
  • 网络Rubber bearing
  1. 水润滑动压橡胶轴承的结构与润滑性能研究

    The Numerical Calculation and Theoretical Analysis of the Water - Lubricated Hydrodynamic Rubber Bearing

  2. 流体惯性对橡胶轴承水润滑性能的影响

    Effect of the Liquid Inertia on Water Lubrication Performance of the Rubber Bearing

  3. 根据这个数学模型,借助于有限元软件MARC,分别对凹面型、平面型水润滑橡胶轴承进行了弹流润滑分析。

    According to this model , the EHL analysis of the concave-type and flat-type bearing are carried out in aid of a finite element software MARC .

  4. 橡胶轴承材料硬度对轴系振动影响的试验研究

    Experimental Research about Influence of Rubber Bearing Stiffness on Shafting Vibration

  5. 介绍了橡胶轴承的结构和优越性。

    ; This paper introduces the structure and advantage of rubber bearings .

  6. 水润滑橡胶轴承的磨粒磨损特性及机理研究

    Study on Wear Mechanism and Grain-abrasion Characteristic of Water Lubricated Rubber Bearings

  7. 本文分别对凹面型、平面型水润滑橡胶轴承进行了摩擦性能试验。

    The friction performance testes are carried out for concave-type and flat-type bearings .

  8. 水润滑橡胶轴承发展与研究简介

    The Development and Study of the Water-Lubricated rubber bearings

  9. 水润滑橡胶轴承的弹流润滑分析

    Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Water - Lubricated Rubber Sleeve Bearing

  10. 八纵向沟水润滑橡胶轴承润滑性能研究

    The Experimental Study on the Lubrication Mechanism of the Water-Lubricated Rubber Bearings with Eight-cannelures

  11. 橡胶轴承的水润滑机理研究

    Study on Water Lubrication Mechanism of Rubber Bearings

  12. 水润滑橡胶轴承

    Rubber Bearing with Water Lubrication

  13. 本文着重研究的是一种替代橡胶轴承的非金属水轮机导轴承。

    The text main study is a non_metallic guide bearing of turbine instead of the rubber one here .

  14. 针对橡胶轴承存在的鸣音问题,介绍了改进研究的进展,提出改进方法。

    The question of spirant and the development are also recommended , and then the improved method is discussed .

  15. 试验和工程证明,橡胶轴承并不适用于隐蔽性要求较高的舰艇,特别是常规潜艇。护卫舰撞击了潜艇。

    The experimentations and the practical engineering examples reveal that rubber bearing don 't fit warships , especial for conventional submarine .

  16. 水润滑橡胶轴承的静动态润滑特性会显著影响其承载力、噪声和寿命,因而研究水润滑橡胶轴承静动态润滑特性具有重要意义。

    The static and dynamic characteristics of water-lubricated rubber bearing have great impact on capacity , noise and life-span of bearing .

  17. 通过橡胶轴承的振动试验可知,无论在低频、中频还是高频,新型水润滑橡胶尾轴承的振动都低于普通丁腈橡胶尾轴承。

    The vibration amplitude of the new type of water-lubrication stern tube rubber bearing is obviously lower than plain NBR tail bearing .

  18. 占地面积小,机械性能稳定。采用橡胶轴承,减震、耐磨效果好,使用寿命长。

    Small occupation area and stable mechanical properties , and long-enduring rubber bearing with super shock absorption and fine abrasion resistance to be used .

  19. 结合理论与实验进行了综合分析,探讨了载荷、转速、轴承间隙以及长径比对水润滑复合橡胶轴承摩擦系数的影响及其相互关系;

    Discuss the infection and connection to Water Lubricated Composite Rubber Bearing friction quotiety such as : load , rotate speed , bearing 's clearance etc ;

  20. 探究和总结出了橡胶轴承在低载条件下的摩擦和润滑规律,为以后的试验工作奠定了良好的基础。

    Explores and summarizes the rubber bearings under low load conditions of friction and lubrication regularity , work lay a good foundation for the following test .

  21. 传统的水润滑复合橡胶轴承普遍存在承载能力低的缺点,对其材料进行改性是提高承载能力的关键所在。

    Low carrying capacity is a ubiquitous performance of traditional water lubricated composite rubber bearings , the key to enhance carrying capacity is to modify the material .

  22. 水润滑复合橡胶轴承作为机械传动系统的关键零部件,因具有资源节约、环境友好、结构简单、高性能等优点,而得到了广泛使用。

    Water lubricated compound rubber bearings of key parts of Mechanical Transmission System have been widely used , because of resource-saving , environment-friendly , simple structure and higher property .

  23. 该轴承的研制为水润滑橡胶轴承改造和新电站水轮机轴承的选用探索出了一条新路子。

    The development of such bearing has opened a new road for rehabilitating the rubber bearing and for the selection of the bearing of turbine for newly-built power station .

  24. 橡胶轴承是水润滑轴承的一种,以橡胶为主要构件的轴承,用于轴与轴套之间起支撑作用。

    Water-lubrication stern tube rubber bearing is a kind of water-lubrication bearing . Rubber is the main component of bearing and it is used for supporting between the shaft and the shaft sleeve .

  25. 水润滑橡胶轴承作为滑动轴承的一个重要类别,以水为润滑介质,在大型船舶、汽轮发电机组和航空航天发动机等旋转机械中广泛使用。

    As a main kind of journal bearing , Water-lubricated rubber bearing uses water as lubrication medium , it is widely used in rotor system of rotating machinery such as large ships , turbo-generators and aerospace engines , etc. .

  26. 水润滑复合橡胶轴承以水为润滑介质,以非金属为传动摩擦副,因而研究水润滑复合橡胶轴承不仅具有重要的经济意义,还具有重要的战略意义。

    Water Lubricated Composite Rubber Bearing use water as lubricate medium , use non-metal as transmission friction pair . So it not only has the economic signification , but also has the combat readiness to research the Water Lubricated Composite Rubber Bearing .

  27. 橡胶轴承的台架试验表明:在同一比压下,摩擦因数在低速时随速度的上升而急剧下降,在中高速时摩擦因数下降缓慢或趋于平稳。

    The bench test result of the rubber bearings indicate : Under the identical specific pressure , when low speed , the friction coefficient drops suddenly as the speed rises ; when middle or high speed , the friction coefficient drops slowly or tends to be steady .

  28. 水润滑橡胶轴承是水下最适宜的轴承之一。笔者对潜水泵上常用的八纵向沟水润滑橡胶轴承,在水润滑条件下的润滑机理进行了实验研究。

    Water-lubricated rubber bearing is we of the fittest bearing used in the water , This paper has made a systematic and meticulous study about the several factors that have effect on the friction coefficient in the water-lubricated rubber bearings with eight - cannelure widely used in the pump .

  29. 许多水轮机导轴承使用的是水润滑橡胶轴承,橡胶轴承不但刚性差而且对主轴磨损十分严重,不能满足水轮机增容改造的需要。

    Many turbine guide bearing is a rubber bearing with water lubricated , Not only rigidity of the rubber bearing is very bad , but also abrasion is very heavy for the main shaft , and it is not adapt for the need of uprating and Refurbishing of turbine .

  30. 论文的主要工作和研究结论如下:1.应用ADINA软件建立了水润滑橡胶尾轴承单一板条的流固耦合模型。

    The main work and research conclusions are as follows . 1 . ADINA software is applied to establish a single strip FSI model of water lubricated tail rubber bearing .