
  • 网络error theory;theory of error
  1. 多元统计分析在误差理论中的应用&关于广义传播律

    An Application of Multidimensional Statistical to the Theory of Errors & On a Generalized Propagation Law

  2. 基于误差理论及PLC编程指令,提出了一种剔除脉冲干扰信号的实用软件方法,保证了PLC采集数据的可靠性,提高了控制系统的抗干扰能力。

    A practical software method filtering out pulse disturbing signal based on error theory and PLC 's programmed instruction was presented , which ensures the reliability of PLC data sampling , improves anti-jamming ability of control system .

  3. 组合取样的误差理论研究及其MonteCarlo模拟

    Theoretical Study on Composite Sampling and Monte Carlo Simulation

  4. ANA系统剩余误差理论及测量研究

    The Research of the Theory of Residual Error and Measurement Method in ANA System

  5. 本文采用分数阶Fourier变换来优化STFT的窗函数,并估计非线性调频信号的瞬时频率。进行了详细的误差理论分析。

    The paper adopt Fractional Fourier Transform to optimize the window of STFT an use it to estimate IF of non-linear frequency-modeled signal ( NLFM ) and analyze the MSE detailedly by theoretics .

  6. 通过误差理论分析,得到了视电阻率误差与相位误差的数学关系,该结论对合理制定大地电磁测深规范以及正确建立MT反演解释的目标函数具有重要意义。

    Analyse through error theory , have gotten the mathematics relation of phase error and apparent resistivity error . This conclusion has guidance meaning to make Magnetotelluric Sounding ( MT ) standard as well as to establish inversion goal function of MT data .

  7. 从无人机(UnmannedAerialVehicle,UAV)皮托-静压管测风对磁偏角的敏感性出发,借助无人机皮托-静压管测风原理和误差理论,建立了磁偏角对测风影响的风速误差数学模型;

    Based on the research on sensitivity of geomagnetic declination on wind measurement by UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicle ) with Pitot-static tube , mathematical model of wind speed error to effect of geomagnetic declination is set up in virtue of wind measurement theory and error theory .

  8. 为了能有利于卫星等航天器高精度自主导航本文采用1978年由Friedland提出的基于惯性坐标系下的惯性系统误差理论推导出另外一种基于惯性坐标系下的惯性导航系统。

    In order to make sure the spacecraft can fly in any condition here adopted the error model was derived by Friedland in 1978 , which was based on the Earth Centered Inertial ( ECI ) Frame .

  9. 本文从TRV功能的误差理论分析和精度实验研究入手,提出了TRV功能在城市测量、地籍测量和工程测量中所能达到的精度和等级,探讨了TRV功能的适用条件。

    On the basis of analysing error and a study of precision experiment from TRV function . This paper proposes that TRV function arrives at precision and grade in urban survey , cadastral survey and engineering survey . The suitable condition of TRV function is also discussed in the paper .

  10. 误差理论在建立施工定额中的应用研究

    Study on the application of error theory in compiling construction quota

  11. 关于误差理论若干基本问题的探讨

    A discussion on some fundamental problems in the theory of error

  12. 主轴回转误差理论中几个问题的探讨

    On some problems in the theory of spindles ' rotation error

  13. 光纤法珀应变传感器波长检测量化误差理论分析

    Wave Detection Error Analysis of Fiber Optic F-P Strain Sensing System

  14. 冲击电压数字测量误差理论计算的新方法

    A new theoretical calculation method of errors in digital measurement of impulses

  15. 复曲面镜片铣磨后的面形误差理论分析

    Surface shape error theoretical analysis of two curvature lenses milled and ground

  16. 误差理论在轴承测量及加工中的应用

    The Application of Error Theory to Bearing Measuring and Machining

  17. 简单地叙述了误差理论与名词方面的问题。

    Briefly states the issues in error theory and terminology .

  18. 误差理论中几个模糊概念辨析

    Discrimination and analysis of some indistinct concepts in error theory

  19. 并利用误差理论对该定位方程进行了误差分析及定位精度的计算机仿真,仿真计算的结果与误差理论分析一致。

    The results of the error simulation match with the error theory prediction .

  20. 雷达避碰中误差理论的应用

    Application of Error Theory in Collision Avoidance with Radar

  21. 第五章、测量系统分析首先介绍了误差理论和测量不确定度的评定流程。

    Chapter 5 is about the measuring systems analysis .

  22. 减小尺寸误差理论是本项目任务的基础。

    Which provides the basis for the Project tasks .

  23. 数控车削加工误差理论分析及控制方法

    Theory Analysis and Control Method of NC Turning Error

  24. 谈实验误差理论教学

    A Discussion on the Teaching of Experiment Error Theory

  25. 误差理论应用上的重要进展

    An Important Progress in the Application of Error Theory

  26. 灰色误差理论在岩矿测试数据处理中的应用

    Application of Gray Error Theory in Data Processing of Rock and Mineral Analysis

  27. 在系统调试过程中进行了系统的误差理论分析。

    Make the system error analysis on the base of system shakedown test .

  28. 除尘器除尘效率测定误差理论的研究

    Study on the Measurement Deviation Theory in the Collection Efficiency of Dust Precipitator

  29. 这是误差理论发展所面临的重要问题之一。

    This is one of the important issues in development of error theory .

  30. 物理实验误差理论图析

    Analyses of Error Theories for physical Experiments with Graphs