
  • 网络Rubber Man;Daniel Browning Smith;the jaded;Sheeple;Unknown Pleasures;rubber man syndrome
  1. 《橡皮人》是王朔的一部中篇小说,原指一群迷失自我的年轻人。

    《 Rubber Fellow 》 which is a novelette written by a writer Wangshuo , meant a flock of young people lost themselves .

  2. 在医生、银行职员、教师、记者、交通警、公务员、演员以及出租车司机当中,你都可以见到“橡皮人”的身影。

    These'plasticine men'can be found among doctors , bank employees , teachers , journalists , traffic policemen , civil servants , actors and taxi drivers .

  3. “得过且过”是越来越多疲惫的年轻白领的生活信条,他们被称为“橡皮人”。

    " One day at a time " might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young , white-collar Chinese known as plasticine men .

  4. 这也许就是中国日益壮大的疲惫的年轻白领的座右铭,这个群体就是众所周知的“橡皮人”群体。

    That might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young , white-collar Chinese known as " eraser " or " plasticine " men ( xiang pi ren ).

  5. 如果“橡皮人”真的回归了,我们只有在新剧播出后才能知道谁会穿上这套衣服,这又是一个值得猜测的问题!

    And if Rubber Man does return , we still won 't know who will be in the suit until the new episodes arrive , giving us yet another thing to speculate about !

  6. 该杂志还称,“橡皮人”常见于如下职业:医生、银行员工、教师、记者、交通警察、公务员、演员和出租车司机等。

    These " plasticine men " can be found among doctors , bank employees , teachers , journalists , traffic policemen , civil servants , actors and taxi drivers , the magazine reported .

  7. 近年来,职场“橡皮人”一词被拿来形容这样一群人&他们是最糟糕的员工,他们没有神经,没有痛感,没有效率,没有反应。

    In recently years ," Rubber fellow " in career was used to describe a group of people who were the worse staffs , no creativity , no sorrow sense , no efficiency , no response .

  8. 中国一份杂志报道,这个群体被生活的压力捏成各种形态,任由涅拿玩弄,毫无反应。“橡皮人”这个词如今走红中国的网络,而使之名声大噪的正是这家杂志。

    Brow-beaten out of shape by life , they show little if any response as they are kneaded this way and that , reported a local news magazine which has popularized the term now spreading in Chinese cyberspace .

  9. 橡皮子弹旨在使人不能动而不杀死人。

    Rubber bullets are intended to incapacitate people rather than kill them .

  10. 暴风雨增强时,橡皮艇上的人交出全部希望。

    As the storm increased , the men on the raft surrendered all hope .