
  1. 我国税收调节社会总供求平衡关系的政策选择

    On Regulating the Aggregate Social Supply and Demand by Taxes

  2. 社会总供求平衡的关键是货币均衡而不是实物均衡;

    The pivotal of balancing social aggregate sup-ply and demand lies in monetary equilibrium , not material equilibrium in kind .

  3. 货币政策要保持松紧适度,促进社会总供求基本平衡,营造稳定的货币金融环境。

    We will pursue a balanced monetary policy , move toward a basic balance between overall supply and demand in society , and foster a stable monetary and financial environment .

  4. 要在有效实施宏观经济政策、管好货币信贷总量、促进社会总供求基本平衡的基础上,搞好价格调控,防止物价反弹。

    China will control prices and prevent inflation from rebounding by effectively carrying out macroeconomic policies , managing the supply of money and credit , and striving for basic equilibrium in aggregate supply and demand .