
  • 网络operational efficiency;OEE;efficiency;efficiency run
  1. 最后对系统程序进行了优化处理,并改进了FFT的实现方法和维特比译码算法提高了程序运行效率。

    At last , we optimize the system , and improve FFT and viterbi algorithm in order to enhance the operational efficiency .

  2. 属于NPC类算法的飞机着陆调度问题对机场系统的容量和运行效率起一个至关重要的作用。

    Aircraft landing scheduling problem , which is categorized in NPC , plays an important role in airport capacity and operational efficiency .

  3. X效率理论对提高高校内部运行效率的借鉴意义

    The Reference Significance of Theory of X-efficiency for Raising Inner Operation Efficiency of Colleges and Universities

  4. 通过编写SqlServer存储过程和存储过程的嵌套调用,实现了程序的优化,提高了运行效率。

    The procedure was optimized due to programmed SQL Server Stored Procedure . Consequently , the procedure efficiency was improved .

  5. 同时新Web服务器通过其自身的胶粘功能,支持高级语言Python编写的Web程序,对系统的运行效率也起到一定的促进作用。

    Meanwhile , the new web server can support the web program of high-language compile by self-glue , which improves system operation .

  6. 中国钢铁、汽车、房地产行业运行效率研究(2000~2004)&基于33家上市公司面板数据的DEA实证分析

    Study on the Operation Efficiency of Steel , Automobile and Real Estate Industry in China during 2000 ~ 2004

  7. Country-WideCharteredBank提供小额和大宗银行业务服务的全球性银行提高发展和运行效率。

    Country-Wide Chartered Bank Global banking serving both the retail and wholesale banking industry Improve development and operational efficiencies .

  8. 为了提高仿真系统的总体运行效率,以组件对象模型&COM和分布式COM技术为基础,设计了系统的分布式体系结构。

    To improve the overall efficiency of simulation system , COM and Distributed COM are studied , so a distributed architecture of the simulation system is built .

  9. 网络性能管理是网络管理的基本内容之一,性能管理的目的就是要维护网络服务质量(QualityOfService,简称QOs)和网络运行效率,其有效性是网络管理的首要问题。

    The network performance management ( NPM ) with responsibility for maintaining Quality Of Service and running efficiency is one of basic contents for the network management ( NM ), and its validity is the all-important problem of NM .

  10. 文章针对当前主机系统所面临的效率问题,提出减小CA分裂次数,加快VSAM文件访问速度的有效方法,以此来提高系统运行效率。

    To solve the efficiency problem of current mainframe systems , we present an approach for improving VSAM file access speed .

  11. J2EE中成熟的持久化机制缺乏运行效率和开发效率之间的平衡,也没有给出一种统一、简单的数据管理方式。

    The mature data persistence mechanism from J2EE can not balance well between runtime efficiency and developing efficiency , and can not provide a uniform and straight forward management mode .

  12. 以一个TCP与UDP相结合的网上缴费系统作为实例,在较好的网络环境下采用UDP进行进程间的通信时,保障措施的完善可以简化编程、提高运行效率。

    Taking an example of an Internet which combind UDP and TCP , consubmit_payment system , perfecting of safeguard action could predigest programming and improve efficiency .

  13. 了解到这一点,您的提高账本底线以及ROI的机会将显示出敏捷的优秀的运行效率。

    Knowing this , your opportunity for improving the bottom line and thus the ROI is to show the superior operational efficiency of Agile .

  14. P2P结构与传统的C/S结构比较,在可靠性、系统整体抗毁性、运行效率和经济性等方面具有优势。

    The P2P architecture has advantages in reliability , destruction-resistant of whole system , running efficiency , and economy , compared with traditional C / S ( client / server ) architecture .

  15. 目前基于PC平台的包捕获技术已经比较成熟,但其嵌入式平台低存储空间、低CPU资源情况下的运行效率较低。

    Currently , the packet capture technology is relatively mature on PC platform , but it run under the less efficient on embedded platform which have only less storage space and less CPU resources .

  16. 本论文深入研究了星载SAR影像的正射校正处理方法,为开发一个可操作性强、运行效率高的SAR影像处理软件系统提供技术支持。

    In this paper , the ortho-rectification methodologies of space-borne SAR imagery were studied in detail with objectives to solve key technique problems raised by developing an efficient and operational SAR imagery processing software system .

