
  1. 大家一看见那大堆大堆美丽的葡萄、油桃和桃子,一下子就聚拢来围着桌子坐下。

    and the beautiful pyramids of grapes , nectarines , and peaches soon collected them round the table .

  2. 太阳的光辉照耀大地,将生命与美撒在碧绿的山丘之上。每一座山丘都长满美丽的葡萄藤。

    The sun shone in all its glory , shedding life and beauty over the green hills , which were covered with pretty vines .

  3. 也许亚哈正欣赏著美丽的葡萄园,心想,这个葡萄园是我的了。突然,他看见以利亚走过来。??

    Perhaps King Ahab was walking over the grounds of that lovely vineyard thinking , " It 's mine ! It 's all mine ! " when suddenly he saw Elijah coming .

  4. 虽然不是每个人都健谈,可是每个人都会吃;大家一看见那大堆大堆美丽的葡萄、油桃和桃子,一下子就聚拢来围着桌子坐下。

    There was now employment for the whole party ; for though they could not all talk , they could all eat ; and the beautiful pyramids of grapes , nectarines , and peaches soon collected them round the table .

  5. 田沟里,篱笆上,都生满了最美丽的紫葡萄和绿葡萄。树林里处处悬挂着柠檬和橙子。

    Here , on the hedges , and by the wayside , grew purple , green , and white grapes ; lemons and oranges hung from trees in the woods ; and the air was fragrant with myrtles and orange blossoms .