
  • 网络Market Share;international market share;ims
  1. 本文中所采用的衡量指标有国际市场占有率、显示比较优势指数、贸易竞争指数。

    The reference indexes contained international market share , RCA , TCI .

  2. 因此,提高国产加工中心的可靠性,对于增强国产加工中心市场竞争力,提高国际市场占有率具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , improving the reliability of the domestic machining center has the important practical influence on improving market competitiveness and international market share .

  3. 论文遵循从产品到产业的逻辑框架,首先对浙江工业品贸易状况与贸易结构进行了分析,选取国际市场占有率、RCA指数和TC指数对浙江工业品的国际竞争力进行了测定。

    Firstly , the thesis analyzes the current situation and trade structure of Zhejiang industrial products and selects three indexes to measure their international competitiveness .

  4. 在此基础上,运用工业竞争力指数(CIP)、贸易竞争指数(TC)、显示比较优势指数(RCA)、国际市场占有率等测度指标,对东盟国家的产业竞争力进行实证研究。

    In addition , based on former analysis , it applies an empirical approach to estimate industrial competitiveness of ASEAN with some index such as CIP , TC , RCA and so on .

  5. 本文通过计算国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数(RCA),比较了中国与部分国家农药产业的国际竞争力;

    This paper gives the difference of the international competitiveness of pesticide industrial between the developed countries and China by computing and comparing the world market share , normalized trade balance ( NTB ) and revealed comparative advantage ( RCA ) .

  6. 衡量企业(业绩)成功与否的标准只有一个:国际市场占有率。

    There is only one measurement of success : global market share .

  7. 我国拥有丰富的辣椒资源,产量居世界第一,但辣椒提取物如辣椒红色素及辣椒碱的国际市场占有率还很不足。

    China is rich in red peppers resources , but has a weak market share for capsanthin and capsaicin extract in the world market .

  8. 另一方面,比较分析了美、日、中三国专利和国际市场占有率。实证分析显示高新技术企业专利战略对外贸竞争力的提升具有积极作用。

    On the other hand , a comparative analysis is made of the patents and international market shares of high-tech enterprises from United States , Japan and China .

  9. 利用国际市场占有率、显性比较优势指数、可比净出口指数和产业内贸易指数,将中国木质家具的国际竞争力同它国进行显性比较。

    With the tools of MS index , RCA index , NTB index and GL index , this paper compares the international competitiveness of China 's wooden furniture with other countries .

  10. 采用国际市场占有率、贸易竞争指数、国际市场价格、显示比较优势指数等指标定量分析中国茶叶国际竞争力。

    Adopt the international market occupation ratio , trade to compete for index quantitative analysis Chinese tea international competitiveness such as exponent , international market price , the exponent demonstrating comparative advantage .

  11. 通过对我国机电产品出口的贸易竞争指数、国际市场占有率、国家市场份额分析揭示了我国机电产品出口的国际竞争优势和竞争劣势。

    The paper analyzes the corresponding trade competitive index , international market share , fixed market share and then reveals the competitiveness and the disadvantages of machinery products in the world market .

  12. 第三部分主要介绍了沿海地区渔业经济和水产品进出口贸易的发展现状,并测算了沿海各省市水产品的国际市场占有率。

    The third part analyzed the development situation of fishery economy and import and export of aquatic products in coastal areas , and measured the International Market Share of aquatic products in coastal areas .

  13. 江苏省制药产业在国内市场占有率、地理位置、科技资源等方面具有明显优势,而在国际市场占有率、技术创新等方面则和国内其他地区制药产业一样具有很大劣势。

    Pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu has a clear advantage in domestic market share , location , scientific and technological resources , and also has a clear disadvantage like other provinces in international market share and technological innovation .

  14. 选取国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显性比较优势指数对我国造纸品进行定量计算,结果表明我国造纸业整体竞争力虽然得到较大提升,但仍然偏弱。

    The thesis does quantitative calculation about paper products selecting International Market Share , Trade Competitiveness and Revealed Comparative Advantage . We can conclude although the international competitiveness of our paper industry has advanced greatly , it is still weak now .

