
ɡuó jì mào yì shù yǔ jiě shì tōnɡ zé
  • International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms;International Chamber of Commerce Terms
  1. 国际贸易术语解释通则

    International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms

  2. 提示:国际贸易术语解释通则是非常有用的,但是其用途具有局限性。

    Tip : Incoterms can be quite useful , but their use has limitations .

  3. 而且,国际贸易术语解释通则不是法律。

    Also , Incoterms are not laws .

  4. 《国际贸易术语解释通则》的使用国际贸易术语解释通则并非暗含在货物销售合同中。

    Use of Incoterms Incoterms are not implied into contracts for the sale of goods .

  5. 现行的版本为《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》。

    The current version is Incoterms 2000 .

  6. 如果想采用国际贸易术语解释通则,必须特地将其写进合同中。

    If you desire to use Incoterms , you must specifically include them in your contract .

  7. 国际贸易术语解释通则对电子数据交换了规定,只要买卖双方在销售合同中同意采用即可。

    Incoterms provides for EDI so long as buyers and sellers agree on their use in the sales contract .

  8. 国际贸易术语解释通则在设计上是用于书面的货物销售合同的。

    Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written contract for the sale of goods .

  9. 本合同条款,除另有规定外,依照《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》解释。

    Unless otherwise stipulated hereof , the terms and conditions of this contract shall be interpreted in accordance with Incoterms 2000 .

  10. 所以,国际贸易术语解释通则援引销售合同而非货物运输合同。

    Incoterms , therefore , refer to the contract of sale , rather than the contract of carriage of the goods .

  11. 2000年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通讯使用的增加,以及运输方式的变化。

    The2000revision of Incoterms took account of the spread of customs-free zones , the increased use of electronic communication , and the change in transport practices .

  12. 运输保险由我们取得,如果根据所约定的交货条件(适用最近的《国际贸易术语解释通则》)我们有义务承担该等保险。

    The transport insurance will be obtained by us to the extent we are obligated to do so pursuant to the agreed upon delivery terms ( most recent Incoterms ) .

  13. 《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》20世纪20年代,商人们开发了一套用于说明他们在货物销售和运输中权利和义务的贸易术语。

    Incoterms 2000 By the 1920s , commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and liabilities with regard to the sale and transport of goods .

  14. 而且合同应该明确援引国际贸易术语解释通则的最新修订本,如《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》中确定的解释规则。此外,还应该通过附加的合同条款确保这些术语的正确应用。

    Further , your contract should expressly refer to the rules of interpretation as defined in the latest revision of Incoterms , for example , Incoterms 2000 , and you should ensure the proper application of the terms by additional contract provisions .

  15. 本合同对任何贸易术语(如CIF、FOB、CFR)的援引都视为是对2000年国际商会贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)的相关术语的援引。

    Any quotation of trade terms ( such as CIF , FOB and CFR ) shall be deemed as the quotation of the relevant term under the2000 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms ( INCOTERMS ) .

  16. 贸易条款:本合同所适用的贸易条款由国际商会2000年国际贸易术语解释通则决定。

    Trade Terms : Trade terms used in this contract shall be governed by the provisions of INCOTERMS 2000 adopted by the International Chamber of Commerce .

  17. 援引的任何贸易术语应视为国际商会出版的《国际贸易术语解释通则》中对应的贸易术语。

    Any reference made to trade terms is deemed to be made to the relevant term of Incoterms published by the International Chamber of Commerce .

  18. 国际贸易惯例的最新发展及其应用&《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》探讨

    New development of international trade practice and its application