
  • 网络sciaenops ocellatus;red drum
  1. 饲料维生素E含量对美国红鱼生长和非特异性免疫的影响

    Effects of dietary vitamin E levels on growth and nonspecific immunity of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus

  2. 饲料中铁对美国红鱼(Sciaenopsocellatus)生长和免疫的影响

    Effects of dietary iron on growth and immune response of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus

  3. 腹腔注射0.02mg/gBW17β-雌二醇,诱导美国红鱼1wk后取尾静脉血,离心分离得到的血浆经Sephacryls-300highresolution分子筛分离、纯化卵黄原蛋白。

    Vitellogenin ( VTG ) was induced in red drum by intraperitoneal injections of 17 β - estradiol . After one week induction , blood was collected from caudal vessel and then centrifuged . Purification of the VTG was performed by gel permeation chromatography of Sephacryl S-300 high resolution .

  4. 获得的结果如下:1、从患溃烂症的美国红鱼分离到优势菌株M-1,人工感染实验证实该菌为美国红鱼的致病菌。

    The results as follows : 1 . A bacterial strain named M-1 was isolated from the diseased Sciaenops ocellatus with ulceration . Artificial infection test with thoracic cavity injection ( 0.2mL per fish ) proved that strain M-I was the causative pathogen associated with the disease .

  5. 美国红鱼试养的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Cultivation of American Red Fish Sciaenops ocellatus

  6. 5种中草药对美国红鱼生长和免疫机能的影响

    Effects of Chinese herbs on the growth and immune function in Sciaenops ocellatus

  7. 美国红鱼致病性弧菌分离鉴定与免疫防治技术研究

    Studies on Isolation , Identification and Immunology , Prevention Treatment Technology Against Pathogenic Vibrio

  8. 美国红鱼池塘养殖技术

    Pond Cultural Technique of Sciaenops ocellatus

  9. 美国红鱼的初孵仔鱼口裂大,第二天即可喂以轮虫;

    Rotifefs could be fed the following day after hatching as the month of the fish hatchlings is big .

  10. 久效磷对美国红鱼鳃Na~+/K~+-ATP酶活性和超显微结构的影响

    Effect of monocrotophos on Na ~ + / K ~ + - ATPase activity and ultramicrostructure of Sciaenops ocellatus branchiae

  11. 美国红鱼、鲈鱼、斜带髭鲷三种鱼的续航时间(或续航能力)与水流流速呈乘幂递减关系。

    Based on regression analysis , power function relationships were found between sustained swimming time and flow velocities for these fishes .