
ɡuò bǎ yǐn
  • satisfy sb.'s cravings
  1. 也许就是个想过把瘾的瘾君子

    Yeah , it was probably just an addict in need of a fix .

  2. 那就让他过把瘾吧。

    Let him satisfy his whims .

  3. 现在,在美国梦想着白马王子姻缘的女孩们也可以穿上凯特·米德尔顿的全白订婚礼服“过把瘾”了。

    You can finally get your hands on Kate 's white engagement dress-in America that is .

  4. 相声小品非常受到大家欢迎的表演艺术,也是中国特有的艺术形式,最近,咱们合肥的曲艺爱好者在家门口就可以过把瘾。

    Crosstalk and short play are acclaimed stage performance art forms which are unique to China , Hefei Quyi lovers can now enjoy the " talk and singing art " not far from their homes .