
  1. 我学习好,运动差。

    I was good in the classroom and bad at sport .

  2. 给出了结合运动差分信息的轮廓线初始化的跟踪算法。

    We combine the contour initialization based on different information with B-Spline snake model .

  3. 自主式水下航行器(AUV)对于人类开发海洋资源十分重要,作为关键部件的推进器一般采用螺旋桨和叶轮原理,存在机械效率低、噪音大、机动运动性差等缺点。

    Autonomous underwater vehicles ( AUV ) are quite important for the human being to develop the marine resources .

  4. 动态特征方面,以块匹配的三步搜索法为基础,计算视频帧间运动能量差(MEDF,MotionEnergyDifferencebetweenFrames),用量化的方式去区分各帧的重要程度。

    In dynamic characteristics , we calculate the motion energy difference between the video frames based on the three-step search block-matching method , in order to distinguish the importance degree of each frame in quantitative way .

  5. 大地构造运动动量差定量计算及解释

    Quantitative calculation and explanation of momentum difference during tectonic movement

  6. 各室壁间心肌运动速度差无差异,因此在利用速度差评价心功能时,仅测量一个室壁的指标即可。

    We can use velocity difference of one wall to evaluate left ventricular function .

  7. 脉搏血氧饱和度检测中自适应滤波消除运动伪差的方法研究

    The Study on the Adaptive Filtering Method for Eliminating the Motion Artifact in Pulse Oximetry Measurement

  8. 谐频成像声像图无明显的运动伪差,成像质量高。连续函数孔径在编码孔径成象中的应用

    There was no motion - related artifact on coded contrast - enhanced phase - inversion harmonic imaging . Coded Aperture Imaging with Continuons Patterns

  9. 研究认为健康意识差、膳食结构不合理、运动习惯差、缺少体育文化氛围是造成现状的重要原因。

    It points out that the neglect of ones health , the unreasonable meals , the wanting sport custom and sport culture are the reasons .

  10. 本文分析了影响足球机器人运动协调差的原因,针对机器人运动的特点,提出了同步补偿算法及实施方案。

    This paper analyses the cause of impact soccer robot motion discordance . Aim at characteristic of robot , this paper presents compensate arithmetic and implement scheme .

  11. 目的研究脉搏血氧饱和度检测系统中运动伪差的消除方法,以提高脉搏血氧仪检测性能。

    Objective The method of eliminating the motion artifact in the pulse oximetry measurement was studied in order to improve the performance character of the pulse oximeter .

  12. 这些患者可能会发生血液中脂肪水平升高、运动耐受差,认知功能减退,甚至可以随着时间的推移发展成痴呆症。

    People with such conditions can have high levels of fat in the blood and show poor exercise tolerance , some cognitive decline , and can even develop dementia over time .

  13. 在图像处理系统中使用多种处理算法,将运动帧差检测与颜色空间分割方法相结合,提高了目标检测的准确性,并对区域搜索算法进行优化,减少了图像处理程序的运算时间;

    More than one processing arithmetic are used in the image processing control system . The color segmentation method is combined with frame difference detection segmentation method to improve the veracity of moving object detection , and the searching arithmetic is optimized to reduce the processing time .

  14. 针对运动景物在差分图像中产生强脉冲干扰的特点,提出K邻域自适应滤波算法;

    A new filter algorithm named K neighborhood adaptive filter is proposed here for smoothing strong impulse disturbance in the difference image .

  15. 本文在对非饱和土壤水运动方程时间差分格式中引入了水力传导度K(θ)对含水率θ的变化率和压力梯度在空间上的变化率,两个因子。

    In this paper two variation rates , K / θ and h2 / Z2 , are introduced in a time difference scheme of the equation of unsaturated soil water flow movement .

  16. AC-PDP显示单元中粒子传输运动的稳定差分求解

    Stable Differential Numerical Method of Continous Equation of Particle Transport in an AC-PDP Cell

  17. 1例患儿检测心电图、心肌肌钙蛋白I未发现异常,但SPECT已检测出其室壁运动协调性差。

    The results of the EKG , CTnI m 1 cases treated with Daunorubicin were normal , but the result detected with SPECT found out that the concordant of wall motion of ventricle was not very well .

  18. 引入能较好地反映视频图像运动特性的差分帧直方图(HOD)来预分配码率。

    Histogram of differential frame ( HOD ) was introduced to allocate bits on frame level since it could indicate the motion degree of a picture effectively .

  19. 自制曲线M型超声测定心肌运动速率阶差的应用研究

    Application of myocardial velocity gradient using curved self-made m-mode echocardiography

  20. 运动面积的差分脉冲编码调制方法

    Moving area DPCM method

  21. 针对磨头进给系统采用传统立柱低腰移动方案,导致横向运动的稳定性差和磨头的刚性不足的局限性,发明了立柱中腰移动设计。

    The feed system of wheel head using traditional low waist design results in the bad movement stability and low stiffness .

  22. 该研究倒是表明,在有些患者身上,手术疗法更具优势&这些患者的上肺叶病变更严重,他们的运动能力也差。

    It did show an advantage in patients whose disease was worse in upper lobes of the lungs and whose exercise capacity was low .

  23. 用于分析有突变土层界面和水流锋面的非饱和土壤水运动的时间差分格式

    A time difference scheme for analyzing unsaturated water flow in soils with abrupt interfaces of different layers and with sharp wetting fronts of flow

  24. 为解决三环减速器振动大、温升高和运动平稳性差的问题,提出了一种新型减速装置&四环减速器。

    For the sake of solving the problems of heavy vibration , high temperature rise and poor stability of motion , a kind of new typed retarding device-four ring reducer-has been advanced .

  25. 心脏移植受者健康相关行为水平中等,其中运动行为最差;社会支持水平低于正常人。

    The health related behavior is medium level . The exercise behavior is the lowest level . The level of social support of heart transplant recipients is lower than normal people . 3 .

  26. 对于按有限元离散化的一般三维结构,考虑地面运动的相位差,推导了计算其位移及内力响应功率谱密度的表达式。

    For general 3D structures modelled according to FEM rules , the expressions of the power spectral density matrices of the displacement and internal force responces are derived with theground motion phase lags taken into account .

  27. 但传统研齿工艺运动控制精度差,材料去除率低,制约了螺旋锥齿轮精加工效率与质量的进一步提高。

    As the poor material removal rate and the low precision of the conventional lapping process is becoming an obstacle of improving lapping efficiency and quality , it is very necessary to improve further the precise machining level and efficiency .

  28. 对运动天赋稍差的运动员,在兼顾起运动的同时鼓励起升学深造,时刻关注运动员的思想动态,在其成长的道路上设身处地的为运动员把舵导航。

    For sports talent is a bit poor athletes , in both up movement while encouraging up further , always focus on athletes enters the ideological dynamic growing up , long road to put yourself in the athletes while heading for the reef navigation .

  29. 根据机器人用RV减速器对运动精度、回差及刚度有极严格的要求,提出了样机研制过程中所采取的关键措施。

    Proposes the key measure taken in development of sample machine because the RVreducer used in robot requires high accuracy of transmission accuracy , backlash and rigidity .

  30. 结果:中线旁双侧丘脑梗死综合征主要临床特征为多数急性起病,有不同程度意识障碍,Korsakoff遗忘综合征,垂直性眼球运动障碍,预后差。

    Results : The clinical characteristics of bilateral thalamus infarction near median line were most patients experienced acute , different level of conscious disorders , Korsakoff syndrome , upward gaze limitation . The patients had poor prognosis .