
  • 网络degree of freedom of motion
  1. 一个火车头有一个运动自由度。

    A railway locomotive has one freedom of motion .

  2. 每个测试转台拥有三个运动自由度,即方位、俯仰和垂直通道;每个扫描架拥有一个运动自由度。

    Each measurement turntable has three degrees of freedom of motion , namely , the head channel , the pitch channel and the vertical channel , the scanning shelf has only one degree of freedom of motion .

  3. 2D数字伺服阀为利用阀芯的双运动自由度原理设计而成导控型阀。

    2D digital servo valve is developed by utilizing both rotary and linear motions of a spool .

  4. 介绍一种精确的方法,在质心坐标系中,把量子N体系统的整体转动自由度和内部运动自由度完全地分离开来。

    A method without any approximation to separate the global rotational degrees of freedom in the Schrdinger equation for an N - body system completely from the internal ones is presented .

  5. 与固定式平台不同,张力腿平台(TLP)是一个浮式结构,具有六个运动自由度。

    Unlike fixed platform , Tension Leg Platform ( TLP ) is a floating structure with 6 degrees of freedom .

  6. 该文用ADAMS的专门分析履带车辆的工具箱模块(ATV)建立了某自行火炮虚拟样机,该虚拟样机由242个刚体组成,有1267个运动自由度。

    In this paper , a virtual prototype of a self-propelled gun is created by means of ADAMS Tracked Vehicle ( ATV ) which is a tool model of ADAMS . The virtual prototype consists of 242 rigid bodies and has 1267 degrees of freedom .

  7. 考察了并联机器人运动自由度间的耦合问题。

    The motion-coupling situation between degrees of freedom of the parallel robot was examined .

  8. 三个运动自由度中,每一个都有两个相反的动作。

    Within each of the three freedoms of motion , an aircraft has two others .

  9. 当某一星系里有多余的运动自由度,便产生了类磁效应。

    Analogous magnetism effect is occuring as long as there are redundant movement free degree in some galaxy .

  10. 但是以及飞机由三个运动自由度,它可以爬升或者俯冲。

    But an aircraft has three freedoms of motion , it can be made to climb or dive .

  11. 在阀芯双运动自由度的基础上提出了一种流体伺服螺旋的概念。

    Based on the idea of spool 's two degree of freedom motion authors put forward a new concept of servo screw .

  12. 一辆汽车有两个运动自由度,在司机的指引下汽车还可以向左转向右转。

    A car , under the direction of its driver , has two freedoms motion , it can also turn left or right .

  13. 对该系统的并联机器人进行了正弦信号跟踪测试,依据测试结果绘制了两个运动自由度的伯德图。

    And Bode plots of the two degrees of the freedom of the parallel robot were presented based on the sine signal tracing test result .

  14. 首先引入主动视觉空间的概念,即用系统本身运动自由度来表达摄像机焦点到空间点的视线。

    Firstly , a terminology called active visual space , which represents feature points by the motion freedoms of an active visual system , is introduced .

  15. 但是,在脂酶体中Mg~(2+)的作用加大了碳氢链的转动运动自由度。

    Nevertheless , in the proteoliposomes the presence of Mg2 + increases the chain mobility , and the order parameter for the lateral interaction between the chains decreases .

  16. 对膝关节假体的各个运动自由度进行分析,判断各运动范围是否满足日常生活的功能需求。

    All degrees of freedom were examined to make sure that the motion scope of the artificial knee joint can meet the functional requirements of daily life . 2 .

  17. 采用双平行四边形结构,使其运动自由度降为一维,并保证运动直线误差为±3μm。

    With the double parallelogram , the system could reduce the DOF ( dimension of freedom ) to one dimension , and guarantee the linear moving error within ± 3 μ m.

  18. 其次研究了约束求解方法对装配件的空间位姿进行调整,使之满足建立的装配约束,同时基于约束矩阵进行运动自由度的表达和归约,分析待装配件的约束状态;

    The method includes adjustment of the position and orientation of assembling element to satisfy the confirmed constraint and analysis of the constraint status by using constraint matrix based DOF representation and reduction .

  19. 利用螺旋和反螺旋之间的互易关系,分析了给定机构运动自由度与支链约束之间的关系,提出了基于螺旋理论的4自由度并联机器人机构结构综合的一种方法。

    The theory of screws and reciprocal screws is used to analyze the constraint conditions for parallel robots of a given number of DOF , and a systematic method is proposed for structure synthesis of four-DOF parallel robots mechanisms .

  20. 在总结振动台应用背景的基础上,设计地震模拟振动台并联机构基本构型,其特点为:工作平台具有空间六维运动自由度,且具有很强的承载力和驱动能力。

    Based on summarizing of the application background of vibration table , we design basic configuration of parallel mechanism , which is characterized as follows : working platform with six-dimensional space freedom of movement , and has a strong bearing capacity and drive capability .

  21. 为了实现基于约束的虚拟装配操作,给出了虚拟环境中装配约束的统一表达方法,以及约束与自由度的等价关系和运动自由度的归约等,提出了一套虚拟装配中的约束处理算法。

    In order to realize constraint-based virtual assembly operation , unified representations of assembly constraint , equivalent relationship between constraint and Degree of Freedom ( DOF ), and movement DOF reduction in virtual environment were proposed ; and several algorithms on constraint treatment were put forward .

  22. 亚油酸多相脂质体的影响使自旋标记物在乳腺癌细胞膜上的强固定化作用增强,弱固定化作用减弱,使自旋标记物运动自由度受到限制。

    The effect of linoleic heterogeneous liposomes causes that the powerful fixed effect of the spin probe is strengthened , and the weak fixed effect of the spin probe was weakened on the membrane of mammary tumor , and that the free direction of the spin probe movement is impeded .

  23. 基于运动副自由度优化配置的机构自调性设计研究

    Adaptability Mechanism Design Based on Optimal Configuration of Kinematic Pair Freedoms

  24. 识别平面运动链自由度类型的有效方法

    An Efficient Method for Identifying Freedom Types of Planar Kinematic Chains

  25. 间隙和接触尺度对运动副自由度影响的研究

    Study on the influence of clearance and contact dimension upon degree of freedom for motion pairs

  26. 运动解耦六自由度并联微动机器人关键技术研究

    A Study on the Key Technology of Decoupled Kinematics 6-DOF Parallel Micromanipulator

  27. 窄间隙焊接钨极动态运动轨迹多自由度控制

    Multi-freedom controlling of dynamic moving track of tungsten electrode in narrow-gap all-position welding

  28. 建立了直升机刚体运动的六自由度仿真模型。

    A six-degree simulation model of a helicopter is established in this paper .

  29. 运动目标六自由度单束激光跟踪测量方法研究

    The Study of Measuring and Tracking of Six-freedom Object using a Single Laser Beam

  30. 一种复合运动系统6自由度位置及速度的测量及算法

    Measurement and Algorithm of Six Degree-of-freedom Positions and Speeds in a Compound Motion System