
  • 网络Welded joint;weld joints
  1. 超声波冲击与TIG熔修复合强化改善高强钢焊接接头的疲劳性能

    Improving fatigue behavior of the high-strength welded joints compound treated by TIG Dressing and ultrasonic peening

  2. 采用电化学方法和浸泡实验,研究了Ni对304不锈钢焊接接头的均匀腐蚀、小孔腐蚀、晶间腐蚀和应力腐蚀破裂等性能的影响。

    Effect of additions of 7.02 ~ 11.98 percent nickel alone on the corrosion resistance of type 304 stainless steels TIG welded joints was evaluated by electrochemical measurement and immersion tests .

  3. 铝基活性钎料真空钎焊Cf/C复合材料焊接接头的组织及性能

    Microstructure and Properties of Vacuum Brazing C_f / C Composites Using Reactive Al Based Filler Metals

  4. T型焊接接头的低温Pda/dNΔK曲线

    P da / dn δ k curve of type T welded joints at low temperature

  5. Ni对304不锈钢焊接接头耐蚀性能的影响

    Effect of nickel on corrosion resistance of Type 304 stainless steels welded joints

  6. 利用光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪(XRD)等分析测试手段,对焊接接头进行了微观组织分析。

    The microstructure of the seam is investigated by microscope , X-ray and hardness instrument .

  7. 铝合金CO2激光与TIG薄板焊接接头力学性能分析

    Mechanical properties of CO_2-laser and TIG aluminium alloy welded joint

  8. 含横向裂纹的力学不均匀焊接接头的J积分研究

    Study on J integration of mechanical heterogeneous welded joint containing transverse crack

  9. 抗H2S用管双面埋弧焊焊接接头腐蚀性能研究

    Research on Corrosion Property of Double Submerged Arc Welded Joint for H_2S Corrosion Resistance Pipe

  10. TIG重熔技术对吊车梁焊接接头性能影响

    Influence of TIG remelting technigue on welded joint performance of crane girder

  11. 卸载柔度单试样法测定焊接接头COD阻力曲线

    Determination of the COD Resistance Curve for Wilded Joints by Unloading Compliance Method with a Single Specimen

  12. 高强铝合金焊接接头SCC机理的探讨

    Investigation on SCC mechanism of welded joints of high strength aluminium alloy

  13. 镁合金活性TIG焊焊接接头组织特征分析

    Microstructure feature analysis of activating TIG welded joint

  14. 同时,对吊点焊接接头进行裂纹敏感性试验分析和断裂韧度(COD)的测试。

    Crack-sensitivity and Fracture toughness ( CTOD ) test for the welded joints of suspension attachment have been performed also .

  15. TIG熔修提高船体钢焊接接头腐蚀疲劳抗力的研究

    Experimental Study on Boosting Corrosion and Fatigue Resistance of Welded Joints for Ship Steel Using TIG Dressing Technique

  16. 为了对非均质焊接接头进行弹塑性断裂力学分析,本文对EPRI方法进行了修正,得到了一定条件下中心裂纹模型的修正系数CJ,C(?)

    A modification to the EPRI method is made and the modification coefficients C_J , C_ δ and Cv for the centre cracked panels are obtained .

  17. 海洋石油平台焊接接头大型CTOD试验

    Large-Sized CTOD Test for Welded Joints of Offshore Petroleum Platform

  18. 20g钢对接焊接接头循环应力-应变的特性

    Cyclic Stress strain Behaviors for Butt Joint

  19. 断裂实验表明,除了一个焊接接头紧凑拉伸(CT)试样是脆性启裂外,其它CT试样均在裂纹延性启裂并缓慢扩展后,发生脆性失稳断裂。

    Fracture test indicated that brittle unstable fracture occured after ductile crack initiation and slow propagation for all the compact tension ( CT ) specimens , except one welded joint specimen was brittle crack initiation .

  20. 爆炸预处理提高WD钢焊接接头热影响区韧性的研究

    Increasing Toughness of Heat Affected Zone in Welded Joint of WD Steel by Pre - Welding Explosion Treatment

  21. 钽薄壁管GTA焊接接头晶粒细化机理

    Grain refinement mechanism of gas tungsten arc welded joint of tantalum thin walled tube

  22. 由于镁合金不填丝的TIG焊接接头强度低,焊缝表面成型不好,所以,镁合金的填丝TIG焊接方法不可避免。

    Because TIG welded joints without filler wire always hold low strength and poor formation , tungsten inert gas welding process with filler wire is inevitable .

  23. 本文对分层非均匀介质裂纹问题的J积分进行了研究,旨在把J积分方法用于焊接接头或分层复合材料的断裂分析。

    With a view to apply the J-integral to the fracture analysis of welded joints or multilayered composites , a study of the J-integral on crack problems of layered non-homogeneous medium is made .

  24. 依据AAR标准中大量的实测货车载荷谱数据和焊接接头数据,运用MicroSoftOfficeAccess软件进行了载荷谱数据库和焊接接头数据库的建立。

    According to a great deal of actual measurement the load spectrum data and the welded joint data form the AAR standard , established the load spectrum database and the welded joint database with the Microsoft Office Access software .

  25. 本文通过断裂韧度试验(裂纹张开位移COD和延性断裂韧度JIC试验),讨论了新型压力管道用钢常温下焊接接头各部位的断裂特性。

    Based on the experiments the fracture characteristics of welding joint in new pressure pipes used for hydroelectric power station were discussed at room temperature in this paper .

  26. 利用光学显微镜和电子探针(EPMA)分析了焊接接头的微观组织及界面元素的分布,初步探讨了TIG熔焊焊接的工艺特性。

    Microstructure of welded joints and element distributions in the interface between the weld metal and the base metal were analyzed by optical microscope and electron probe microanalyzer ( EPMA ) .

  27. 350MW机组三级再热器异质焊接接头分析

    Analysis of the Different Material Welding Joint of the Tertiary Reheater for 350 MW Unit

  28. 使用金相显微镜和扫描电镜观察CLAM钢焊接接头微观组织;使用维氏硬度计、拉伸试验机和冲击试验仪对焊接接头进行硬度及力学性能测试。

    Microstructure and carbide distribution of weld joint were observed by metalloscope and SEM . Hardness and mechanical properties were tested respectively in hardness test , tensile test and impact test experiments .

  29. 研究结果表明:低温对LF6合金及其焊接接头的拉伸性能具有显著影响。

    The results show that the tensile properties of LF6 alloy and its welded joint are greatly affected by low temperature .

  30. 在静强度分析的基础上,结合实测载荷谱,用Fortran语言编程,应用IIW和BS标准针对该车典型的焊接接头比较了寿命的评估结果。

    According to the results of strength analysis , combining with load spectrum tested on line , fatigue life analysis is executed by Fortran language based on IIW and BS Standards .