
  1. 科纳仕中国研究主任妮可·彭表示,华为今年正在计划开发海外市场,提升自己的全球存在感。这么做因为华为每十个设备中就有七个在国内出售,但是国内的需求量目前已经停止增长了。

    Nicole Peng , research director of Canalys China , said Huawei is planning to explore overseas markets to expand its global presence this year because about seven of every 10 devices it sells go to the Chinese market , where demand has stopped growing .

  2. 按某些标准计算,中国工商银行是全球市值最大的金融机构。以中国石油为例,该公司在上海的首次公开募股(IPO)仅向国内投资者出售了2.2%的股份。

    PetroChina , for example , sold a mere 2.2 % of its share capital to domestic investors in its Shanghai initial public offering .

  3. 你看,吉米,TPP让美国企业有在国内外出售他们产品的机会。

    Look , Jimmy , the TPP allows American businesses to sell their products both at home and abroad .

  4. 前款所述进口料、件,只限于本企业自用,不得在国内市场出售;

    Described in the preceding section import materials , pieces , confined to the enterprise-occupied , not sold in the domestic market ;

  5. 但中国一直不愿对国内合法出售和交易野生动物市场采取打击行动。

    But it has also been reluctant to move against legal markets for the sale and trade of wild animals inside of China .

  6. 以低于国内市场价格出售货物到国外。

    Selling goods abroad at a price below that charged in the domestic market .

  7. 收集国内市场上出售的124个茶叶和19个茶饮料样品,进行氟含量状况的调查。

    The F content of 124 tea and 19 tea drinking samples of various provinces were investigated .

  8. 该公司在国内以低价出售天然气,从而保证贫困人口在冬天取暖。

    It sells gas cheaply in Russia , so that the poor do not freeze in winter .

  9. 政府通过以更高的价格收购大米而补贴农民收入,不愿将大米在国内市场便宜出售。

    The government , which is subsidizing farmers ' income by buying rice at higher prices , is reluctant to sell it cheaply in the domestic market .

  10. 为引导开发商启动新项目,决策者必须首先通过低息贷款鼓励摇摆不定的购房者,尽快降低国内的未出售住宅存量。

    To induce property developers to start new projects , policy makers first had to encourage a rapid drawdown of China 's existing unsold housing stock by bolstering shattered sentiment with easy money .

  11. 此外,能源咨询机构WoodMacKenzie估计,中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)是以短期亏损为代价修建通过缅甸的管线,因该公司将以市场价购买天然气,然后在国内以补贴价出售。

    Furthermore , the Wood Mackenzie energy consultancy estimates that CNPC is building the pipelines through Myanmar at a short-term loss , as it will buy gas at market price and sell it at subsidized prices at home .