
yùn dònɡ fù hè shì yàn
  • Exercise load test;exercise tolerance test
  1. 结果:34例糖尿病患者完成了运动负荷试验,1例出现频发室性期前收缩,另1例出现心前区疼痛中止试验。

    RESULTS : Thirty four diabetic patients accomplished exercise tolerance test , of which , 1 case presented frequent ventricular extrasystole , another one presented precordial pain and stopped the test .

  2. 目的:比较分析运动负荷试验加彩色多普勒超声检查与单纯彩色多普勒超声检查对2型糖尿病患者左室舒张功能降低的早期评估作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To analyze in comparison the early evaluation on reduced diastolic function in left ventricle in patients with diabetes 2 between the examinations of exercise tolerance test combined with color Doppler flow image and simple color Doppler flow imaging .

  3. 运动负荷试验(exercisestresstest)能否发现心脏问题?

    Will an exercise stress test pick up heart problems ?

  4. 运动负荷试验P波时间及振幅动态变化临床意义探讨

    Appoach to the clinical significance of the dynamic change of P wave time and amplitude in the exercise load test

  5. 开展了经皮冠状动脉介入诊疗、心脏起搏器植入术、运动负荷试验、CT冠状动脉三位成像、食道电生理等检查。

    Carried out percutaneous coronary intervention , pacemaker implantation , exercise stress test , CT coronary three imaging , such as esophageal electrophysiological examination .

  6. 在35例运动负荷试验阳性中,P波动态变化者7例,占20%。

    Among 35 cases with positive reaction in the exercise load test , there are 7 who undergo the dynamic change of P wave , amount to 20 % .

  7. 最大运动负荷试验中,COPD患者发生运动肢体疲劳的比率显著高于健康对照组。

    The rate of leg fatigue after maximal exercise was significantly higher in COPD than the normal control .

  8. 结论运动负荷试验过程中LBP患者腰部肌肉sEMG有多种不同于正常人的信号特征,这些信号特征有望成为LBP诊断和疗效评价的有效指标。

    Conclusion The results demonstrate that sEMG is an effective tool in LBP diagnosis and evaluation of exercise therapeutic effects .

  9. 目的:对尘肺患者进行运动负荷试验,以探讨运动试验(ET)与常规肺功能试验(PFT)的关系和劳动能力评价。

    Objective : In order to approach to the relation between exercise testing ( ET ) and pulmonary function test ( PFT ), and work capacity , 32 patients with pneumoconiosis performed progressive exercise on a cycle ergometer .

  10. 表明DBA-SPECT是诊断冠心病的一种具有较高敏感性和特异性的方法.且安全可靠,可部分代替运动负荷试验。

    The results showed that DBA-SPECT is a feasible safe and non-invasive method for detecting coronary artery disease .

  11. 目前CPVT最佳的诊断试验是在运动负荷试验中诱发出双向性或多形性室性心律失常。

    The gold standar for the diagnosis of CPVT is bidirectional or polymorphic ventricular arrhythmia induced in exercise-stress test .

  12. 实验前两组都进行运动负荷试验。

    Both groups took part in exercise testing before experiment .

  13. 运动负荷试验评价肺切除术后心肺功能变化

    Echocardiographic exercise test for evaluation of cardiopulmonary function changes after pulmonary resection

  14. 心电图运动负荷试验在冠心病诊断中的价值

    Value of Bicycle Exercise Test in Diagnosing Coronary Heart Disease

  15. 急性心梗早期运动负荷试验的现状与展望急性心肌梗塞后早期运动试验阳性标准的探讨

    Observation on the criterion for a positive exercise testing in early AMI

  16. 运动负荷试验引起低血糖休克一例报告

    One Case of Hypoglycemic Shock Caused by Exercise Test

  17. 运动负荷试验对胸部手术患者心肺储备功能分析的意义

    Change in cardiopulmonary functional reserve after thoracic surgery assessed by treadmill exercise test

  18. 健康男性青年运动负荷试验的研究

    Study on the exercise test in young health men

  19. 颈椎运动负荷试验对颈性眩晕的诊断意义

    The impact of cervical spine movement load test on diagnosis of cervical vertigo

  20. 运动负荷试验无法预测这类潜在的心脏问题。

    An exercise stress test won 't predict these kinds of lurking heart problems .

  21. 运动负荷试验在乳腺癌和乳腺增生症彩超鉴别诊断中的价值

    Exercise Test of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in Differential Diagnosis of Breast Carcinoma and Mazoplasia

  22. 急性心梗的早期运动负荷试验(5例报告及文献复习)

    Early Exercise Testing After Acute Myocardial Infarction ( Report of 5 Cases and Review of Literature )

  23. 结论:冠状动脉慢血流现象与心电图运动负荷试验阳性相关。

    Conclusion : There is a relationship between coronary slow flow phenomenon and positive electrocardiograph exertion test .

  24. 儿童及青少年血压踏车运动负荷试验的临床意义

    The Clinical Value of Bicycle Exercise Stress Test in Children and Adolescents with High Risk Factors of Hypertension

  25. 目的研究心电图运动负荷试验对不典型心绞痛的诊断价值。

    Objective : To elucidate the diagnostic value of Bicycle Ergometer Test ( BET ) in untypical angina .

  26. 目的:观察冠状动脉造影慢血流现象与心脏运动负荷试验结果的相关性。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between coronary slow flow phenomenon and the result of electrocardiograph exertion test .

  27. 放射性核素运动负荷试验评价甲亢治疗前后左右心功能

    ^ ^ Evaluation of Left and Right Ventricular Function in Hyperthyroidism before and after Treated by Radionuclide Exercise Test

  28. 十二导联动态心电图加做晨起运动负荷试验诊断冠心病的价值

    The value of 12 - lead 24 - hour electrocardiogram combined with morning exercise testing in diagnosis of coronary artery disease

  29. 方法:采用阶段递增负荷方案,对20名支气管哮喘患者进行运动负荷试验,测定运动前后的肺功能。

    Methods : The exercise test and pulmonary function test before and after exercise were given in 20 patients with bronchial asthma .

  30. 汤普森博士:运动负荷试验的问题在于它只能发现业已存在的动脉狭窄。

    Dr. Thompson : The problem with an exercise stress test is that it identifies any narrowing of the arteries that already exists .