
  • 网络lighterage operation
  1. 锚地油轮过驳作业危险源辨识与对策

    Risk source identification and countermeasures in lighterage operation of oil tanker at anchorage

  2. 港口水上过驳作业暂行办法

    Interim Procedures Concerning Lightering Operation on Anchorage at Harbour

  3. GB17422-1998液化气体船水上过驳作业安全准则

    Safety standard of ship to ship transfer operations of liquefied gas carriers on waters

  4. 随着对原油需求不断加大,锚地原油过驳作业形态将长时间在我国出现。

    Along with the increasing demand for crude oil , anchorage lightering operations of crude oil form will appear in our country for a long time .

  5. 通过分析过驳作业的系泊系统在外力作用下影响及过驳本身特点,讨论好过驳作业的系泊安全与管理。

    By analysing the characteristics of lightering and forces acting to the mooring system in the operation , the paper makes discussion on the measures to ensure mooring safety and improve the operation management .