
  1. 昆仑山隧道工作面风温计算及影响因素

    Airflow Temperature Calculation and Influence Factors in Kunlun Tunnel Face

  2. 掘进工作面风电闭锁装置的长距离控制方式设计

    The Design of Long-distance Control Mode of Interlocked Circuit-breaker for Heading Face

  3. 面风祈祷,斯巴达将会覆灭,整个希腊都将覆灭。

    Pray to the winds . Sparta will fall . All Greece will fall .

  4. 火下开采工作面风窗自动监测与调节系统的研究

    The Study of Automatic Monitoring and Regulation System of Window Ventilator of Second Coal Face Under Fire Area

  5. 该系列鞋子包括红色缎面风和豹纹风,已经多次得到脸书用户褒贬不一的反响。

    The range of shoes , which features styles made from red satin and leopard-skin material , have repeatedly met mixed responses from Facebook users .

  6. 它是基于高频无线电波与海面相互作用的散射理论,通过观测和分析高频地波雷达接收的海面回波信号,提取与海面状态有关的信息,如海面风、浪、流等海洋动力学参数。

    Based on the scattering theory of the interaction between HF radio wave and the sea surface , the HFSWR extracts ocean dynamics parameters such as wind , wave and current by observing and analyzing the sea echo signal .

  7. 天线反射面精度风振动力可靠性分析

    Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Accuracy of Antenna Reflector under Wind Vibration

  8. 上海城市近地面层风场特征的初步研究

    Study on Some Features of the Wind Field in Shanghai City

  9. 均匀供冷采煤工作面送风器的布置

    Layout of Delivery Equipment in Coal Face with Event Cooling Supply

  10. 高瓦斯突出采煤工作面调风工程分析

    Analysis on air regulation engineering in highly gassy bank

  11. 用于面游风,风疹块,一切瘙痒性皮肤病。

    For surface travel wind , hives , itching of the skin of all .

  12. 东南极大陆边缘地区夏季近地面层风场特征分析

    Characteristics of the surface wind in summer at the continental margin , east Antarctica

  13. 高瓦斯矿井大采高综放工作面进风巷道变形规律研究

    Study of High-gas Coal Mine Large Mining Height Top-coal Caving Face Intake Airflow Drift Deformation

  14. 掘进工作面双风机双电源自动转换装置

    Trial - manufacture of auto - transformation unit with double blower and power in heading face

  15. 后退式长壁开采工作面用风帘控制粉尘和瓦斯的措施

    Measures of Controlling Dust and Gas with Wind - cloth Curtains in the Bringing Back Longwall Face

  16. 煤矿井下开掘工作面双风机双电源自动切换的实现

    Realization of the Auto-switchover of Double Electric Motor / Double Electric Source on the Underground Working Faces of the Coal Mine

  17. 走向长壁后退式开采工作面用风帘控制粉尘和瓦斯简单易行,能够解决生产中的实际问题。

    It 's easy and useful to control dust and gas with wind-cloth curtains in the bringing back long wall face .

  18. 在不动锅炉本体的情况下,仅对炉排、尾部受热面、风机和水泵进行改造,从而实现锅炉的增容。

    Under the condition of main body of boiler wasn 't reformed , by upgrading the fire grate and the tail department being heated and fan facilities and water pump , the power upgrading of boiler was realized .

  19. 为了确定薄膜一阶失稳时的风速,进一步用涡旋面代替风与薄膜表面之间的微小厚度边界层来推导薄膜表面所受的气动力表达式;

    In order to determine critical wind velocity of mem - brane at first order instability , further vortex sheet on membrane is used to substitute the infinitesimal thickness boundary layer between wind and membrane surface . Expression of aerodynamic force is obtained ;

  20. 稳定大气近地面层的风和温度廓线

    Profiles of wind and temperature in the stable stratified ground layer

  21. 详细分析了转、静子间轮毂间隙和进口附面层对风机级性能和流场细节的影响。

    The influences of hub leakage and inlet boundary layer on the performance and flow fields of the fan are analyzed in details .

  22. 根据通风网络与瓦斯防治理论分析,探讨应用大断面独头煤巷掘进工作面全负压风排瓦斯技术的可行性,以减少掘进头的瓦斯积聚,降低瓦斯爆炸事故发生率;

    This article discusses the feasibility of application of all negative pressure ventilation technology to discharge mine gas from large-cross-sectional single coal drift heading face .

  23. 但他驾着船贴风行驶的手却懈怠了,不顾脸面地让风从帆边漏了出去,推迟了到达北岸的时间,因为一到了北岸就得回头,两人就得分开。

    But he luffed the boat less delicately , spilling the wind shamelessly from the sail so as to prolong the tack to the north shore .

  24. 采用压缩空气均匀供冷降温的采煤工作面,送风器的布置间距和数量直接影响着采煤工作面的降温效果。

    When using compressed air to supply coal evenly , the layout space and quantity of delivery equipment will have a direct influence upon the cooling result in coal face .

  25. 李明把一些旧衣服悬挂在胡同的树上,就像是一面面旗帜在风中飘扬。胡同居民有着相似的方式晾衣服,但是李明这个小小的改动却带来了许多惊奇和联想。

    In a similar manner to the neighboring residents when they hang their clothes up to dry , Li Ming hangs clothes up on a nearby tree to give the effect of flags flying in the wind .

  26. 探讨层燃锅炉在采用煤水混烧技术时对送风系统的要求和对燃烧过程的影响,以及炉排面上配风速度的控制范围。

    It discusses the requirement of the air supply system and the effect of the combustion process with using CWM technique in layer combustion heating boiler , and the controlling range of the air velocity through the stoker .

  27. 单多普勒天气雷达反演风场是以VAP法为基础,反演不同等高面上的二维风场。

    Wind field retrieval from single-Doppler radar data uses velocity azimuth processing ( VAP ) technique , and two-dimensional wind fields in different altitudes are retrieved .

  28. “吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,象母亲的手抚摸着你。

    " The wind blows ", like mum 's hand which is touching you .

  29. 吹面不寒杨柳风&浅谈对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言

    Warm Breeze from the Teacher to the Student & On the Use of Teacher Appraisal in Chinese as a Foreign Language Class

  30. 重点分析了锅炉受热面磨损,引风机失速,回料腿结焦,翻床几种典型运行故障的影响因素。

    It analyzed the boiler heating surface wear , draft fan stall , slagging of feeding back legs , some typical turn-bed operation failure factors .