
  • 网络Advance Order;booking;Reservation Form;voucher
  1. 清楚填写团队预订单,高效快速接待团队。

    The correct use of group booking form will result in high efficiency and convenient for group handling .

  2. 尽管换到世界其他任何地方,120万预订单值得打开香槟庆祝,但这在中国并不是什么大事。华为(Huawei)和小米等业内领军企业推出新款智能手机时,每天都能获得400万预订单。

    But although 1.2m pre-orders might be cause for champagne corks to pop elsewhere in the world , it is not that big a deal in China - new smartphone launches in the country can generate 4m daily pre-orders from the likes of the industry leaders such as Huawei and Xiaomi .

  3. 乔布斯于苹果最新产品iPhone4S发布后一天逝世。本周一,苹果方面称已接到超过一百万台iPhone4S的预订单,打破了去年苹果iPhone发布时的记录。

    Jobs died the day after Apple announced its latest iPhone , the 4S . On Monday Apple said it received more than one million pre-orders on Friday for the device , breaking a record set by the iPhone 4 when it was released in 2010 .

  4. 履行秘书的职责,包含准备预订单,整理文档资料,收发传真等。

    Performs duties of secretarial nature including preparing correspondence , maintaining files , sending faxes , etc.

  5. 他透露,自己收到了1600个预订单,多数是为了订戒指,价格与之差不多。

    He said he had received preorders for 1600 pieces , mostly rings , at a comparable price .

  6. 这种订单,不仅是一张单位用人需求的预订单,更是涵盖了整个人才教育培养的全过程。

    The " order ", is not only an " employment " reservation list , but also to cover the whole educational process of talent training .

  7. 中国本已拥挤不堪的智能手机市场变得更加拥挤了。许多西方人相对陌生的中国互联网公司乐视(Letv)新推的手机在一天就接到了120万预订单。

    China 's already crowded smartphone market just got more packed , with new devices from Letv - a Chinese internet company relatively unknown to many westerners - netting 1.2m pre-orders in a single day .