
  • 网络operational requirements;Service Requirement
  1. 这一切显示该线路满足运行要求。

    All show the line meets operational requirements .

  2. 今天我们要谈论的是对于运行要求的,综合安全分析。

    Today we 're gonna talk about the integration of safety analysis into operational requirements .

  3. 随着电力系统的发展和对系统运行要求的不断提高,灵活交流输电(FACTS)技术在电力系统中的应用日益广泛。

    With the development of the electric power system and the increasing requirement of power system operation , the technique of Flexible AC Transmission System ( FACTS ) has been widely applied .

  4. 分析了2起10kV电磁式电压互感器(TV)爆炸的原因,提出了在2变电站分别采用更换开关特性优良的开关和加入一个特殊设计的第4TV的解决方案,满足了各自的运行要求。

    The explosive reasons for two 10 kV electromagnetic type voltage transformers ( TV ) were analyzed . The schemes for 2 substations to adopt the switch scheme and 4 TV scheme respectively were put forward .

  5. 根据不同地域的导航设施覆盖情况和运行要求,可选择的PBN运行方式也不同,在PBN导航规范对其进行了说明。

    PBN navigation specification describes that , PBN operation method will be optional According to the coverage of navigation facilities in different regions and the different requirments .

  6. 组团式供电网络在结构、安全性、稳定性和可靠性方面均可满足系统运行要求,具备了将220kV设备的调度权进行下放的必要条件。

    The group supplying network is considered to posses the necessary condition of the power dispatch relations shift , because it can meet the demand of the system operation in terms of structure , safety , stability as well as reliability .

  7. 从设备国产化程度及可靠性、厂址及运输条件、电网运行要求等方面,对600MW超超临界机组与1000MW机组相比所具有的优势进行了论述;

    From the aspects of the localization degree and reliability of the equipment , the site and transportation conditions , and the power grid operation requirement , the advantages of 600 MW USC unit over 1 000 MW units was presented .

  8. 三峡工程左岸电站14台单机容量700MW水轮发电机组实行国际招标,招标文件突出了三峡机组的特殊运行要求;体现了当前该领域的先进水平;

    An international competitive bidding system was applied into the procurement of 14 sets of turbine generating units , each capacity of 700 MW , for the left hydroelectric station at the Three Gorges Project .

  9. 保证环境条件满足控制系统正常运行要求;

    Ensure environmental conditions satisfy control system normal operation requirements ;

  10. 介绍了生物安全实验室特有的安全运行要求。

    Presents the special requirements of biosafety laboratory safe running .

  11. 目录服务只可以在一个页状对象上运行要求的操作。

    The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object .

  12. 因此船舶冷库运行要求越来越高,特别是冷藏运输船。

    So shipping cold store system is required to run with kilter , especially reefer .

  13. 改善这类保护的性能,使其能够满足大用户电力系统运行要求,并能够节省工程造价,具有一定现实意义。

    Improved transverse differential protection will decrease the cost of project and have practical significance .

  14. 双偏心曲柄摆式飞剪机的运行要求

    Circulate Requirement of a Pair Shears Machine

  15. 4号深孔洞身时均压力分布均匀,无负压,设计侧墙高度满足运行要求;

    The No. 4 deep outlet is under uniform pressure and in it no negative pressure occurs .

  16. 在一个微网系统中,不同的分布式电源采用不同的控制策略可以满足微网不同的运行要求。

    For a Microgrid , when different distributed generation adopts different control strategy , it can realize different target .

  17. 通过分析,得到机座强度储备较高、符合安全运行要求的结论。

    Through analysis it can be concluded that the strength reservation is adequate and the frame can run safely .

  18. 改造后的排水控制系统具有以下功能:可根据水位和运行要求自动起动、停运排水泵;

    The modified drainage control system can automatically start-up / shut-down drainage pump as per water level and operation requirements ;

  19. 根据现场运行要求,设计了装置应具有的各种功能。

    According to the locale requirement , the blue print has designed various kinds of functions that the device should have .

  20. 根据不同的船舶运行要求选择不同形式的艉管轴承,可以提高船舶轴系运行稳定性。

    Choosing different ship aft stern tube bearing as the whole ship performance can increase the stability of the ship shafting system .

  21. 洪家渡水电站泄洪隧洞的设计优化,经多种设计方案的比较论证,优选出适宜于该洞自然条件和运行要求的方案三。

    There are two methods namely flood discharge tunnel and spillway selected and compared for flood discharge structure of the Hengquan Reservoir Project .

  22. 仿真结果表明鲁棒控制器能满足变负荷运行要求,而变参数控制器明显地改善了系统的性能。

    The simulation results show that the robust controller can fulfill all the operational requirements and that the parameter-varying controller improves the system performance remarkably .

  23. 根据下游用户用气规律以及地下储气库的实际运行要求,拟定了两种典型工况下的若干短期调峰方案,并对调峰方案进行了模拟。

    Based on consumption law and practical operation requirements of underground gas storage , several short-term peak shaving scenarios of typical condition are studied on .

  24. 结果表明,这种新的设计方法能结合运行要求,因而,所设计的系统能较好地满足工程需要。

    It shows that this approach is suitable to the actual situation and the simulating result shows the designed system can meet the needs of practice .

  25. 试验结果表明设备性能完善,能够满足核电站正常和事故工况下的运行要求。

    The test results show that the equipment performance is excellent which operation requirement can be satisfied in normal or accident conditions for the power plant .

  26. 随着半导体产业飞度发展,视觉定位成为满足电子制造设备高速高精运行要求的核心技术。

    With the development of semiconductor industry , visual position becomes the core technologies which satisfy the requirements of high precision and speed for electronic manufacturing equipment .

  27. 结合广东电网安稳控制系统的配置情况和实际运行要求,提出了紧急控制措施决策框架。

    According to the configuration of stability control system and operation requirements of Guangdong Power System , the frame of decision-making about emergency control in system is developed .

  28. 加载车具有能满足运行要求的线性和非线性临界速度,其中同时施加垂向和横向载荷的移动加载LZY工况的非线性稳定性最差。

    Track loading vehicle has linear and nonlinear critical speeds which can meet the operation requirements , but the nonlinear stability is worst by vertical and horizontal load .

  29. 针对多级胶带输送机同步运行要求,分析了胶带机变频拖动同步运行实现的几种模式。

    According to the requirements of synchronous speed control of series conveying belt , several patterns which could realize the synchronous speed control under frequency conversion was analyzed .

  30. 结果表明风水联合冷渣器满足锅炉运行要求,主要参数均达到设计值,但在系统方面需进一步完善。

    It shows that the main parameters of ash cooler with air and water adopted are certifiable , but some of its systems must be developed in further .