
xiànɡ jiāo jī xiè
  • Rubber machinery;rubber manufacturing machinery
  1. 橡胶机械中温度PID调节系统的分析

    Analysis of Temperature PID Adjusting System in Rubber Machine

  2. 橡胶机械自动控制的PLC模块化设计

    PLC Modular Design for Auto-Control of Rubber Machinery

  3. 分析了橡胶机械中温度PID调节系统的调节规律和特性、参数的整定、以及应用微型计算机对温度作PID调节。

    The adjusting regulars and characteristics . Parameter determining of temperature PID adjusting system in rubber machine , and the PID adjusting microcomputers to temperature were analyzed in this paper .

  4. 纳米CeO2对SY-1硅橡胶机械性能影响的初步研究

    The primary study of the effect of nanometre CeO_2 to the machanical properties of SY-1 silicone elastomers

  5. 臭氧老化作用对SY-1硅橡胶机械性能的影响

    The effect of ozone aging on the physical properties of SY-1 silicon elastomer

  6. 结论:纳米CeO2按胶料的1.50%加入时,对SY-1硅橡胶机械性能的改善为最优。

    Conclusion : The mechanical properties of SY-1 silicone elastomer was the best with the ratio of 1.50 % of nanometer CeO2 added to the base of SY-1 silicone elastomer .

  7. 橡胶机械设计与制造用计算机技术现状及展望

    Situation and trend on computer aided design and manufacture of rubber machine

  8. 国外橡胶机械发展概况

    An outline of development of overseas rubber machinery and equipment

  9. 分析了我国橡胶机械进出口的情况。

    Analyzed the import and export of our rubber machineries .

  10. 我国橡胶机械的技术进步及新产品开发

    Technical progress and new product development of China rubber machinery

  11. CAD/CAPP/PDM集成系统在橡胶机械企业的运用

    CAD / CAPP / PDM integrated system applied for rubber machinery industry

  12. 硅橡胶机械强度改进方法的研究

    Study on Improvement Method of Mechanical Strength of SIR

  13. 用气动实现橡胶机械帘布卷取跟随系统

    The Pneumatic Servo System for Winding of Rubber Screen

  14. 天然橡胶机械混炼插层有机蒙脱土过程的研究

    Natural Rubber Intercalating into Organic Montmorillonite Interlayer by Mixing

  15. 安全轮胎与橡胶机械业(上)

    Safety tire and rubber machinery industry ( part ⅰ)

  16. 从而达到有声誉和品牌价值的橡胶机械行业引领者。

    To achieve a reputation and brand value of rubber machinery industry leader .

  17. 介绍了国内外橡胶机械现状与发展。

    Introduced the present situation and the development of the domestic and foreign rubber machinery industry .

  18. 高填充量碳纳米管/丁苯粉末橡胶机械混炼的物理化学机制

    Physical and Chemical Mechanism of Mechanical Mixing of Powder Styrene-butadiene Rubber Composites Filled with High Contents of Carbon Nanotubes

  19. 从市场预测探讨我国橡胶机械行业发展的战略构想

    A probe into the tactic conceive of the development of China 's rubber machinery industry from the market forecast

  20. 随后总结了企业核心竞争力的概念与特点,介绍了桂林橡胶机械厂利用企业信息化建设提高企业核心竞争力的措施、效果及体会。

    And then summarized the measures 、 effect and experience of the concept and features of the enterprise core competitive power .

  21. 公司致力于制鞋、橡胶机械的开发和研究,积极引进和借鉴国外先进的设计理念和制造技术。

    The company commit to the developing and research for shoes machinery , active introduction of foreign designing and manufacturing technology .

  22. 轮胎定型硫化机技术进步及发展方向&橡胶机械技术进步与发展方向(一)

    Technology Advancement and Developing Direction of Tire Standardized Sulfurated Machine & technology advancement and developing direction of tire machinery ( first part )

  23. 系统研究了羰基铁粉添加量对复合橡胶机械性能、热空气老化性能和耐热稳定性的影响;利用扫描电镜探讨了复合材料的微观结构。

    Effects of CIP amount on mechanical , hot air aging and thermal stability properties of the composite were studied systemically and the microstructure was analyzed with SEM .

  24. 在此基础上,本文对等离子弧热喷焊技术以及等离子弧零稀释率熔覆技术进行了初步研究,为下一步等离子弧金属表面改性处理技术在橡胶机械中的应用研究奠定了基础。

    Plasma powder welding and plasma non-diluted cladding technology were studied , and the groundwork were laid for future research on the application of plasma arc in rubber machine .

  25. 目前我公司所使用的450×1200三辊压延机是桂林橡胶机械厂1975年8月生产,1979年6月投入使用的。

    Current my company uses of 450 X 1200 three Stalks of the rolling mill are produced by guilin rubber machine factory in 1975 August , and used in 1979 June .

  26. 本厂主要生产各类橡胶机械的生产及销售,主要产品有:平板硫化机、开放式炼胶机,密炼机,油压裁断机,破碎机等。

    Our main production of various kinds of rubber machinery production and sales , the main products : flat-panel curing press , open Lianjiao machine , mixer , hydraulic cutting machine , broken machines .

  27. 首先根据橡胶机械需求量取决于轮胎需求量这一情况,根据有关资料数据建立了橡机需求量预测数学模型。

    Firstly , based on the fact that the demands for the rubber machinery and equipment relies on the demands for tyres , a math model for rubber machinery and equipment was established with rela-tive information data .

  28. 另一方面,绝大多数的全球顶级的橡胶机械制造商,跟着世界轮胎跨国集团的步伐,也纷纷来到中国建立独资或合资企业,这给中国橡胶机械企业带来了严重的挑战。

    On the other hand , the great majority of world top rubber machinery companies , along the road of tire companies , set up wholly-owned or JV in China , which brings a strong challenge to local rubber-mach makers .

  29. 炼钢是基础工业,但是这个地区还有许多其它的有关工业-玻璃,有色金属、化学品、橡胶以及机械等工业部门。

    Steelmaking is basic , but there are many other related industries in this area too * glass , nonferrous metals , chemicals , rubber and machinery .

  30. 本文还就不同pH值的白炭黑产品对丁苯橡胶物理机械性的影响进行了实验,结果表明:在丁苯橡胶中使用时白炭黑产品的pH值最佳控制范围是6.9~7.2。

    This article also has studied the mechanical property of silica with different pH value when used in butadiene styrene rubber , the results show that the optimum range of pH value is from 6.9 to 7.2 when silica used in butadiene styrene rubber .