
  • 网络Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery;Crime of Graft and Bribery
  1. 第八章贪污贿赂罪

    Chapter VIII crimes of embezzlement and bribery

  2. 职务行为的廉洁性是贪污贿赂罪的同类客体,本身内容并不清楚,不宜作为挪用公款罪的直接客体。

    As the kindred object of crimes of embezzlement and bribery , integrity and honest of duties is not the direct object of crimes of misappropriates public funds for its contents is not clear .

  3. 浅析贪污贿赂罪

    An Elementary Analysis of Embezzlement and Bribery Crime

  4. 贪污贿赂罪主体认定中的若干问题

    Some Questions about Cognizance of the Main Bodies in the Crimes of Graft and Defalcation

  5. 贪污贿赂罪特别是受贿罪一直是司法关注的热点。

    Corruption crimes , especially bribery , have always been the hot points of law .

  6. 在目前司法实践中,对贪污贿赂罪几种主体类型的准确认定非常重要。

    In the practice of justice , it is very important to correctly cognize the main bodies of the crimes .

  7. 但1997年重新修订的新刑法打破了这一格局,设专章贪污贿赂罪。

    In 1997 , the revision of criminal law is a new pattern of breaking it , discussed " provisions " embezzlement .

  8. 在刑法理论中,混合主体共同受贿问题是研究贪污贿赂罪必须首先面对的问题。

    In the theory of Criminal Law , the research about the mixed common bribery body is the first embezzlement in bribery problem .

  9. 挪用公款罪作为一种犯罪现象,它属于贪污贿赂罪的范畴。

    The crime of misappropriating public funds is regarded as a criminal phenomenon , which belongs to the scope of the crime of corruption and bribery .

  10. 贪污贿赂罪、渎职罪的社会危害性,特别是其政治危害性、精神危害性,在刑法分则体系中均居于前列。

    The social harmfulness of bribery and malfeasance , especially their political and spiritual harmfulness are all on the top levels in criterion system of criminal law .

  11. 贪污贿赂罪的轻刑化是指司法机关在对贪污贿赂犯罪行为实施刑事处罚时,对被告人判处较轻刑罚的趋势。

    The light punishment of the crime of corruption and bribery refers to the trend of the judiciary to impose criminal penalties for acts of corruption and bribery , to impose a lighter sentence on the defendant .

  12. 现行刑法典单独设立一章规定贪污贿赂罪(第八章),在该章中又以四个条文分别规定了受贿罪、对受贿罪的处罚、单位受贿罪和斡旋受贿。

    There is a single chapter in the existing criminal code which regulates bribery and corruption ( chapter ⅷ) herein four articles provide bribery crime , the punishment of bribery crime , unit bribery crime and mediate accepting of bribes separately .

  13. 本文对财产性质以及财产控制关系的研究仅限于刑法分则第五章财产犯罪的范围,不包括破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪、赃物罪、贪污贿赂罪等内容。

    The researches for the property natures and property controlling relations are limited to the property crimes specified in Chapter Five of the Criminal Law , excluding crime of damaging socialism marketing economic orders , stolen-property crime , corruption and bribery crime .

  14. 挪用公款罪是国家工作人员利用职务上的便利实施的一种犯罪,是贪污贿赂罪中的一个重要罪名,实践中发案率较高。

    The crime is a kind of crime implemented that national staff members take advantage of post to appropriate public funds for personal use , corrupting and bribing an important charge in the crime , the incidence is relatively high in practice .

  15. 在我国《刑法》中,贪污贿赂罪作为一类重要的犯罪独列一章,除有关行贿的罪名以外,其他各罪名均要求犯罪主体为国家工作人员。

    In the Criminal Law of China , bribery , as a major kind of crimes , is independently described with one chapter . Other than the charge of offering bribery , other charges all require the subject of bribery crimes to be state personnel .

  16. 笔者认为从虞舜时就产生了对贪污、贿赂罪进行惩罚的律文,古代的贪赂罪包括财物和女色两种。

    The paper believes that the law castigating the crime of corruption and bribe was practiced in the Shun Period , which centered on property and sex .

  17. 第三部分立足于国内的现实,提出要扩大洗钱罪的上游犯罪,重点建议将贪污贿赂犯罪纳入洗钱罪的上游犯罪的范围。

    This paper , based on the domestic conditions , provides advice to extend the scope of the money laundering crimes to such criminal offences as bribery and corruption in the third part .