and Practice for Middle-aged Population in Chengdu Community

  17. 宝山区吴淞社区居民合理营养健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Education on Reasonable Nutrition among Community Residents in Baoshan District , Shanghai

  18. 目的:探讨城市社区居民膳食营养状况及存在的营养问题。

    Objective : To survey the dietary and nutritional status and find out the nutritional problems in city inhabitants .

  19. 北京通州区农村社区老年人营养状况及其相关因素的调查研究

    A Survey of the Rural Elderly Nutrition State in Tongzhou District of Beijing and Analysis of the Related Factors

  20. 志愿者还通过开辟学校菜园,发展农业微型企业以及向社区成员讲解营养知识等方式帮助解决粮食供应和营养不良问题。

    Volunteers have also helped address food availability and nutrition by building school gardens , developing agricultural microenterprises and teaching community members about good nutrition .

  21. 目的:了解目前深圳市社区居民的营养知识、行为现状及需求情况,探索积极有效并可持续的社区营养干预措施。

    Objective : To investigate the situation of the resident 's nutrition knowledge , behavior and requirement , then to explore positively effective and continuable intervention measure about nutrition .

  22. 社区居民合理营养行为为54.15%,其中常住人口(63.33%)高于暂住人口(51.61%),两者差别有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    The behavior rate of reasonable nutrition was 54.15 % , that of the household register ( 63.33 % ) was higher than that of unregister ( 51.61 % ), there was significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 对社区老人开展糖尿病营养KAP健康教育的效果分析

    Result of KAP education of diabetic nutriology in old people in a community

  24. 目的了解目前社区签约居民的营养知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状及其营养指导需求,为社区营养干预提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigated and evaluate the level of nutritional knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) and requirement in nutritional guidance for the contracted residents from a community health center ( CHC ) in Chengdu .

  25. 社区退休居民的营养状况及干预要点

    Nutritional assessment and intervene points for retired residents in a community

  26. 社区2型糖尿病营养干预的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Nutritional Intervention on NIDDM in Community

  27. 长沙市社区人群日常膳食营养监测

    Analysis of changes of Daily Dietary Nutrition in supervising community population in Changsha

  28. 社区人群日常膳食营养分析

    Analysis of Daily Dietary Nutrition in Community Population

  29. 社区高血压患者钙营养相关知识主要来自电视及医务人员,这两种途径也是他们乐意接受的途径。

    Most patients reported their calcium nutritional knowledge came from television and medical workers , and they preferred these two paths .

  30. 结论:①社区退休居民中营养过剩和营养低下共存,必须加强营养干预;

    Conclusions : ① Both overnutrition and undernutrition can be manifested in retired home residents , for whom nutritional intervene should be enhanced .