
  • 网络Cybercrime;Cyber Crime;Computer crime
  1. 经济变迁对网络犯罪形成之基础性作用研究

    Studies of Economic Changes Being the Basic Cause of Cyber Crimes

  2. 网络犯罪的解读&以法律心理学为视角

    A Study on Cyber Crimes & From the Aspect of Legal Psychology

  3. Hackerazzi(黑客狗仔)指入侵名人的电子邮件帐户以获取并搜寻名人隐私信息的网络犯罪分子。

    Hackerazzi are cybercriminals who hack pictures and sell them to newspapers and magazines . For example :

  4. 随着INTERNET的快速发展,计算机网络犯罪的增多已经威胁到国家和政府的安全。

    Along with the fast development of INTERNET , computer network crime has threatened the safety of country and government .

  5. 据美国战略与国际研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)2014年6月的一份报告显示,全球每年花在防范计算机与网络犯罪上的投入高达4450亿美元。

    Crime involving computers and networks has cost the world economy more than $ 445 billion annually , according to a June 2014 report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies .

  6. RBAC模型与预防网络犯罪

    RBAC Model and Prevention of Network Crimeses

  7. WLAN监听是对WLAN进行监控和对利用WLAN实施网络犯罪活动进行侦察和取证的基础。

    WLAN sniffer is the basement of WLAN monitor and control and it can produce evidence of network crime .

  8. 美国医院运营商“社区卫生系统公司”(CommunityHealthSystems)表示,中国黑客窃取了它的大约450万患者的私人信息。这是同类攻击中迄今遭窃账户数量最大的,将进一步加剧美中两国在网络犯罪问题上的长期紧张。

    Community Health Systems , the US hospital operator , said that Chinese hackers have stolen private information about 4.5m of its patients , the largest number of accounts compromised in such an attack , adding to long-running tensions between the two nations over cyber crime .

  9. 有人抱怨说很少有黑客会长成海姆斯沃斯这个样子,曼提起自己的一位顾问——斯蒂芬·瓦特(StephenWatt),他身高七英尺,是一位金发的举重运动员,后来成了网络犯罪分子。

    To the grumble that few hackers look like Mr. Hemsworth , Mr. Mann invoked another consultant , Stephen Watt , a 7-foot blond weight lifter turned cybercriminal .

  10. 不过最近由波尼蒙研究所(PonemonInstitute)所做的一项调研显示,各公司每周平均受到两次攻击,每年由于网络犯罪损失的金额高达890万美元。

    But a recent Ponemon Institute survey reported that the average company is attacked twice a week and loses $ 8.9 million a year to cybercrime .

  11. 旧金山——帮助数以百万计的美国人从家里上班的同样工具正被网络犯罪分子利用,成为侵入塔吉特百货(Target)和尼曼(NeimanMarcus)等零售商计算机网络的手段。

    SAN FRANCISCO - The same tools that help millions of Americans work from home are being exploited by cybercriminals to break into the computer networks of retailers like Target and Neiman Marcus .

  12. 这个漏洞存在于SSL3.0协议中,网络犯罪分子能够利用它明文获取本该加密的信息。不过,到目前为止,尚无证据表明曾有黑客利用过这一漏洞。

    Cyber criminals could use the hole in SSL version 3.0 to obtain information that is meant to be encrypted in plain text but - so far - there is no evidence it has been used by hackers .

  13. 安全技术与服务公司CrowdStrike的总裁肖恩·亨利(ShawnHenry)称,在网络犯罪案件中,有众多行业的公司常常不愿与检方合作。

    In the case of online crime , corporations across many industries are frequently reluctant to cooperate with prosecutions , said Shawn Henry , president of CrowdStrike Services , a security technology and services company ,

  14. 同时该报告还打破了东欧的网络犯罪更喜欢西方目标的传言,与此相反,McAfee发现网络犯罪没有国界。

    The report challenges one myth & that cybercriminals based in Eastern Europe favor Western targets . Instead , McAfee has found no boundaries for cyberthreats .

  15. 该四人以“背信犯罪和网络犯罪”的罪名被起诉并被拘留至8月21日。知情者告诉CNN,其中三人是PrimeFocusTechnologies的员工,该公司是一家独立公司,负责管理StarIndia公司的数据。

    The four have been charged with ' criminal reach of trust and computer-related offences ' and will be detained until August 21 . Three of the men are employees of Prime Focus Technologies , an independent company that handles Star India 's data , a source told CNN .

  16. 周二,联邦调查局发言人约书亚·坎贝尔(JoshuaCampbell)称,该机构的“火速”警告是例行公告,意在“帮助网管提防顽固网络犯罪分子的行动”。最早报道该公告的是路透社。

    Joshua Campbell , an F.B.I. spokesman , said on Tuesday that the agency 's " flash " warning , first reported by Reuters , was a routine advisory intended to " help systems administrators guard against the actions of persistent cybercriminals . "

  17. 安全专家警告说,Shellshock漏洞暴露了互联网在超过20年的时间里为网络犯罪分子留下的大量可乘之机,这凸显出最基本的网络基础设施已经不适应21世纪网络的需要。

    The Shellshock bug that has left vast swaths of the internet vulnerable to cyber criminals for more than 20 years highlights how the basic foundations of the network are not fit for the 21st century web , security experts have warned .

  18. 论述了什么是网络犯罪及其特点。

    Discuss what to be the network crime and its characteristics .

  19. 网络犯罪的本质特征在于其信息性。

    The nature of network crimes lie in its information aspect .

  20. 网络犯罪及犯罪地的确定

    Network Crime and its Determination On the Determination of Disputed Crime

  21. 网络犯罪的类型、特点及其防控对策

    On the Type , Characteristic and Countermeasure of the Network Crime

  22. 我国网络犯罪的发展趋势与对策

    The Tendency of the Net Crime and Its Counter-measures in China

  23. 网络犯罪成因及对策研究

    Study on the Cause of Network & Crime and the Countermeasure

  24. 信息时代网络犯罪的司法抗制探究

    Inquires into Judicial Anti-system of Network Crime in the Information Time

  25. 暗影行者也是一系列国际网络犯罪案件的主谋

    Shadow Walker was also the mastermind of several international e-crimes .

  26. 第三部分:网络犯罪的构成与认定。

    The third part : The composing of the network crime .

  27. 如何应对计算机网络犯罪成为人们不得不重视并处理的一大难题。

    How to deal with cyber crime becomes a big trouble .

  28. 青少年网络犯罪的心理因素及其预防

    Psychological factors of youngsters with network crime and its prevention

  29. 浅谈网络犯罪的认定

    A Brief Discussion about the Affirmation of Internet Crime Networking

  30. 网络犯罪发展的新态势及防范对策

    The New Situations of Network Crime 's Development and Its Prevention Countermeasures