
měi rónɡ zhuān jiā
  • beauty expert
  1. VideoJug美容专家教给你怎样护理双眼。

    VideoJug 's beauty expert shows you how to care for your eyes .

  2. 大连医科大学兼职副教授,资深皮肤医学美容专家。

    Dalian Medical University associate adjunct professor , senior medical skin beauty expert .

  3. 美容专家称,科技痴迷者们要小心面颊松弛下垂。

    Technology addicts may be at risk of sagging jowls , according to aesthetic experts .

  4. 美容专家推荐了一个“喝水行程表”,提供给您以作参考。

    HairdressingThe expert recommended " the hodometer that drink water ", offer you to consult in order to make .

  5. 网红,有影响力的人轰动,引起轰动的人品牌正在联合网红、时装设计师和美容专家们来和潜在买家互动。

    sensation Brands are teaming up with internet celebrities , fashionistas , and beauty experts to engage with potential clients .

  6. 在本期节目中,化妆师和美容专家露丝弗朗西斯向你展示如何涂抹粉红色口红。

    In this guide , makeup artist and beauty expert Ruth Frances shows you how to wear fuschia lipstick . Top Tips

  7. 定位于美容专家的《魅力》杂志每天都会颁奖给当年最受欢迎的护肤品。

    As the beauty expert , Allure Magazine annually awards its coveted Best of Beauty seal to the best products on the market .

  8. 从前,我也一直认为热水绝对会损伤发质,直到我遇到一位美容专家,他给我分享了冲洗头发的秘诀。

    I always thought that hot water is absolutely bad for my hair health until I met a beauty expert who shared the secret of hot rinse with me .

  9. 根据一项由1500位美容专家参与的调查,20%的女性想要科尔的头发,12%的人则希望有普莱斯的肤色。

    According to a survey of 1,500 beauty professionals , one in five women ask for Miss Cole 's hair and 12 per cent request Miss Price 's tan .

  10. 我打算坚持使用——尽管我不由自主地期望能有一位美容专家能为我脱毛,但那样一来就得预约,还得离开自己家。

    And I intend to keep at it - although I can 't help wishing it came with an aesthetician to do extractions . But that would mean booking an appointment and leaving the house .

  11. 美容治疗专家SarahChapman向VideoJug用户讲述了油性皮肤的护理方法。

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for oily skin .

  12. 在Howcast这段美容视频中,跟美容产品专家SpiritDemerson学习处理干燥嘴唇的最佳天然方法。

    Learn about the best natural ways to treat dry lips from organic beauty products expert Spirit Demerson in this Howcast beauty video .

  13. 为了帮助你找到真正有效的美容窍门,WebMD采访了顶尖的皮肤护理和美容专家,他们传授了各自让人看起来漂亮的窍门

    To help you find the beauty tips that really work , WebMD talked to top skin care and beauty experts , who parted with their personal tips for looking great

  14. 为了帮助你找到真正有效的美容窍门,WebMD采访了顶尖的皮肤护理和美容专家,他们传授了各自让人看起来漂亮的窍门:

    To help you find the beauty tips that really work , WebMD talked to top skin care and beauty experts , who parted with their personal tips for looking great :

  15. 就民间偏方而言,苹果醋一直是包治美容的万能良方。不过,切记!未必所有的偏方都奏效,美容专家提醒大家在苹果醋面前要头脑冷静。

    For as long as there have been folk remedies , apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all for all kinds of skin and hair problems .