
yù yuē quàn
  • Reservation voucher;coupon for a subscription
  1. 组织方呼吁参观者预约券上指定的按时参观。

    The organizer called on visitors to come within the time period stated on their reservation tickets .

  2. 上海世博会一位官员表示,每位持票游客均可在世博园入园处从工作人员那里拿到一张预约券。

    Shanghai Expo official said every Expo ticket holder can get one reservation ticket at the entrance to the Expo Garden from Expo staff .

  3. 准备参观中国馆的每位入园观众只能领取一张预约券。

    Every visitor is eligible for only one reservation ticket to the pavilion . A total of100,000 visitors are set to have a preview tomorrow .

  4. 上海世博会事务协调局昨日宣布,为了打击仿冒预约券,中国馆将于8月中旬改发电子预约券,取代原先的纸质预约券。

    The Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination yesterday said the China Pavilion will switch to electronic smart cards for reservation proof in mid-August to prevent counterfeit tickets .