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tān yù
  • greed;avarice;rapacity
贪欲 [tān yù]
  • [greed;avarice;rapacity] 无休止地求取

  1. 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。

    The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness , with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital .

  2. 一般凡人的贪欲、瞋恚、疑法、掉悔、睡眠等五盖都被他突破了,再也不能成为他修行路上的障碍。

    The five coverings which usually are the hurdles in practice , such as avarice , wrath , dullness , agitation and doubt , can 't cumber him .

  3. 我不能接受那种认为贪欲也可以是件好事的想法。

    I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing .

  4. 凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。

    A lot of this has to do with power and greed .

  5. 威廉德莱塞维茨(WilliamDeresiewicz)在文中指出,资本主义的基础就是不堪的行为,包括做假账、逃税、倾倒有毒废物、违反产品安全、操纵投标、过度贪欲、作伪证等。

    William Deresiewicz wrote that capitalism is predicated on bad behaviour , including accounting fraud , tax evasion , toxic dumping , product safety violations , bid rigging , overfilling , perjury .

  6. 这个可恶的人被他自己的贪欲所囿。

    The wretched man is a prisoner of his own greed .

  7. 在人世间犯了贪欲的人会被坠入此处。

    Those that commit the sin of greed end up here .

  8. 无尽的贪欲使得儿子弑父,兄弟相残。

    Ceadeledd greed made children kill parentd , brotherd kill brotherd .

  9. 贪欲过度的渴望,尤指对财富的贪求;贪婪或贪欲。

    Excessive desire , especially for wealth ; covetousness or avarice .

  10. 为了满足个人的贪欲,人们有时会倾全力而无所顾忌。

    People sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy their lusts .

  11. 龙族对黄金向来有着邪恶而强烈的贪欲。

    For dragons covet gold with a dark and fierce desire .

  12. 贪欲不是嘴巴或胃,它们无法被满足。

    Greed can 't be gratified by mouth or stomach .

  13. 一个善良的人因为你的贪欲失去了性命,陶伦。

    A good man died in your quest for riches , Tauren .

  14. 使民众去除追求个体贪欲的智能机巧。

    Let people always act without human stategy or greediness .

  15. 由於贪欲个人财富,这个会计师盗用了公司的资金。

    Lustful for personal wealth , the accountant embezzled the company funds .

  16. 贪欲并不是投资于骗局的惟一动机。

    Greed is not the exclusive motive for investing in a scam .

  17. 机器人不知疲倦的当牛做马,只为了满足人类的贪欲。

    The machines worked tirelessly to do man 's bidding .

  18. 过度的赞扬;过度的恭维;过度的野心;过度的贪欲。

    Extravagant praise ; exuberant compliments ; overweening ambition ; overweening greed .

  19. 雅四2你们纵任贪欲,仍无所有;

    Jas . 4:2 You lust and do not have ;

  20. 受贪欲、恐惧、爱等驱使。

    Be motivated by greed , fear , love , etc.

  21. 我认为这其实像贪欲一样是一种可以接受的坏毛病。

    I suppose it is a permitted vice , like greed or lust .

  22. 遂在旷野中放纵贪欲,在荒芜之地试探天主。

    They gave way to wanton craving and tempted God in the desert .

  23. 懒惰和奢侈导致穷困和贪欲。

    Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want .

  24. 拥有能占有的一切,为了自己贪欲!

    Of owning everything for one 's own greed !

  25. 当他第一次见到那位漂亮女人时,他的眼中露出贪欲的光亮。

    His eyes kindled with desire when her first saw the beautiful woman .

  26. 喜舍摄伏贪欲,行喜舍,可以广结善缘。

    Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity .

  27. 人类对鱼翅的贪欲导致每年有数以千万计的鲨鱼遭到杀戮。

    Tens of millions of sharks are killed for their fins each year .

  28. 不过,人的贪欲是无穷无尽的。

    Of course , desire is always endless .

  29. 试述贪欲的产生与预防

    On the Formation and Prevention of the Avidity

  30. 需求是有极限的,而贪欲却无止境。

    Needs are limited , but not greeds .