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xìnɡ tán
  • the teaching profession
杏坛 [xìng tán]
  • [educational circles] 相传为孔子聚徒授业讲学之处。泛指授徒讲学之处。今喻教育界

  1. 杏坛是孔子教授弟子读书的地方。

    Xing Tan is the place where Confucius taught his disciples .

  2. 顺德杏坛地区儿童血铅水平调查分析伍彩莲林丽莉

    Investigation on Blood Lead Level of Children in Shunde District

  3. 杏坛是孔子教育光辉的象征,传为孔子讲学之处,讲述了孔子周游列国、讲学等故事。

    The almond altar is a shining glory symbol of the Confucius education .

  4. 杏坛相传是孔子讲学的地方。

    According to the legend , Xing tan is Confucius 's lecture place .