
  1. 铁路广告经营和委托代-理理论

    Railway Advertising Business and Principal - Agent Theory

  2. 国际铁路广告公司联合会

    International Federation of Railway Advertising Companies

  3. 然而由于受体制、经营理念等诸多因素的制约,在过去二十多年的发展中,铁路广告逐步落后于中国整体广告市场的发展水平。

    However , conditioned by institutions and management theory and some other factors , railway advertising business gradually fall behind the level of whole China advertisement marketplace in the past two decades .

  4. 交通广告属于户外广告,是指在交通工具内外以及等车地点发布的广告,它的目标受众是那些经常使用交通工具的人,而铁路广告就属于交通广告的一种。

    Transporting advertising is a kind of outdoor advertising , which published in the transport and railway advertising is one kind of transporting advertising , whose aimed audiences are people that take public transportation frequently .

  5. 16岁那年,马奎斯回复了一家承诺提供免费旅游的铁路公司的分类广告。

    When she was 16 , Marquis answered a classified ad for a train company that promised free travel .

  6. 中国铁路蕴藏了无限的商机,成为各行各业关注的焦点,铁路广告行业也因此迎来了空前的发展机遇。

    China railway is providing us unlimited business opportunities , and becoming a major concern of every trade makes the railway advertising business face an unparalleled development opportunity .