
  1. 他致力于对美的理想模式和宗教信仰的表达的耕耘。

    He devoted himself to the cultivation of an ideal type of beauty and expression of religious believes .

  2. 另外,随着时间的流逝,美联储的政策模式会制造预期。

    Furthermore , the pattern of Fed policy over time builds expectations .

  3. 中国上市公司的治理模式既不同于英、美的一元制模式,也不同于德日的二元制模式,而是一种混合制的治理模式。

    Chinese corporate governance model is a mixed type , but it lacks an effective outside governance mechanism comparing with the unitary board .

  4. 这三种情感形态一步步发展,使得近代诗歌感情表达的力度不断增强,最后形成对古典诗歌以中和之美为追求的情感模式的突破。

    Three patterns of emotion step by step develop and constantly strengthen the dynamic of emotion of the modern poetry that break through the pattern of emotion of the classic poetry with the beauty of gentle .

  5. 另外,艺术也属于依附美,美是道德的象征在美的艺术中得到最好的体现,因为审美意象(美的理想的具体模式)是理性理念的最完满的感性形象显现。

    Moreover , art also belongs to accessory beauty . " Beauty as the symbol of morality " is best embodied in fine art . Because the aesthetic idea ( the specific model about the idea of Beauty ) is the best perceptual image expression of rational idea .