
  • 网络migration direction;migratory direction
  1. 构造应力演化研究是盆地模拟的重要环节,各期次构造应力分布情况决定了油气的运移方向。

    Studying stress evolution is a key link of basin simulation . The distribution of stress at each stage decided the migratory direction of petroleum and natural gas .

  2. 本文用TTI方法研究了烃源岩有机质的热演化史和油气生成史,并结合区内构造发育特征,探讨油气在区域上的运移方向和在时间上的运移期次;

    In this paper , thermal evolution history of organic matter of the source rocks and hydrocarbon generation history have been researched by TTI method , hydrocarbon migration direction and migration times were probed combining with the area structure development feature ;

  3. Co分布反映了长江物质的运移方向。

    Co distribution reflects transporting direction of matter from the Yangtze River .

  4. 在本区200km以上的上地幔范围内各向异性的方向性变化主要是上地幔物质运移方向的影响,各地体的岩石圈与地壳在相当长时间内是连贯的运移。

    In these areas , the anisotropic direction of the upper mantle above the depth of 200 km is mainly affected by the movement direction of the upper mantle material .

  5. 珠江口外现代沉积物运移方向的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of transportation direction of modern sediments off Pearl River mouth

  6. 准噶尔盆地陆梁地区油气运移方向研究

    Hydrocarbon migration direction in Luliang section of Junggar Basin

  7. 在此基础上,引入流体流动模拟分析技术,研究了油气运移方向。

    Fluid flow simulation analysis technology is introduced to study the direction of hydrocarbon migration .

  8. 准噶尔盆地中部Ⅰ区块现今油气运移方向研究

    An Analysis of the Present Oil Migration Direction of Block I in Central Junggar Basin

  9. 地层与断层的组合关系制约着上第三系油气运移方向和富集位置。

    The association of strata and faults control the migration and enrichment of Tertiary hydrocarbon .

  10. 新疆焉耆盆地油气运移方向综合地球化学分析

    Synthetical Geochemical Analysis of the Oil and Gas Migration Direction in the Yanqi Basin , Xinjiang

  11. 平面上较强的孔隙流体动力场控制油气运移方向,油气藏发育主要在能量相对较低的低压和现今油势低值区内。

    The study suggests that the oil-gas reservoirs are mainly formed in low pressure areas with relative low energy .

  12. 成矿物质的运移方向是由下部到上部,由近岩体向远离岩体。

    The migration of ore-forming material is from the bottom to up and from near to far from rock mass .

  13. 油气运移方向的确定将对预测有利勘探区带起到至关重要的作用。

    Estimation of the oil and gas migration direction plays an important role in the forecast of beneficial exploration area .

  14. 这种油气运移方向与研究区流体压力的指向一致。

    This oil migration direction of Xifeng Oilfield is consistent with the distribution of subsurface fluid pressure of the studied area .

  15. 通过潜山油气运移方向和运移途径分析,确定潜山油气运聚样式和分布规律。

    On analyzing the direction and route of the oil migration in the buried hill , the oil migration mode and rule have been established .

  16. 通过天然气组分及同位素特征示踪天然气运移方向,利用包裹体及其他成藏条件演化判定成藏期次。

    Natural gas composition and isotope characteristics could trace gas migration direction . Accumulation periods are divided using homogenization temperature of inclusion and other elements .

  17. 为了提高确定油气运移方向及汇聚区的精度,提出了改进的流体势能场分析方法。

    An improved fluid potential analysis method is brought forward in order to determine the migration direction and to improve the accuracy of accumulation area .

  18. 根据雅江地区近期大地形变场物质运移方向,选定了震源机制解的破裂面。

    The fracture surfaces of the focal mechanisms are selected according to the mass moving orientation of earth deformation field in the Yajiang region in recent period .

  19. 探讨了矿液成分、运移方向、成矿阶段和温度、金的来源。

    The composition and migration direction of the mineral bearing fluid of this deposit together with its metallogenetic epoch and temperature , and source material are discussed .

  20. 计算机模拟研究表明,西湖凹陷的油气运移方向主要是西部斜坡带和中央背斜带。

    The study of computer simulation showed that the migration directions of hydrocarbon in the Xihu Depression were mainly the west slope zone and the central anticline zone .

  21. 为查明北部湾盆地油气运移方向及成藏模式,在涠西南凹陷选取有代表性的4口井进行储集层流体包裹体研究和系统的岩相学研究。

    To make sure the petroleum migrating direction and pool-forming model in the Weixinan sag , 4 wells were chosen to do research on fluid inclusions and petrography .

  22. 利用油层流体的物化参数对油藏所处的水动力环境、油气运移方向及断层的封闭性进行了分析判断。

    The hydrodynamic conditions , migration direction of oils and gases , closure condition of the fault are analyzed using the physicochemical parameters of the fluid of the reservoir .

  23. 研究地层压力的变化可以找出油气运移方向、富集特点以及油气压力与岩性变化特征等基本规律。

    Study on the change of formation pressure to find the direction of migration and concentration characteristic of hydrocarbon , and the basic laws between the pressure of hydrocarbon and lithological change .

  24. 在梯度体内,油气运移方向和形式发生重大改变,油气运移由水平侧向运动变成为以微渗漏和扩散为主的垂向运动。

    The direction and mode of the oil and gas movement vary significantly in the gradient body , and the movement becomes in vertical way with the micro-Seepage and the diffusion in domination .

  25. 研究区现代地应力方位大约为100°左右,沿此方向延伸的天然裂缝可能会有一定程度张开,对油气运移方向有一定的作用;

    Direction of modem earth stress in researched area is about 1000 . And natural fractures that extended to this direction perhaps splay to some extent , as is useful to migration of hydrocarbon .

  26. 流体运移方向的研究有助于认识油气的分布规律,对确定勘探的有利区带和目标具有重要意义。

    The study of the migration direction of fluid is helpful to gaining knowledge of the distribution characteristics of oil and gas and has great significance for the determination of favorable zones and targets of petroleum exploration .

  27. 前陆盆地褶皱-冲断带气藏和裂谷盆地气藏油气输导体系以断裂为主,天然气运移方向以垂向为主,运移距离短,输导效率高;

    For gas reservoirs in the fold-thrust belts of foreland basins and in rift basins , faults constitute the main carrier systems , and hydrocarbons migrate mainly in vertical direction with short migration distance and high delivery efficiency .

  28. 根据油气充注程度、运移方向及圈闭条件综合分析,凹陷内的南斜坡为该系统的有利勘探地区。

    The southern slope in the depression is believed to be a favorable region for the exploration of oil and gas on the basis of multi-analyses of the degree of oil and gas-filling , migration direction and trapping conditions etc.

  29. 在台西坳陷的西、北部和台南盆地的西、北部,油气田的分布是由构造挤压、埋藏压实和地温差异引起的油气运移方向所决定的。

    The distribution of oil and gas fields in western and northern parts of both Taixi Depression and Tainan Basin are influence by the hydrocarbon migration direction which controlled by structural compression , burial compaction and the geothermal difference .

  30. 利用天然气轻烃指纹和碳同位素分析资料,能够提供天然气运移方向、运移相态、气源、保存条件,以及气藏连通与分隔性方面的多种信息。

    The manifold information about migration direction , migration phase , source and retention condition of natural gas , as well as gas reservoir connectivity and partition using analytic information about light ends fingerprint of natural gas and carbon isotope .