
  1. 透明质酸(HA)已被证明是局部吸收,保持皮肤水分,并能预防皱纹的形成。

    Replenishing the body 's natural HA allows skin to retain moisture and provides volume , form and lift .

  2. 它除了可以预防皱纹,还可以帮你修复组织。

    It assists to combat wrinkles . In addition , it restores tissue .

  3. 换句话说,亲吻可以作为一种预防皱纹的运动。

    In other words , kissing can be used as an effective exercise to prevent the development of wrinkles .

  4. 这种瑜伽手法要求将面部肌肉最大程度拉伸,以此来舒缓压力并预防皱纹产生。

    It 's a yoga technique which requires facial muscles to be stretched as far as possible in order to relieve pressure and prevent wrinkles .

  5. 功效:清新触感;舒缓眼部压力,滋润补水,增强肌肤弹性,消除眼疲劳,预防皱纹。

    Functions : Fresh sense of touch ; relieve the eye pressure , moisturize the skin , strengthen the skin 's elasticity , dispel the eyes'fatigue , and prevent wrinkles from appearing .

  6. 小常识:在18,19世纪的日本,人们脸部使用的散粉是由夜莺的粪便制成的,因为鸟类的粪便可以预防产生皱纹,促进血液循环。

    Fact : In the 18th and 19th centuries , facial powders containing nightingale droppings were popular in Japan because the bird poop 's enzymes were thought to prevent wrinkles and stimulate circulation .