
  • 网络Social reform;Social betterment
  1. 功利主义是其社会改良的逻辑支撑。

    Utilitarianism was the logical backbone of his attempts at social reform .

  2. 首先,坦普尔的社会改良思想,植根于基督教道成肉身的神学思想。

    Firstly , William Temple ' thoughts of social reform is rooted in the Incarnation of Christian theology .

  3. 宗教慈善组织美国志愿军(VolunteersofAmerica)让潜在的社会改良家根据兴趣搜索志愿服务岗位,一些城市机构也提供类似服务。

    Volunteers of America lets would-be do-gooders search positions by interest , and some municipalities provide similar services .

  4. 约翰·阿特金森·霍布森(JohnAtkinsonHobson,1858~1940)是英国新自由主义政治思想家、经济学家、社会改良主义者、帝国主义理论的创立者。

    John Atkinson Hobson was an English Neoliberalism political thinker , economist , social reformist and the creator of imperialism theory .

  5. 进行社会改良成为其中一条重要的道路。

    Social reformation became one of the important ways .

  6. 约翰·密尔是英国19世纪功利主义思想家,社会改良主义者。

    John Stuart Mill was an English utilitarian philosopher and social reformist in the 19th century .

  7. 但是弗洛姆提出的社会改良的方法,有它不切实际的一面。

    However , Fromm put forward by the community to improve the methods has its practical side .

  8. 当一些年轻人目睹这一现状时,他们也理所当然地将其视为社会改良的催化剂。

    When some young people look at that , they also see it as catalyst for social improvement .

  9. 他提出了福利国家的概念,并明确提出了社会改良的六项目标,又提出了一个具体的社会改良方案。

    He clearly put forward six goals of social reform , and also proposed a specific program of social improvement .

  10. 当今,越来越多的人认为企业应在社会改良和解决社会问题方面发挥积极的作用。

    Today more and more people believe that business should play an active role in improving society and solving social problems .

  11. 《笔记》的劝惩主旨体现了纪昀寻求社会改良出路的努力。

    Bi Ji 's primary intention of urges to punish manifests JiYun 's endeavor to seek the outlet to improve the society .

  12. 这些新戏曲成为启发爱国主义和民族意识、传播社会改良观念、号召革命和立宪的工具,有力地推动了清末社会启蒙运动。

    These new operas became the tools of inspiring patriotic and national consciousness , spreading the social reform ideas and calling for revolution and constitution .

  13. 对缪尔达尔的制度经济思想和发展经济学进行了研究,包括他对主流经济学的批评及对发展中国家的社会改良思想等。

    This study of Myrdal 's institutionalist economic thought and development economics includes his criticism of the mainline economics and the reformist approach for developing countries .

  14. 夏洛特·珀尔金斯·吉尔曼既是美国著名的小说家又是女权运动的先驱。她积极投身于社会改良运动,为女性主义事业奋斗终身。

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a famous American writer . She devoted her whole life to the public career and became the forerunner of the early feminist movement .

  15. 坦普尔社会改良思想与福利国家思想,在目标上基本一致,在具体内容上也有许多一致之处。

    There are many similar contents between William Temple ' thoughts of social reform and the welfare state ideology . In addition , the goals of them are consistent generally .

  16. 其次,坦普尔的社会改良思想,继承了基督教社会主义思想的传统,要努力建立一个更加公正合理的人间天堂。

    Secondly , William Temple ' thoughts of social reform had inherited the tradition of the Christian socialism about building a more just and reasonable " paradise on earth " .

  17. 城市规划的理论与实践发展源于西方城市的社会改良运动,随着社会经济的发展、城市的出现、人类居住环境的复杂化,城市规划思想出现并不断发展。

    Urban planning originated from reforming movement of western city . Along with the development of social economic and the emergence of morden cities , the idea of urban planning rose and developed gradually .

  18. 他留学法国8年,广泛研究多种学科的理论,形成比较系统的关于社会改良的思想,其中主要包括妇女解放、节制生育、优生优育、性教育、婚姻家庭改革、妇女平等经济权等方面。

    He studied in France for 8 years dabbling in a variety of theories and formed his thoughts on women 's liberation , birth planning , sexual education , and marriage and family reform .

  19. 他建议,印度应更加关注,在粮食价格高企的当下,自己在满足国民温饱方面是否落后,以及印度可以向中国借鉴哪些社会改良的经验。

    He proposed that greater attention be given to whether India was falling behind in feeding its population at a time of high food prices and what India could learn from China about social improvement .

  20. 民国时期的福建乡村建设运动是福建现代史上一场重要的谋求农村现代化的社会改良运动。

    The rural construction movement in Fujian Province during the period of the Republic of China is a significant movement of social reform that seeked for rural modernization in the modern history of Fujian Province .

  21. 某些社会学家对此不表赞同,因为他们认为任何一种社会改良方案都不能解决贫富阶级之间的根本矛盾问题;

    Some sociologists don 't see eye to eye with it because they believe that a social reform program of any kind could not at all solve the basic problems which arise between affluent and poor classes .

  22. 长期以来,学术界对五四时期各种社会改良思潮的研究可谓是丰富多彩,惟独合作经济思潮的系统性研究却比较少。

    In the long run , the academia had made so called rich and colorful researches on various social meliorating thoughts in the times of May 4 , but less and not systematically only on cooperation economic thoughts .

  23. 认为传教士灾荒观带有浓厚的宗教色彩和干涉中国政治的倾向,同时又具有科学性和进步性,在政治制度、观念意识和社会改良等方面有助于推动中国的近代化进程。

    It is concluded that there is strong religious overtones and the tendency of political interference in China in famine view of the missionaries . However , it has scientific and progress side , helping to promote the modernization process of China in political system , ideology and social improvement .

  24. 管理创新在社会要素改良中的作用

    The Impact of Management Innovation on the Reform of Social Elements

  25. 新生活运动的内容包含很多方面,主要有规矩与清洁、禁烟清毒和社会风俗改良、普及教育及识字运动、卫生防疫、战时宣传支援抗战和一些其他方面内容。

    The New Life Movement contains many aspects , mainly the " rules " and " clean ", opium poison and the social customs reformation , universal education and literacy movement , health and epidemic prevention , wartime propaganda to support the Anti Japanese War and some other aspects .

  26. 不实际的,理想的社会和政治改良计划。

    An impractical , idealistic scheme for social and political reform .

  27. 反对旧式封建礼教,促进了社会风俗的改良;

    The persons of insights opposed against the old feudal ethical code and improved the social custom ;

  28. 近代上海独特的政治、经济和社会背景为改良旗袍在上海复兴提供了条件。

    However , the unique political , economical and social backgrounds provided conditions for its revival in modern shanghai .

  29. 近年来,人们开始把目光从政治领域转向经济、社会方面的改良。

    In recent years , many people begin to pay more attention to the reform of economy and society .

  30. 在当时中国社会进行社会改良活动的,除了本土的政治家,还包括来华传教士。

    In Chinese society at that time , in addition to local politicians , missionaries came to China to participate the reformation activities .