
  • 网络apricot flesh
  1. 用细勺将杏肉移至大浅盘中,挖去核的一侧向上。

    Using a slotted spoon , transfer apricots , hollow sides up , to a platter .

  2. 摘要目的:对送检的百合干、杏肉等蜜饯制品进行亚硫酸盐检测,以了解其二氧化硫含量,并提出合理建议。

    Objective : to know content of sulfur dioxide and confect product of dried lily and apricot meat to give reasonable suggestions .

  3. 结论:兰州市场销售的干果和杏肉制品中亚硫酸盐的含量超标严重,特别是杏肉制品。

    Conclusion ; Content of sulphite in dried fruits and apricot meat are sold in Lanzhou market badly exceed the State standard , especially the products of apricot meat .