
  • 网络Social unrest
  1. 经济状况可能是产生社会不安的根源。

    Economic conditions may lie responsible for the creation of social unrest .

  2. 解说员称周和孟的发言说明了中央政府对金融危机可能引发进一步的社会不安越来越担忧。

    Commentators have said Zhou 's and Meng 's statements are indicative of the central government 's growing concern that the financial crisis could spark further social unrest .

  3. 多年贫困造成的社会不安。

    The social malaise caused by years of poverty .

  4. 总而言之,中国的人口结构里,最容易造成社会不安的人群(年轻的,失业的,以及未婚的男性)正在不断地减少.这部分人仍然和他们的父母住在一起。

    The country , in short , has a dwindling supply of the demographic stock most likely to stir unrest : young , unemployed and unmarried men , still living at home with their families .

  5. 他说这三千万男性的生理需求将是引起社会不安的重要因素,而一夫多妻可以解决这一问题。

    He said that if polyandry is legalized , it would be a perfect solution to solve the 30 million single men 's sexual needs , which he believed will be the most important factor in igniting social unrest .

  6. 现在社会的不安局面会招致下一次袭击的。

    The civil unrest that I believe is inevitable in the event of another terrorist strike .

  7. 国际原子能机构正在举行为期两天的会议,审查有关伊朗和叙利亚核活动的报告,这两个国家都引起国际社会的不安。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency is holding a two-day meeting to examine reports on the alleged nuclear activities of Iran and Syria , both of which has sparked international concern .

  8. 在一个国家通货膨胀的发生已经引起社会的不安,中国通货膨胀率以8.7%的上升在二月份创十二年的新高。

    IN A country where bouts of inflation have triggered social unrest , the jump in China 's inflation rate to a12-year high of8.7 % in February is cause for concern .

  9. 国王之死引起社会上的不安。

    The death of the king fluttered the dovecotes .

  10. 这种做法是不是预示现代社会整体的不安迹象?

    Is this kind of behaviour indicative of a general malaise in modern society ?

  11. 性别对体格自我表现的不适感及对社会比较的不安有显著的主效应。

    There is significant difference in gender between Discomfort about physique and Anxious about social self-presentation comparison .

  12. 中国人多地少,土地问题积累的大量矛盾,常常引起整个社会动荡和不安。

    The problem of land in history was always the root of turbulences and confusions of whole society .

  13. 面临增速如此迅猛的诉讼事件,对于正处在社会主义初级阶段的中国来说,势必会产生影响家庭和谐与社会稳定的不安因素。

    Facing so rapid growth of lawsuits , our country which is in the primary stage of socialism , will has instable and not harmonious factors .

  14. 可是社会假如再不安、再动荡起来,物价假如是都一直在涨,这对普天下的、地球上的任何一个国家,都是一种危机。

    If social unrest continues and food prices keep rising , then everyone living in this world , no matter which country they are in , will be affected .

  15. 现在波兰社会都焦急不安地等待新政府拿出自己的经济纲领来,使波兰经济尽快地走出困境。

    The Polish people are anxious to see the new government work out an efficient economic program so as to pull the Polish economy out of its present predicament as soon as possible .

  16. 我患上了严重的社会病&购物者不安症。

    I am victim of that most insidious social diseases : shoppers ' malaise .

  17. 我们结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。

    We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time .

  18. 所以,自然灾害加剧了社会的动荡和不安。

    Now we draw a conclusion that the natural disasters in the QianLong reign cause turbulence and unrest .

  19. 其天启式、神谕性的基调让观众一睹渗透整个日本社会的焦虑和不安情绪。

    Also , the apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society .

  20. 这一过程本身就意味着裁员、名义工资下降,这些都是导致失业率上升、社会动荡和债权人不安的因素。

    It will itself generate a mixture of labour-shedding with falling nominal wages – a recipe for unemployment , unrest and creditor unease .

  21. 高校学生干部素质的高低直接反应出高校培养人才的质量。当前,高校的教育改革仍在不断深化,影响社会价值观的不安因素也日渐增多。

    The quality of College student cadres directly reflects the quality of talents trained in Colleges and universities . Nowadays , College education reform is deepening , while factors affecting social volues is increasing .

  22. 开放的网络、自由的信息流动,以及会引发现有社会和政治结构不安的科技创新能力,正是后工业化时代创新的内容。

    Open networks , free flows of information , and the ability for scientific and technological innovations to cause public discomfort to established social and political structures are the very stuff of innovation in the post-industrial age .

  23. 通过对受害人的赔偿或补偿,减少社会的社会动荡和不安,促进和谐社会的发展。

    Through to the victim compensation or make up for in order to reduce social unrest and unstable , promote the development of harmonious society .

  24. 作为商业银行风险的核心,不良贷款的风险不但表现为影响商业银行经营目标的实现导致信誉受损,还影响社会经济效益直至形成社会风险,最终引起社会动荡和不安。

    As the core of commercial bank risk , risk of nonperforming loans showed not only affects commercial banks to achieve business goals lead to reputation , also affect the social and economic benefits to form social risk , eventually lead to social unrest and .