
  • 网络apricot;apricot juice
  1. HACCP在浊型杏汁饮料生产中的应用研究

    Application of HACCP System in the Producing of Muddied Apricot Juice Beverage

  2. 澄清的最佳工艺为pH4、酶0.001%、时间40min、温度45℃;产品的配方为杏汁40%、糖10%、柠檬酸0.40%。

    The best technical of clarifying was pH 4 , enzyme 0.001 % , treating 40 minutes at 45 ℃, the best formula of this product included clarified apricot juice 40 % , cane sugar 10 % , and citric acid 0.40 % .

  3. 在同一发酵温度下,试验设计的pH对杏汁的发酵速度、可滴定酸含量、酒精的生成均没有显著影响。

    The pH had no effect on the fermentation rate , titratable acid and alcohol content under the same temperature .

  4. 双菌共同发酵杏汁的最佳工艺条件为温度25℃、pH3.5、接种量3%,活性干酵母与果酒酵母的接种比例为1:3;

    The optimum parameters of fermentation with two yeast strains were 25 ℃ for 20h , pH3.5 , 3 % of the inoculum amount and 1:3 ratio of dried active yeast power and fruit wine yeast .

  5. 冷榨澄清杏汁生产工艺技术研究

    The Technology of Process and Parameter of Clarify Coldly Squeeze Apricots Juice Beverage

  6. 杏汁饮料发酵工艺研究

    Research on fermentation technology of apricots beverage

  7. 澄清杏汁饮料生产工艺

    The process of clarified apricot juice beverage

  8. 甜点可尝试苹果或蓝莓馅点心(20库纳),还有一杯免费的李子汁或杏汁饮料。

    For dessert , try the apple or blueberry strudel ( 20 kunas ) , and a free plum or apricot digestif .

  9. 研究了桃汁、杏汁、枸杞汁复合饮料的稳定性和配方。

    The stability and formula of the compounded beverage of the peach juice , apricot juice and Chinese wolfberry juice was studied in this paper .

  10. 目前,除去鲜食和加工杏汁之外,仍然还有70%左右的鲜杏需要在产地进行加工成干果制品。

    Now , besides eating and processing apricot juice , 70 % of the fresh apricot that still need to product of dry fruit of processing in place of production .

  11. 产品的最佳配方为杏汁40%,桃汁20%,可溶性固形物12%,枸杞汁8%,柠檬酸0.8%。

    The optimum formula of the product was composed of 40 % apricot juice , 20 % peach juice , 12 % soluble solids , 8 % Chinese wolfberry juice and 0.8 % citric acid .

  12. 在危害分析的基础上,确定了浊型杏汁饮料安全生产过程中的七个关键控制点为:原料、清洗、调配、脱气、均质、装罐封盖、杀菌。

    Based on the analysis of hazards , seven critical control points : raw materials , cleanout , preparing , degasification , isotrope , caging and sealing , sterilization were also confirmed during safety process .

  13. 大接杏杏汁发酵饮料及其挥发性物质的分析研究

    Processing of Fermented Beverage on Apricot Juice and Its Volatile Compounds

  14. 采用固相微萃取法(SPME),结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)技术手段对产自甘肃景泰条山农场的兰州“大接杏”杏汁及其发酵汁的挥发性物质进行了检测分析。

    The volatile compounds of " Dajie " apricot juice and its fermented juice were extracted and identified with solid-phase micro extraction ( SPME ) and gas chromatography-mass spectrum ( GC-MS ) .

  15. 采用果胶酶制剂酶解杏浆制取混浊杏汁,研究了不同酶处理条件对杏浆酶解的效果。

    Pectolytic preparation was used to prepare cloudy apricot juice from apricot puree , at different temperature , enzyme concentration and hydrolysis time .