
  1. 目前,调查人员正在调查与1MBD有关的不当做法和涉嫌挪用国有资金的行为。1MDB的顾问委员会主席是马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak,上图)。

    Investigators are probing allegations of misconduct and the suspected misappropriation of state funds in relation to 1MDB , whose advisory board is chaired by Najib Razak , Malaysia 's prime minister .

  2. 四是进一步加强对国有资金对外投资的管理和控制。

    Enforce management and control of national funds invested on foreign trade .

  3. 建设项目中的国有资金是基建项目中重要的组成部分之一。

    State-owned capital is an indispensable part of capital constructions .

  4. 它的主要任务就是将国有资金投入到有潜力的公司,方式是和私募投资者一起持有公司小额股份。

    Its main role will be to channel state funds to promising firms by taking small stakes alongside private-equity investors .

  5. 与大多数中国银行不同的是,民生银行1996年由中国民营企业家发起成立,几乎没有任何国有资金参与。

    Unlike most Chinese lenders , Minsheng was established with investment from private entrepreneurs and almost no state funding in 1996 .

  6. 它为维护国民经济秩序良性运行、保障国有资金使用安全、促进反腐倡廉发挥着重要作用。

    It plays a critical role in maintaining healthy operation of national economy , guaranteeing the safety of state-owned assets and improving the performance in anti-corruption .

  7. 经过几年耗费巨额国有资金的试验之后,英法设计师们炮制出了一个几乎无望获得赢利的工程奇迹。

    After years of experimentation at vast public expense , the Anglo-French designers had crafted an engineering wonder with little hope of ever turning a profit .

  8. 稳定下来后,先期投入的国有资金可以逐步退出,出让给土地抵押合作社,最终国有资金完全退出,达到官办民营化的目标。

    Then at the proper time , the early national finance should give up the cooperative land mortgage and divestment totally , to reach the privatization of government-run .

  9. 另外本文从产权理论的基础上,分析了非国有资金注入后的优势和劣势,研究了电信市场竞争后对电信规制政策的影响。

    Additionally , on the basis of property right theory , this paper analyzes the strength and weakness of the aftermath of injecting non-state-owned investment , and researches on the impact on telecommunication regulation policy after advancing market competition .

  10. 本课题对央企所面临的资金分散,软件平台之间不兼容等问题进行了深入的分析与解决,最终实现大量国有资金的有效管理和运用。

    The central issue of decentralization of funds faced by enterprises . The software platform on issues such as incompatibility between the depth of analysis and solution , and ultimately the effective management of large state-owned funds and use .

  11. 详细分析并介绍国有资金的使用情况。通过每个月实际施工进度和国有资金支付情况来了解资金的使用和安排,从而让财务部门和纪检部门做到实时管理和监控。

    It makes a detailed study of utilization of state-owned capital based on the actual construction progress and payment of state-owned capital on a monthly basis so that Finance Department and Supervision Office can manage and supervise the utilization of capital in a timely manner ; 3 .

  12. 浅析国有企业资金短缺的成因及解决途径

    Causes and ways on the shortage of the state-owned enterprises funds

  13. 国有企业集团资金集中管理研究

    Study on Funds Centralization Management of State Enterprise Groupe

  14. 关于国有企业资金紧张问题的探究

    On a Problem Discussing of Tightening Shortage of Funds in State owned Enterprises

  15. 对国有财政资金的两种主要监督方式是指会计监督和审计监督。

    The two major supervision ways of government financial funds means accounting supervision and auditing supervision .

  16. 另一方面国有企业资金严重不足与闲置浪费并存,国有企业资本运营效益低下,经济效益滑坡。

    On the other hand , the fund of state_owned enterprises lacks severely and waste coexist , the state_owned enterprises of capital management low efficiency .

  17. 本论文从经济制度的角度,探讨影响国有企业资金融通的制度性因素,提出重构与创新国有企业融资模式的思路。

    So this dissertation studies what is the institutional affection on the financing of State-Enterprise , and provides the new method to reconstruct the system of financing of State-Enterprise .

  18. 一位渣打银行(StandardChartered)的富豪客户涉嫌从中国某国有银行窃取资金,作为警方对此案调查的一部分,一名渣打员工已被中国警方拘留。

    A Standard Chartered banker has been detained by police in China as part of an investigation into a wealthy client who allegedly stole money from a state-owned bank .

  19. 这些国有公司拥有资金,大量资金。

    And these state-owned companies have money , a lot of money .

  20. 信息不对称条件下非国有企业的资金供给

    On the Financial Supply of Non-state-owed Enterprises in Terms of Information Asymmetry

  21. 国有控股企业集团资金管理探讨

    On the Fund Management of State-owned Holding Enterprise Group

  22. 从公司治理角度探讨国有商业银行资金管理机制再造

    Reengineering of Capital Management Mechanism by State-Owned Commercial Banks from the Perspective of Corporate Governance

  23. 中国投资有限责任公司的大部分资金都是用来为中国的国有银行提供资金的。

    Much of the money in the China Investment Corporation is meant to provide capital for state-owned Chinese banks .

  24. 迪拜这个更富有的邻国最终还是决定为迪拜最大的国有企业集团提供资金,避免其违约。

    Dubai 's wealthier neighbour will , after all , bankroll the emirate 's largest state-owned conglomerate and stave off default .

  25. 这应会让初创银行更容易与国有银行争夺资金,国有银行被普遍认为拥有政府担保。

    That should make it easier for upstart lenders to compete for funds with state-owned banks widely viewed as carrying a government guarantee .

  26. 中国政府控制地方政府债务的举措,减少了基础设施支出,很多国有企业也资金紧张。

    Beijing 's efforts to rein in local government debt reduced the money available for infrastructure spending while many state-owned enterprises are also tapped out .

  27. 它有利于国有企业引进资金、新技术和新的管理,实现国有企业的制度创新和企业国际化经营。

    It helps the state-owned enterprise to introduce fund , new technology and new management , realize system innovation and the globalization of enterprises market .

  28. “价格是它们最具竞争力的优势,而且它们非常有组织性,还拥有中国国有银行的资金支持,”普利康表示。

    " Price is their number one competitive advantage and they are very well organised , with financing support from Chinese state-owned banks , " Mr Pouliquen says .

  29. 改革至今,国有企业的资金管理在激烈的市场竞争环境中,现金流量状况甚至比利润还重要。

    Reforming so far , the fund management of state-owned enterprises in the fierce market competition environment , the situation of cash flow is even more important than profits .

  30. 国有银行的资金尤其顺畅地流向在海外高科技、能源、矿业以及环保领域进行收购的企业,特别是那些国有的“国家冠军企业”。

    State bank financing flows especially freely to companies particularly state-owned " national champions " that are buying overseas companies in the high-tech , energy , mining and environmental protection sectors .