
  • 网络Murdannia triquetra;Tradescantia fluminensis;Murdannia keisak
  1. 对水竹叶、双穗雀稗较多田块,采用10%农美利295~300ml/hm2,防除效果达90%以上。

    For Murdannia triquetra and Paspalum distichum , 10 % Nominee ( bispyribac sodium ) SC 225-300 ml / hm 2 is applied and has more than 90 % of the effect .

  2. 通过对浙江省宁波市蔺草田水竹叶杂草多年的观察及调查,明确蔺草田杂草优势种水竹叶的区域分布、形态特征、发生规律和危害程度;

    The occurrence , morphology , damage and distribution of the dominant weed Murdannia triquetra in junci effusus field is ensured by the several years abservation of its occurrence in Ningbo Zhejiang province ;

  3. 禹山坞稻田普遍使用化学除草剂,杂草种数明显少于城北村,水竹叶成为禹山坞稻田的优势种;

    Application of herbicides to paddy field at Yushanwu was widespread which resulted in less weed species than that at Chengbei .