
  • 网络transportation risk;Risk
  1. 深圳市某地液化石油气公路运输风险分析

    Highway transportation risk analysis of LPG in certain district in Shenzhen city

  2. 研究了时间依赖的危险化学品运输风险度量模型,通过时间依赖风险度量模型测算出交通网络中不同路段不同时间的风险值。

    Study the time-dependent transportation risk measure model of dangerous chemical , based on which measure the risk value of different route and time in transportation network .

  3. 基于FUZZYAHP的危险货物运输风险评估与预警

    Risk evaluation and early warning for hazardous material transportation based on Fuzzy AHP

  4. 最后,建立J企业危险化学品公路运输风险管理体系框架。

    Finally , the establishment of the enterprise risk management system framework for road transport of hazardous chemicals .

  5. 论文建立了LNG航线运输风险评价模型及基于风险评估的航线配船模型,并通过实证研究验证了模型的可行性,对于LNG项目规划中航线选择及配船具有很好的实际运用价值。

    Through empirical research to verify the feasibility of the model , which has a good practical application for routes selection and shipping arrangement in the LNG project planning .

  6. 基于运输风险的战时运输网络交通流分配模型

    Traffic Assignment Model of Wartime Transportation Network Based on Transportation Risk

  7. 危险品道路运输风险分级指数法研究

    Study on the risk rank indices of hazardous materials transportation

  8. 水路危险品运输风险定量分析与评价探讨

    Analysis of Risk in Transport of Dangerous Goods by Waterway

  9. 危险化学品公路运输风险研究进展

    Development in Risk Study on Hazardous Chemical Materials Road Transportation

  10. 放射性物质运输风险概览

    An Overlook of the Transportation Risks Involving Radioactive Materials

  11. 特大桥梁危险品运输风险分析及防范措施研究

    Risk Assessment of Transporting Dangerous Articles on Long-span Concrete Bridge and Preventive Measures

  12. 道路危险货物运输风险分析及路线优化研究

    On the Risk Analysis and Multi-objective Routh Optimization of Road Hazardous Materials Transportation

  13. 有害物品运输风险度量模型的两种改进分析

    Analysis of Two Risk Models Meliorated from the Population Exposure Model for Hazmat Transport

  14. 蒙特卡罗方法在危险货物道路运输风险评价中的应用

    Application of Monte-Carlo Method to the Risk Assessment of Hazardous Materials during Road Transportation

  15. 基于人-机-环境系统工程的军用危险品铁路运输风险评价

    Risk Assessment of Railway Transportation of Military Hazardous Articles Based on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering

  16. 模糊综合评价法在危险化学品道路运输风险评价中的应用

    Fuzzy multi-criteria modeling and its application in the risk assessment of hazardous chemical materials road transportation

  17. 伴随着海运业的发展,海上运输风险也不断增大。

    Along with the development of shipping industry , the risk of maritime transport is increasing quickly .

  18. 湘境国道4项目危险品运输风险环境影响分析方法研究

    Environmental Impact Analytical Method of Dangerous Articles Transport Hazard for the Project of Hunan 4th National Highway 4

  19. 浅析长江下游水域散装液态危险货物运输风险管理

    Analysis of Management of Risk in Transportation of Bulk Liquid Dangerous Goods at Down-stream of the Yangtze River

  20. 目标是使总成本、运输风险成本和拖期送达的惩罚成本最小。

    The objective is minimization of the overall costs , transporting risk costs and delay time punishment costs .

  21. 并与多家保险公司合作,大大减低了货物的在途运输风险。

    And cooperation with a number of insurance companies , greatly reduce the transport of goods in transit risks .

  22. 除非另有约定,买方自行承担货物运输风险及费用。

    Unless otherwise agreed upon , transport of the goods is affected at the risk and expense of the Buyer .

  23. 因此,我们在第三章的基础上构建一个考虑运输风险的含有两个目标的成本最小化模型。

    Therefore , we build a two-objective model to minimize the cost which contains transporting risk based on the third chapter .

  24. 同时为了有效控制运输风险,提出了保障液化天然气罐式集装箱水路运输安全的相应建议。

    Some relevant suggestions to assure waterway transportation safety of LNG tank container for controlling transportation risk effectively are put forward .

  25. 摘要危险化学品运输风险分析是安全运输决策的依据和事故预警和应急救援的关键。

    Risk analysis of dangerous chemical transportation is the basis of safety transportation decision and the key of accident warning and emergency rescue .

  26. 目前,国内外有关其运输风险分析和路线优化方面的研究,仍然存在一些薄弱点。

    But now , the researchs concerning risk analysis and route optimization for road hazmat transport in domestic and foreign still have many weak points .

  27. 因此,如何通过风险评价降低运输风险,对确保气体类危险货物道路运输安全具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , how to reduce transportation risk by risk evaluation is of great realistic importance to ensure the safety of the gas of dangerous goods transportation .

  28. 本文在以往有害废物运输风险研究的基础上,提出基元路段的概念,描述了相关特征,并建立了运输风险、运输成本的计算模型及运输路线优化的多目标决策模型。

    Based on the study of risk of hazardous wastes'transportation , the concept of " basic routes " is put forward and its relative characteristics are described in this paper .

  29. 全面剖析研究课题,从四个方面进行文献综述,包括危险废物管理、运输风险度量、风险公平性、危险废物回收路径优化。

    Many literature-related with the research topic are searched and sorted out , including hazardous waste management , transportation risk metrics problem , risk fairness problem , hazardous waste recycling path optimization problem .

  30. 首先研究的是风险公平性的内容,先对固体危险废物回收运输风险进行度量。

    The first study is the contents of the risk of fairness . First , it evaluates the risk of the recycling transportation , and gives the risk model of covering a population .