
ɡuó jiā jié ɡòu xínɡ shì
  • form of state structure;structural form of a state
  1. 宪政的实现离不开国家结构形式科学的设计和运行。

    It is impossible to carry out constitutional politics without the scientific design and operation of the form of state structure .

  2. 论国家结构形式选择中的民族因素&新中国和前苏联的比较

    On the Nationality Factor in the Choice of the Form of State Structure & the Comparison between the People 's Republic of China and the Former Soviet Union

  3. 政体即为政权组织形式,但应当包括国家结构形式。

    The system of government includes the state 's structural arrangement .

  4. 其对国家结构形式的认识,不少地方至今仍闪烁着光芒,值得研究。

    Today the development of his view of national structure is still worth studying .

  5. 国家结构形式主要可以分为单一制国家和复合制国家。

    The form of state 's structure is divided into single state and multiple state .

  6. 香港特别行政区的设立使我国单一制国家结构形式有了新的充实。

    The founding of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region marks a new expansion of our single state structure .

  7. 苏联联邦制度是建立在以民族划分为基础上的国家结构形式。

    The Soviet Union Federal system is a state structure that was established on the basis of ethnic division .

  8. 共性与特色:中外国家结构形式比较

    General Characters and Distinguishing Feature : Comparison of the State Structure Forms between China and those of Foreign Countries

  9. 我介绍了中俄两国民族,历史和政治等国家结构形式选择的影响因素。

    I introduced the Chinese and Russian national , historical and political structure of the national element of free choice .

  10. 但在不同国家结构形式的国家中,这种监督呈现出不同的形式及特点。

    However , in the countries with different state structure , this kind of supervision has different forms and features .

  11. 当代中国是混合了单一制和联邦制因素而形成的一种独特的国家结构形式。

    A special model of state structure has been formed in contemporary China which combines features of unitary system and federalism .

  12. 在商王国内,实行的是独具特色的内外服的国家结构形式。

    In Shang kingdom , what carry out was the national configuration of " internal and external different levels management " of only characteristic .

  13. 民族联邦制是苏联的国家结构形式,它在社会基础、制度资源方面存在先天不足并与联邦制的逻辑内涵存在抵触。

    The federal system of races was the national structure of the Soviet Union . It had a congenital defect in the social basis and system resources and worked against logical connotation of the federal system .

  14. 在民国初年国家结构形式的选择过程中,民族因素同样产生了重要影响,使得人们逐渐认识到单一制是适合中国现实国情的国家结构形式。

    The factors of " Minzu " also exerted important influence on the choice of the state structural arrangement in the early republican period and made people gradually realize that the unitary system adapted to the Chinese context .

  15. 农村基层群众自治组织,严格说来不是国家结构形式的内在要素,但又通过与基层政权组织的交互作用中对国家结构形式产生一定的影响。

    Rural grassroots autonomous organization of the people , strictly speaking is not a country structure forms of internal factors , but also by the government and the interaction of the organization in the form of state structure to produce certain effect .

  16. 分析了清末民初国家结构形式思想的演进以及民国初年国家结构形式的选择,对当时的中央与民族地方关系进行了梳理和研究。

    It analyzed the thought evolution of the state structural arrangement in late Qing and early republic period and the choice of the state structural arrangement in the early republican period , summarized and studied the relationship between central and ethnic regions .

  17. 然而,这种一体化运动却遭到了民族国家这种政治结构形式的抵制。

    However , it is resisted by the structural form of nation-states in the world .

  18. 从早期国家结构的基本形式看秦汉大一统政治的社会基础

    The social foundation of the unitary state of Qin and Han dynasties as viewed from the early primitive state structure

  19. 国家会议中心工程结构形式复杂,立面造型曲面多变,圆柱和异形构件变化多样,使用常规测量手段难以满足精度要求。

    The National Conference Center project has a complicated structure form , varied curvy shape , persified cylinder columns and special-shaped components .

  20. 由于历史文化传统、国家的单一制结构形式以及长期的计划经济体制的影响,中国独特的中央、地方关系的职责同构模式形成。

    As a historical and social tradition , China once adopted a uni-structure mechanism and a planning economy , thus forming a China-specific mode of identical responsibility between the central and the local governments .

  21. 中国是世界上解决民族问题最好的国家之一,也是世界上唯一在单一制国家结构形式下实行民族区域自治制度的国家。

    PRC is one of the best countries that solve national problem in the world , is only one country to make regional national autonomy under unitary state .

  22. 试论希腊城邦与中国早期国家的差异&兼谈地理环境对国家经济结构及治理形式的影响

    On the Difference Between Grecian Polis and Chinese Early State

  23. 意识形态不同的国家有不同的档案法规,即使相同社会制度的国家由于国家结构形式的不同,其档案法规亦呈现不同的特点。

    Countries with different ideologies have different archival laws and regulations . Even in the countries with the same ideology , their archival laws and regulations present different archival features , because of the different framework of their states .

  24. 战国时期,郡县制政体下分立的中央集权制国家的建立及各国政治、经济、军事制度的逐步统一,将中国早期国家的结构形式推进至早期单一制阶段。

    During the Warring States Period the centralized states established and the political , economic and military systems of different states gradually became unified , thus forming early unitary state structure .

  25. 单一制国家宪法则无直接冠名,也很少在宪法全文中用单一制这样明显的文字直接表述国家结构形式。

    While the constitution of unitary state does not name it a unitary state directly , nor expresses the states structure by using the dear word of unitary system in the full context of the constitution .