
yùn shū shōu rù
  • Transportation revenue;traffic receipts
  1. 外国公司船舶运输收入免征企业所得税证明表

    Certification of Income Tax Exemption on Shipping Income by Foreign Enterprises

  2. 铁路运输收入分析与决策系统的研究与开发

    Research and development on Analysing and Decision of Railway Transportation Income System

  3. 关于完善铁路运输收入的分配办法的探讨

    Discussion on Improvement of Distribution Methods of Railway Transportation Income

  4. 铁路运输收入管理信息系统升级开发及应用

    Upgrading Development and Application of Management Information System for Railway Transport Income

  5. 浅谈如何做好运输收入的计划工作

    Talking about How to Do Well the Planning Work for Transportation Income

  6. 对铁路运输收入分配办法的研究

    Study on the distribution method for railway transportation revenue

  7. 铁路运输收入管内归己、直通清算分配方法的可行性论证

    Feasibility Study on the Method of Railway Revenue Distribution

  8. 铁路分线运输收入计算方法探究

    Railway Lines ' Transportation Revenue and Its Calculation Method

  9. 加强航空运输收入结算管理

    To Strengthen Settling Account Management of Air Transportation Income

  10. 适应新的市场需求开拓铁路运输收入的新思路

    New Train of Thought on Adapting to Market Needs and Increasing Transport Revenue

  11. 论铁路运输收入分配和企业经营机制的转换

    On Distribution of Railway Traffic Revenue and Trans-forming of Operation Mechanism of Enterprises

  12. 外国公司船舶运输收入税收管理中存在的问题及对策

    Issues of Tax Administration on Ocean Transportation Income of Foreign Companies and Countermeasures

  13. 海洋运输收入确认与计量的研究

    Researches in Recognition and Measurement of Ocean Shipping Revenue

  14. 航空运输收入管理概论

    Outline of Managing the Income of Air Transportation

  15. 管内归己、直通清算的运输收入分配办法述评

    Review on New Distribution Method of Transportation Revenue

  16. 民航运输收入结算程序改设模型

    Model of Settlement Procedures for Transport Income Transformed

  17. 也介绍了本系统应用于运输收入管理部门的情况。

    The system could be used in the aero of railway traffic income management .

  18. 铁路运输收入面临的形势与对策

    Situation and Countermeasure of Revenue of Railway Transportation

  19. 铁路运输收入票据管理系统探讨

    Development on Railway Traffic Income Ticket System

  20. 该指标与旅客运输收入成正比,与客运支出成反比。

    It is the direct proportion to passenger transport income and is the inverse proportion to passenger transport cost .

  21. 因此,需要研究速度目标值对客运需求和运输收入的影响。

    Therefore we need to research the influence of the speed target value on passenger-transport requirements and transportation incomes .

  22. 介绍了人工模式制定货运计划过程,并对铁路运输收入清算方法作了详细介绍。

    It introduces manual way of making freight plan , and talks a lot about the way of railway revenue clearance .

  23. 从事海上直航业务的航运公司在大陆取得的运输收入,可以免征营业税和企业所得税。

    Shipping companies engaged in direct transport services across the Taiwan Strait will be exempted from business tax and corporate income tax .

  24. 2011年租入船工作目标为实现运输收入10亿元人民币、创效1亿元人民币。

    Our operational target for the year of2011 is to generate transportation revenue and profit respectively amounting to1 billion RMB and100 million RMB .

  25. 2001年,全路完成运输收入1346亿元,比1997年增加了504亿元,增长59.9%。

    The railway transportation revenue totaled 134.6 billion yuan , a rise of 50.4 billion yuan , or 59.9 percent , on 1997 .

  26. 采用结构化分析方法与企业系统规划方法相结合,对铁路运输收入管理信息系统分析和设计的方法进行阐述。

    It was used structured analysis and business system planning method to expound how to analyze and design Railway Transportation Income Management Information System .

  27. 运输收入计划是运输收入管理的基本环节,计划工作的好坏直接影响着铁路运输业的经济效益。

    Transportation income planning , which is a basic link of transportation income management , has direct influence on the economic benefit of railroad transportation industry .

  28. 本文利用多人合作对策理论提出了铁路旅客列车运输收入合理分配的一种方法。

    A certain mumber viewpoint is explained , a method of the income distribution of the railway passenger train is put forward based on cooperative games .

  29. 在运输收入一定的情况下,航运企业必须加强船舶营运成本控制,降低成本,增加船舶的营运利润。

    In case of transporting incomes certainly , shipping enterprises must strengthen the operation cost of shipping to control , lower costs , increase the operation profit of shipping .

  30. 第条的规定,本公司以船舶从中国港口运载旅客、货物或者邮件出境所得的运输收入,可在中国免征企业营业税。

    Shipping income derived by the claimant from carrying passengers , cargo and mail on their vessels outbound from China shall be exempted from the Business Tax in China .