
yù suàn wěi yuán huì
  • Budget Committee;Committee of Supply
  1. 另一本是保罗·瑞安(PaulRyan)撰写的《前进之路》(TheWayForward),瑞安是米特·罗姆尼(MittRomney)竞选总统时的搭档,也是众议院预算委员会(HouseBudgetCommittee)主席。

    the other is " The Way Forward , " by Paul Ryan , who was Mitt Romney 's running mate and is chairman of the House Budget Committee .

  2. 伯南克向参议院预算委员会(senatebudgetcommittee)表示,对美国经济“活力、效率和增长率”的效应,很快就能显现出来。

    Mr Bernanke told the Senate Budget Committee that the effect on the " vibrancy , efficiency and growth rate of our economy " would soon be " palpable " .

  3. 行政和预算委员会

    BAC Budget and Administrative Committee

  4. 美国尽责联邦预算委员会(CommitteeforaResponsibleFederalBudget)进行的另一项研究,探讨了加拿大、丹麦、芬兰、爱尔兰和瑞典的情况。

    Another study , by the US Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget , examined the cases of Canada , Denmark , Finland , Ireland and Sweden .

  5. 据NPR新闻的塔玛拉·基思报道,众议院预算委员会主席提出的这项议案以221票对207票的结果通过,投票结果充分显示了党派之分。

    NPR 's Tamara Keith reports the Budget Committee chairman 's plan passed by a comfortable margin of 221:207 largely along party lines .

  6. 众议院预算委员会主席、共和党人保罗瑞安(paulryan)近期提交的财政提案,大举削减其他开支,其力度之大从政治上来说是不太可能做到的,而国土安全和基本国防开支大体不变。

    The recent fiscal proposal by Paul Ryan , Republican chairman of the house of Representatives budget committee , slashed other spending by politically improbable amounts but left homeland security and underlying defence spending largely intact .

  7. 非党派的国会预算委员会(CBO)估计,未来十年间,两个法案的显性成本都在巴拉克。奥巴马设定的9000亿美元限定之下。

    The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ), estimates that the apparent cost over the next decade of both bills comes in below the $ 900 billion limit set down by Barack Obama .

  8. 如果美国不理顺其财政状况,“我们就会重蹈欧洲的覆辙,甚至可能更糟,”美国众议院预算委员会新任主席、共和党人保罗瑞安(paulryan)断言这可谓是最骇人听闻的警告。

    It was the most startling of warnings . If the US does not get its finances in order " we will have a European situation on our hands , and possibly worse " , claimed Paul Ryan , the new Republican chairman of the house of Representatives Budget Committee .

  9. 别紧张!我们在中央预算委员会认识谁?

    Who do we know on the Senate Appropriations committee ?

  10. 预算委员会正在紧缩开支。

    The budget committee is in the process of tightening the purse strings .

  11. 把它告诉预算委员会。

    Tell that to the budget committee .

  12. 新众议院的预算委员会主席、来自威斯康星州的莱恩认为,推翻健保改革方案关系到国家的经济繁荣。

    New House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin ties repeal to national prosperity .

  13. 参议院预算委员会正在考虑下一财年的民主党方案。

    The Senate Budget Committee is considering a Democratic plan for the next fiscal year .

  14. 而据美国参议院预算委员会主席帕蒂·默里所称,它也有一个更大的目标。

    It also has a larger purpose , according to Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray .

  15. 预算委员会的长篇报告的梗概已提交市长批示。

    A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submittedto the mayor for approval .

  16. 一个新成立的成本预算委员会将对这些成本预算帽的财务规章进行监督和执行。

    A new Costs Commission is being set up to monitor and enforce these cost-cap financial regulations .

  17. 国家预算委员会已经指派美国政府责任署对胡维尔大楼做一个全面检查。

    The committee has directed the Government Accountability Office to do a full review of the Hoover building .

  18. 但是华盛顿州的美国参议院预算委员会主席帕蒂·默里表示这不会发生。

    But Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray of Washington state says that is not going to happen .

  19. 欧盟委员会负责疫苗采购的总干事桑德拉·加里纳在位于布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会预算委员会发表了讲话。

    European Commission Director General for vaccine procurement Sandra Gallina addressed the European Parliament 's budget committee in Brussels .

  20. 瑞安是国会众议院预算委员会主席和众议院筹款委员会的首席成员。

    Ryan is chairman of the House Budget Committee and a senior member on the House Ways and Means Committee .

  21. 早些时候,盖特纳曾告诉参议院预算委员会:我完全理解要求具体细节和做出承诺的愿望。

    Earlier , Mr Geithner told the Senate budget committee : I completely understand the desire for details and commitments .

  22. 之前,政府只要得到预算委员会的允许就可以延长信贷保障。

    Before , the government only had to try to win consent from the budget committee before extending credit guarantees .

  23. 而就在几天前一份来自国会预算委员会的报告清楚表明这一代表两党的普遍法案,

    And , a few days ago , a report from the Congressional Budget Office definitively showed that this bipartisan ,

  24. 众议院预算委员会主席保罗·瑞安表示,他新公布的预算方案会在十年内平衡美国的预算。

    House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan says his newly unveiled budget plan will balance the U.S. budget within a decade .

  25. 通常情况下,预算委员会是由企业经营部门和财务部门的经理组成。

    Generally the budget committee is made up of operating and financial officer of the company whose budget is being prepared .

  26. 尽管参议员杰夫。塞申斯不是赤字削减超级委员会的成员,但他却是参院预算委员会地位很高的共和党议员。

    Although not a member of the deficit committee , Senator Jeff Sessions is the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee .

  27. 其次,在经过预算委员会的复核和批准后,这些要求便成为预算定额,进而对各部门的经济行为施加限制。

    Second , after department requests have been reviewed and approved , these requests become budget allowance that set desirable limits on department activity .

  28. 斯普拉特是国会众议院预算委员会主席。他批评布什把2360亿美元的财政盈余变成为创记录的财政赤字。

    Spratt , who is chairman of the House Budget Committee , criticized the president for turning a $ 236 billion surplus into record deficits .

  29. 现在,国家预算委员会却认为,安全防护的缺失可能会阻碍联邦调查局完成其保卫国家的使命。

    Now , the committee says that lapses in security may be an impediment preventing the bureau from accomplishing its mission of securing the country .

  30. 所以,在议案通过后,参众两院预算委员会的领导人们已经开始着手下一轮的谈判。

    So , after it was passed , leaders of the House and Senate budget committees got together to start the next round of negotiations .