
yù shěn
  • Prequalification;preliminary hearing;inquiry;antecedent trial
预审 [yù shěn]
  • [antecedent trial;preliminary hearing] 预备性的审讯,在法院正式开庭审判前对刑事被告人进行

预审[yù shěn]
  1. 今天法官哈奇森先生本来要主持一项预审,但暂时休庭了。

    A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison , but was adjourned .

  2. 我们想在预审阶段胜诉,但我们不知道州检察官手里有什么证据。那保释呢?

    Well , we want to win this in preliminary hearing , but we don 't know what the State 's Attorney has . And bail ?

  3. 押交审判是预审法官作出的决定。

    Committal for trial is the determination of examining justices .

  4. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。

    Additionally , most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries , where profits are higher , rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification .

  5. 应用模糊综合评价法,对CM投标商进行排序,提高了资格预审准确性。

    CM Bidders are sorted with the fuzzy Comprehensive evaluation method , and improving the accuracy of prequalification .

  6. 以后当我在预审查过程中对它进行改进时,我会认真考虑使用multi-index。

    Later , when I was improving it during pre-review process , I seriously considered using multi-index .

  7. 提出了地铁建设项目D-B招标的方式、资格预审的指标体系和评审方法、评标指标体系,建立了隧道工程D-B招标评标模型。

    It was proposed that the tendering way of Design-Build subway construction project , pre-qualification system of indicators and assessment methods .

  8. 第四次出现违反安全制度的行为,ehs部门写出承包商终止合同建议书,并取消其预审资格。

    The fourth time of violate the regulations , EHS section will give responsible for the item advice to terminate the contract , and cancel the pre-qualification of the contractor .

  9. Kickstarter会对项目进行预审(审查通过率约为75%),然后免费放在网站上向公众筹集资金,时间最长可达60天。

    KickStarter vets projects in advance ( accepting about 75 % of applicants ) and hosts the campaigns , which can last up to 60 days , for free .

  10. 刑事预审是介于起诉和审判之间的一种诉讼活动,在程序和阶段上具有相对独立性。

    Preliminary Hearing is a stage between criminal prosecution and trial .

  11. 只有列入意向书的产品才有资格接受资格预审。

    Only products included in an EOI are eligible for prequalification .

  12. 博士学位论文盲预审制度的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration to the Blind Pre-review System of Doctoral Thesis

  13. 我会在预审之前就死了。

    I 'll be dead before there 's even a trial .

  14. 在预审名单中有她的名字,法官大人。

    She 's listed in the pretrial order , your honor .

  15. 从法国预审制度看我国的侦查程序

    Examining the Investigatory Procedure of Our Country from french Pretrial Systen

  16. 征地用量预计不会超过预审量。

    Land requisition is not expected to exceed the approved quantity .

  17. 新形势下预审学科发展探究

    Probe into the Development of Preliminary Discipline under New Situation

  18. 承包商如何做好资格预审申请

    How to Deal with the Application of Prequalification for Contractor

  19. 第三,预审程序能极大的提高诉讼效率。

    Thirdly , Preliminary Hearing Procedure can improve efficiency greatly .

  20. 建设项目用地预审申请表;

    Application form for the prequalification of land use for construction purpose ;

  21. 关于在《招标投标法》中完善资格预审公告的建议

    Proposals for Perfecting Notice Inviting to Pre-qualify in Tendering Law

  22. 建设工程施工招标资格预审方法探讨

    Discussing the methods of bidding prequalification on Civil Engineering Construction

  23. 提讯,预审,庭审

    Uh , arraignments , voir dire , jury trial --

  24. 为什么世卫组织要实施药品资格预审规划?

    Why does WHO run the Prequalification of Medicines Programme ?

  25. 药品资格预审规划是由世卫组织管理的一项联合国规划。

    PQP is a United Nations programme managed by WHO .

  26. 越南一家法庭计划在下周开始预审。

    A Vietnamese court is scheduled to begin preliminary hearings next week .

  27. 预审费于预审核前支付。

    Pre-audit fee shall be paid by Party A before the pre-audit .

  28. 应征申请人应按资格预审文件要求如实填写申请文件。

    Applicants should compile their applying document according to their true condition .

  29. 如何编制和预审气象辐射记录月报表

    How To Establish And Pre-examine The Recording Monthly Report Of Meteorological Radiation

  30. 对谋杀案的预审昨天结束。

    A preliminary inquiry into a murder case closed yesterday .