
  1. 持续体育互动营销打造新网络广告模式

    Keep on the Interactive Marketing of Sports , Build the New Pattern of Web AD

  2. CPM是最常用的网络广告定价模式之一。

    CPM is the most commonly used one of the online advertising pricing model .

  3. 相对于传统网络广告运营模式,网络广告联盟这一新型的广告运营模式的出现为网络广告市场带来了巨大的发展动力。

    Compared with traditional online advertising business model , the appearance of network advertising , a kind of new business model , has brought tremendous impetus to the development of the network advertising market .

  4. 第三部分首先介绍网络广告沟通模式的特点,其次介绍网络广告的一些基本俗语,然后着重介绍如何达到好的网络广告效果,最后简单提及利用图标广告自由交换网达到网络广告的目的。

    The third section first introduce the character of network advertising communication mode , then some basic idioms in network advertising , then emphasize on how to achieve the best network advertising result , the last simply mention purpose of applying chart advertising interchange network .

  5. 其次,在对移动网络的广告营销模式分析基础之上针对受众、广告主和移动运营商提出改进意见。

    Secondly , the basis of the mobile network of advertising and marketing analysis for the audience , advertisers and mobile operators suggest improvements .

  6. 随之而来的问题突显出来,当前大多专业房地产网站是以楼盘网络广告作为盈利模式,于是让网站形成良好的品牌,成为房地产行业与相关行业和消费者之间的桥梁。

    Attendant problems exposed : Most professional real estate web site is based on online advertising as the main profit model , so how to become a bridge between the real estate industry and consumers , how to make your site have a good reputation are important .

  7. 随着传统电视的收视率大幅下滑,而网络观众规模暴增,默多克曾表示,弄清适用于网络视频的新广告模式将至关重要。

    In the face of staggering ratings declines for traditional television and an explosion of digital viewing , Mr. Murdoch has said that figuring out new advertising models for online viewing will be essential .

  8. 第五部分是网络广告的发展思路,其中包括注重网络受众的心理分析,网络广告与传统媒体相结合,企业忠于诚信,培养高素质专业的网络广告制作人员以及建立和完善网络广告监管模式等策略。

    The fifth part is the tactics of Web advertisement , including pay attention to the psychoanalysis of network audiences , combine with traditional medium , train high-quality and specialized advertising making personnel and establish and improve the mode of supervision and management .