
  • 网络Misleading advertisement;Misleading Advertising;False Advertising
  1. 此后,软银还因发布误导广告吸引手机客户而遭到抨击。

    More recently it came under attack for running misleading advertisements to woo mobile customers .

  2. 消费者投诉涉及的问题主要集中在质量、合同和售后服务方面,在合同的质量和误导广告的指控方面,也有了大幅度的上升。

    Most individual grievances focused on quality , contracts and post-sales services , with high rises too in the quality of contracts and on allegations of misleading advertisements .

  3. 围绕本质立法坚持权威执法&浅析英国误导性广告的立法与司法实践

    Analysis of legislative and judicial practice of misleading advertising in UK

  4. 保护消费者免受劣质产品和误导性广告的侵害。

    The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims .

  5. 在英国,广告监管主要通过行业自律机构实施,包括对误导性广告的监管。

    In UK , the regulations of advertising , including the regulation of misleading advertisements are enforced by the self-disciplined institutions mostly .

  6. 我在此发表演讲,谴责现代社会的一大疾病,那就是误导性广告的性别效应。

    I 'm speaking to denounce a disease with our modern society , that is , the sex role of misleading advertisements and commercials .

  7. 较早时,消委会建议立法惩罚促销策略,涵盖范围包括不公平或不良手法、误导的广告以及促销手法例如骚扰或威逼顾客。

    The proposed legislation would cover unfair or undesirable practices , misleading advertisements and aggressive sales practices such as harassment or coercion of customers .

  8. 百度说,它对医疗类的网页采取“特别严格的前置审查”,并通过资质审核、以及对可能存在误导的广告进行筛查,“主动清理了客户群。”

    Baidu says it applies " particular vigilance " to health care pages and has " proactively cleaned up the customer base " by using certification standards and screening potentially misleading ads.

  9. 但是在这个大好的形势下,广告也面临着十分严峻的考验:虚假性广告、误导性广告、违法广告层出不穷,对它们的监管工作收效甚微。

    However , in this good situation , the advertising industry is also facing some very severe tests : false advertising , misleading advertising , endless and illegal advertising , and little effect on their regulatory work .

  10. 他们可能会通过误导性的广告是一些人在短期内上当。

    He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising .

  11. 他们可以打误导人的广告,继续寻求听之任之的政治纲领。

    They can run misleading ads and pursue the politics of anything goes .

  12. 误导性化妆品广告的批判性语篇分析

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Misleading Cosmetic Advertisements

  13. 进行虚假的或者误导投资者的广告或者其他宣传推介活动;

    Conducting any advertising or any other publicity for recommendation , which is false or may mislead investors ;

  14. 5月,监管部门曾誓言打击具有误导性的医疗广告,该案件也涉及百度。

    In May , regulators vowed to crack down on misleading medical advertisements , in a case also involving Baidu .