  17. 运用AHP模糊综合评价法、层次分析法对黑龙江省大宗农产品物流网络系统运行效率进行评价,并对评估结果优异的物流企业进行优势分析。

    Application of AHP fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and AHP method to evaluate the operation efficiency on agricultural product logistics network system in Heilongjiang province . And evaluate the advantage on outstanding logistics enterprises .

  18. 为了提高公交系统运行效率,实现智能化公交,本文提出了一个基于GPS与GPRS的公交智能监控系统。

    In order to improve the operation efficiency of public traffic system and realize intelligent transportation systems , an intelligent supervisory system of buses , which based on GPS and GPRS , is proposed in this paper .

  19. 通常骨骼动画是三维图形引擎运行效率的瓶颈点之一,另一方面,近年来可编程GPU技术在三维图形处理领域已得到广泛研究。

    Usually the efficiency of skeletal animation is one of the bottleneck point . On the other hand , programmable in recent years GPU technology has been extensive researched .

  20. 由于仿真规模扩大和仿真复杂度的提高对于仿真效率的迫切需求,一些应用单位尝试将HLA应用移植到高性能计算机上,以提高仿真系统运行效率。

    As the simulation of the scale and complexity of simulation grows largely , some users attempt to migrate HLA applications to high performance computers in order to improve the efficiency of simulation system .

  21. Linux核心的可裁减性好,网络协议运行效率高,而且可以获得全部源代码,是构建VPN系统的理想平台。

    In Linux , the kernel is easy to be reduced , the network protocal works efficiently and all the source codes can be obtained , thus it is an ideal platform to construct the VPN system .

  22. 结果显示最优搜索的ICA算法运行效率高,信号分离纯度好,对振动信号有高效的降噪作用,并利用小波包分解准确地检测出振动信号中的碰摩信息,其效果优于小波分解法。

    Simulation results show that the modified ICA algorithm is effective on denoise of vibra signal , and wavelet packet decomposition may provide richer early rub impact fault information than wavelet decomposition .

  23. 本文论述了在Transputcr并行处理系统上用并行C语言进行程序设计的一些特点,并以实例表明并行C语言不仅继承了原来串行C语言简洁明了的优点,而且还有较高的并行程序设计和运行效率。

    In this paper , we discuss the features of programming on Transputer system with parallel C , and show by example that parallel C not only inherits simplicity and clarity of the original serial C , but is also efficient in designing and running parallel program .

  24. 本文借助数据包络分析法(DEA),利用从业人员、固定资产投资和GDP三项指标测算了1992年&2008年新疆的经济运行效率。

    This paper calculates the economy operating efficiency of Xinjiang during 1992-2008 year with the aid of the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) method and three indexes & the practitioners , fixed assets investment and GDP .

  25. 为了提高服务器端的运行效率,对功能子组件采用DLL进程内服务器模式,对主管理组件采用EXE非本地服务器模式。

    To improve the processing efficiency , all of the sub-components are designed as DLL in-process server , and the managing component is designed as non-native EXE server .

  26. 在实际工程应用中,选择性催化还原(SCR)反应器第一层催化剂层入口的烟气流速和氨气浓度分布关系到整个装置的运行效率。

    In real projects application , the flue gas velocity and the ammonia concentration distribution at the inlet of the first catalyst layer in SCR reactor impact the operation efficiency of the whole system .

  27. 随着Internet的高速发展,采用并行WEB服务器机群系统是实现高性能Web服务器的一个有效途径,通过请求分配使机群达到负载平衡是提高这种系统运行效率的基本手段。

    With the thriving of the Internet , Applying the Parallel Web Server Clusters system is an efficient way to achieving the high performance of the Web Server . And a basic method of improving the performance of the system is to balancing the Server Load by dispatching the requests .

  28. 最后,为了揭示mccs的功能与效率,侧重分析了市场的资源配置功能的具体表现与市场自身的内部运行效率。

    Seventh , it analysis in detail the allocate function of resources , and the efficiency of the inner operation .

  29. 其运行效率高于用几何模型法向量与刀具扫掠体求交的方法,验证精度大于用Z坐标方向矢量与刀具扫掠体求交的算法。

    This algorithm has higher efficient than the method which uses tool path envelope intersection with normal vector of surface of geometry model and has higher verification precise than the method that uses tool path envelope intersection with z direction vectors .

  30. 仿真实验证明改算法可提高DIT-FFT的运行效率。

    Simulation experiment shows that the operating efficiency of DIT-FFT is improved with the algorithm .