  15. 本文通过国际市场占有率、出口商品结构转换率以及贸易竞争指数3个显示性指标的分析认为,我国出口商品竞争力有所提高;出口产品在国际市场的竞争力仍然很弱;

    On the basis of analyzing the ratio of international market share , export commodity structure convertible rate and trade competition index , this paper holds that although the competitive power of China 's export commodity has been raised , it is still weak in the international market .

  16. 其次利用相关数据计算了我国核心文化商品的国际市场占有率和贸易竞争力指数,认为目前我国文化商品国际市场占有率低,竞争力非常薄弱。

    Secondly , by taking advantage of related data to calculate the international market share and trade competition index of our core cultural goods , the paper draws the conclusion that the international market share is under the level , leading to the weak competitiveness of our cultural trade .

  17. 通过运用显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争力指数、国际市场占有率等指标构成的评价指标体系对辽宁省机电产品的出口竞争力进行评价,得出了辽宁省机电产品的出口竞争力处于中等偏上水平。

    Through use the evaluation system such as the revealed comparative advantage indices , trade competitiveness index , the market share of international to evaluation the export competitiveness . The conclusion is that the competitiveness of the export of electromechanical products in Liaoning is in the mid to upper level .

  18. 绿色产品无论在国内还是国际市场的占有率都很低。

    Green products ' possession rate is very low whether in domestic or international markets .

  19. 沿海地区的水产品在国际市场上的占有率比较可观。

    The international market share of coastal aquatic products is very impressive .

  20. 但是,中国的纸和纸制品在国际市场上的占有率还不高,出口的潜力并没有完全发挥,出口贸易还存在增长的可能性。

    However , paper and paper products in China is not high on the international market , as the international market share index is not on top among other countries . In the meantime , China still holds a huge export potential which will lead to a possible higher growth .

  21. 而发展绿色食品产业,对于突破国外绿色壁垒,提高我国农产品的国际竞争力和国际市场占有率,促进我国农村经济发展和农民增收都具有非常重要的意义。

    It indicates the magnificent interests to China to develop green food industry in overcoming the Green barriers established by other countries , be more competitive in the international market and facilitating Chinese agricultural economy and increasing the peasants ' incomings .

  22. 然而,从近期来看,中国作为农业大国而并非农业强国,在农产品的国际竞争力弱、国际市场占有率低的情况下,挑战远远大于机遇。

    However , China is a great agricultural country , not a strong country in a short term . The compete capacity and the possessive rate of agricultural products are weak in the international market .

  23. 企业进入国际市场,要提高产品国际市场占有率,面对的难题之一是如何突破贸易壁垒,通过国际认证是有效的解决途径。

    The world enterprises face the same challenges on how to break technical barriers of International trade . If they want to enter international markets and increase international markets share of their products .

  24. 第三,产业国际竞争力指数评价值较低主要是由于产业国际市场占有率、产业贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数均处于较低水平。

    Third , the evaluation value of industry international competitiveness evaluation index is the lowest , mainly because industry international market share , industry trade competitiveness index , revealed comparative advantage index are in low level .

  25. 目前,世界航空物流业领先的企业已在中国广泛并成功开展国际航空物流业务,市场份额不断上升,而我国航空运输企业在国际市场上的占有率则持续下降。

    Presently , the world advanced enterprises in air-logistics have extensively done business in Mainland and held more and more market share . However , the taken up rate of our native airline enterprises is descending in international air transportation market .

  26. 但是相对于其他先进省份,辽宁省农业的国际竞争力还存在弱势,主要表现在:农产品贸易在对外贸易总量中的比重逐渐下降,出口数量少,国际市场份额占有率低。

    But compared with the advanced agricultural provinces , the international competition of agriculture in Liaoning province is still weak . Mainly , the proportion of agricultural trade in the total foreign trade gradually decreases , export quantity is little with low international market share .