
  1. 美国动画片?好的好的,我喜欢美国公画片!

    American cartoons ? Yes , please ! I love them .

  2. 英国首相托尼·布莱尔在周日上映的美国动画片《辛普森一家》中友情客串了一个角色。

    Prime Minister Tony Blair has made a guest appearance in The Simpsons , which was shown in the US on Sunday .

  3. 这也是该电影节举办54年以来第三部没有进行过任何删节的美国动画片参加金棕榈大奖的角逐。

    It marked third time a full-length animation film was selected to compete for the Golden Palm in the Festival 's 54-year history .

  4. 液固顶空气相色谱法测定布美他尼中有机溶剂残留英国首相托尼·布莱尔在周日上映的美国动画片《辛普森一家》中友情客串了一个角色。

    Determination of Residual Organic Solvent in Bumetanide by Solution-Solid Headspace Gas Chromatography Prime Minister Tony Blair has made a guest appearance in The Simpsons , which was shown in the US on Sunday .

  5. “Meh”一词的流行源于美国喜剧动画片《辛普森一家》,片中的巴特和莉莎对爸爸霍莫一日游的提议表示不感兴趣时,就用了这个词。

    The word was popularized by the US comedy animation series " The Simpsons ", where characters Bart and Lisa use it to express indifference when their father Homer suggests a day trip .

  6. 中国的动画片不太吸引人。我喜欢美国的动画片。

    Chinese cartoons are not very appealing . I like American cartoons .

  7. 我喜欢美国的动画片。

    I like American cartoons .

  8. 他山之石可以攻玉,在研究了美国当代动画片的叙事特征之后,我们从中可以获得以下启示:国产动画片要讲中国化的故事,即创作具有中国特色的动画片,并要做到寓乐于教。

    After studying the narration of contemporary American animation we get the inspiration as following : domestic animation should tell Chinese stories , that is to say , to create animations with Chinese ingredients , and try to mix entertainment with education .

  9. Volt感觉上和驾驶起来都更像传统汽车,而普锐斯还带着杰森一家(Jetsons,美国著名科幻动画片,描写未来的科技世界&译注)里的太空舱一般的感觉。

    The volt feels and drives more like a conventional car , while the Prius still has that Jetsons space capsule air about it .

  10. 1928年11月18日,米老鼠代表美国精神在动画片《蒸汽船威利号》中首次亮相。

    He was a symbol of American pluck in his screen debut , " Steamboat Willie ," on Nov.18 , 1928 .

  11. 五月份,美国偶像将和动画片《辛普森一家》联手,在其最后一季中客串出场。

    In May , the " American Idol " gang will be visiting Springfield during " The Simpsons '" season finale .

  12. 美国著名的喜剧动画片《辛普森一家》中就有这样一个情节:辛普森一家到中餐馆吃饭,点菜的时候他们发现:他们想吃的“正常食物”中餐馆都不提供;

    The famous American comic cartoon series The Simpsons includes such an episode : the Simpsons eat out at a Chinese restaurant but can not find any normal food they think on the menu .