
ɡuò lǜ lǜ
  • filterability
  1. 初级评估疗效指标是肾小球过滤率的变化,观察在18个月和36个月(3年)的肾小球滤过率(GFR)变化。

    The primary outcome measure was progression of nephropathy , which was assessed by change in glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) at18 and36 months .

  2. 准确过滤率数据显示,该算法可平衡系统可扩展性要求和精度要求。

    Data on accurate filtering rate indicate that the algorithm can make a good tradeoff between the requirements of system scalability and accuracy .

  3. 通过在飞行仿真系统中使用并与传统方法比较,说明模糊分组方法不仅在不同规模仿真环境中能够保证稳定的数据包过滤率及较高的有效数据包接收率,而且可有效控制匹配次数。

    Simulation results show that fuzzy grouping method not only keeps high and stable data filtering rates in different situation but also greatly reduces matching number compared with existing methods .

  4. 结果正常白蛋白尿期中,治疗组肾小球过滤率降低非常显著,平均动脉压和血β2微球蛋白降低显著,对照组各指标则无显著性差异;

    Results In normal albuminuria period , average BP and serum β 2MG in treatment group were lower markedly , and GFR lower most markedly while all index in control group were not different markedly .

  5. 一个仿真系统不能只采用一种固定的网格单元尺寸,而要随系统的不同动态改变网格的单元尺寸,以达到在最短时间消耗情况下得到最高的数据过滤率。

    A distributed simulation system should have a dynamic grid-based method in data distributed management , but not a static grid , thus the system can get a high rate of data filter on a low consume of time .

  6. 在该条件下,过滤除去率为835%&917%

    Under this condition , the filter efficiency is 83.5 % - 91.7 % .

  7. 对不同邮件测试集的在线学习试验结果表明,有监督Bayesian邮件分类网络能够有效地实现垃圾邮件的相对完备特征学习,改善邮件过滤的准确率。

    On-line learning for different E-mail testing sets shows that such a classifying network can ensure the classification and filtering efficiently . It practically provides a viable solution by building a supervised Bayesian classifying network to execute relatively complete characteristics learning and improve the accuracy of E-mail filtering .

  8. 把树突状细胞算法和传统人工免疫系统的克隆选择算法有机地组织在一起,形成一个完整的基于二代人工免疫系统带训练的树突状细胞算法(T-DCA),进一步提高垃圾邮件过滤的准确率。

    Put dendritic cell algorithm and the clone selection algorithm based on the traditional artificial immune system together to form a complete second-generation artificial immune system-based dendritic cell algorithm with training ( T-DCA ), to further improve spam filter accuracy .

  9. 实验结果表明MailGate对垃圾邮件过滤的召回率和误判率能够达到较好的效果。

    Experiments show that the recall rate and FP rate of spam filtering get a good result .

  10. 五段式滤层不限位时,过滤初期压缩率就能达46%,过滤后期能达50%。

    Five section filter layer at the initial of filtraion the compression ratio is 46 % , and at the end of filtration is 50 % .

  11. 随着伪装技术的发展,垃圾邮件也越来越隐晦,致使基于内容过滤的误判率也很高,而对大量疑似垃圾邮件,基于内容的过滤也耗费了大量的处理时间。

    With the development of camouflage technology , spam became more obscure , and lead to higher false positive rate for content-based filtering . For large number of suspected spam , content-based filters also spent so much time on processing .

  12. 应用0.4μm孔径的陶瓷膜对原酱油及酱油沉淀物进行过滤,除菌率达99%以上,酱油品质较好;

    Raw soy sauce and deposits from soy sauce were filtered by ceramic membrane of 0.4 μ m pore size , the rate of getting rid of microbe reached over 99 % , and the quality of soy sauce was well .

  13. 一次过滤固体颗粒清除率

    One-pass solid removal efficiency Disposable Infusion Medicinal filter

  14. 高效过滤器滤菌效率的理论和实验研究一次过滤固体颗粒清除率

    Theoretical and Experimental Research on Airborne Microbes Filtration Performance of HEPA Filter one-pass solid removal efficiency

  15. 结果过滤后血小板回收率平均为94.9%,白细胞去除率为98%,输注无效率为13.5%(均数);

    Result After filtration , the platelet re-collect rate was 94.9 % , the elimination rate 13.5 % ( mean ) .

  16. 实验和分析表明:本文的算法相比传统方法在过滤效率和准确率两方面均获得大幅度提升。

    The experiments show the algorithm could promote both in the efficiency and accuracy comparing with the traditional methods . 3 .

  17. 结果通过两种过滤模式及回收率的测定显示,自动过滤取样装置对硝苯地平(I)有吸附作用。

    RESULTS The result of percent recovery showed that automatic sampling device has adsorption to Nifedipine sustained release tablets ( I ) .

  18. 该系统集合了特征抽取与神经网络技术,可以自动提取并学习接收到的邮件的特征,对传统静态的规则进行动态的调整和修改,提高了利用此规则过滤垃圾邮件的准确率。

    Our system integrated feature extraction and neural network techniques which has provided a novel ability to automatically extract and learn the changing features of spam . This approach has improved the accuracy of distinguishing spam from legitimate mails through dynamic adjustment of the traditional static rules .

  19. 根据解析解建立了过滤器过滤初期压降模型及过滤后期压降增长率模型。

    A pressure drop model of SSNF for the initial filtering stage and a pressure drop increasing rate model of SSNF for the last filtering stage are established .

  20. 中空纤维对细菌和浊度过滤效果好,对重金属和小分子有机物与聚丙烯棉芯(PP)过滤率相近;

    Hollow fibers can effectively filter bacteria and turbidity , while for heavy metals and organic substances of little molecules , it 's not better than ( polypropylene ) PP colander , which can better purify big particle substances .

  21. 将贝叶斯分类与新的过滤方法(包括流量检测、抽样检测、日志分析)结合,在保证短信过滤准确率的情况下,提高短信过滤效率。

    Combined the Bayesian classification with the new filtering methods ( including flow testing , sample testing , log analysis ) to ensure the accuracy of junk SMS filtering circumstances , improve the efficiency of message filtering .

  22. 同时该方法整合了多项垃圾短信过滤技术(黑白名单、关键词及内容过滤技术),该方法较之单一的过滤方法准确率和效率上有很大的提高。

    Three kinds of filtering technology ( black / white list based , key words based , content based ) are implemented on junk short message filtering method , which increase the efficiency very significantly . The accuracy is also greatly improved compared with a single filtering method .

  23. 过滤系统由数量控制过滤提供垃圾邮件训练集,通过提取其中的特征模式对邮件进行分类,可以识别出约94.2%的垃圾邮件,误过滤率约0.04%。

    This system obtained training data set by spam quantity control , and then classified mails using the characteristic patterns extracted from spam . This system can catch 94.2 % of spam and false positive is about 0.04 % .

  24. 文本过滤中经常会受到一些伪装词汇的干扰,本文提出了一种利用字符编码的规律,通过一次扫描预处理,剔除敏感信息分割伪装的方法,有效提高了过滤的准确率。

    Text filtration often gets interfered by some disguised words . This paper proposes the utilization of a character coding law which greatly improving the accuracy of filtration through a pre-treatment scan , removing sensitive information and splitting disguised . 3 .