
  • 网络horizontal symmetry
  1. 任意张角水平对称天线的矩量法计算

    Calculation of random angle of level symmetry antenna by moment method

  2. 目前关于各向异性问题的讨论多集中于具有垂直对称轴或水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质,而涉及横向非均匀倾斜界面时由于问题相当复杂讨论起来很困难。

    Current studies on anisotropy are based on the homogeneous media and have vertical or horizontal anisotropic symmetric axis , then the problem connected with three dimensional dipping interface is still unsolved .

  3. 轻子与夸克的水平味对称性

    Flavor Horizontal Symmetry of the Leptons-Quarks

  4. 联合使用车底阴影、边缘信息、轮廓对称、灰度对称、水平线对称等车辆先验知识,提出一种基于特征的车辆检测方法。

    Prior knowledge of the vehicles , such as shadows underneath the vehicles , rich edge information , contour symmetry , gray level symmetry , horizontal line symmetry and etc , is combined .

  5. 学龄前儿童瞳孔水平位的对称性研究

    Symmetrical study of level direction of pupils in preschool children

  6. 如果方程中的系数通过野外试验或模型识别来确定,则对传统假定下的水平面轴对称位移方程与所给出的新方程就没有必要进行区分。

    The new equation should be distinguished from the traditional one unless the coefficients in them are obtained by field tests in the fields or model calibration .

  7. NSE:假手术组在皮层和纹状体区,NSE呈基础水平表达,两侧对称;

    NSE : The expression of NSE in cerebral cortex and striatum was low in sham-operate group .

  8. 论水平地震作用下对称和规则结构的抗扭设计

    Torsional Design of Symmetrical and Regular Structures Under Horizontal Earthquake Actions

  9. 得出北海机场新航站大楼网壳结构的振型主要是水平的,呈对称和反对称,高阶不规则振型比较复杂,自振频率频谱稍密,周期性不明显;

    Higher and irregular vibrations are complicated ; the spectrum of natural vibration frequencies is dense and its periodicity is inconspicuous ;

  10. 在雇员的能力及努力水平均为非对称信息,并且没有其它能观察到的信号可供雇主利用的条件下,建立了一个基于委托代理的人才招聘模型。

    It establishes one model with principal-agent theory to motivate the employer in recruiting talent . It supposes that the employee 's ability , his effort level and other information of them the employer can 't get .

  11. 由于在单边裂纹问题中只能取二分之一模型来计算,模型在水平方向上没有对称约束,而等效节点力的误差最终会导致问题因约束不足而无法求解。

    Because it can only take a half model which is unconstraint in the horizontal direction to calculate in the single edge-crack problem , the problem will not be calculated caused by the errors of the equivalent node forces .

  12. 上证180指数的成立事件对不同的流动性指标有相反的效果:一方面促进了成分股价差水平和交易信息对称程度的改善,另一方面又促使交易深度水平和交易活跃性的降低。

    The establishment of SSE-180 index has the different effect to different liquidity indicators : on one side , the component spread and trading information are improved , on the other side , the depth and trading activity become low .

  13. 建立了外环轴水平放置的重力对称陀螺仪的运动方程.并将陀螺仪转子的质心位置作为扰动,在一定条件下,首先研究了自由陀螺仪的运动,并给出力学意义解释;

    The motions of a gravity symmetric gyroscope , whose outer ring 's axis is placed horizontally , are dealt with . Firstly , the motions of a free gyroscope are studied and explained in the sense of mechanics under a certain condition .

  14. 对于群桩的研究也存在同样的问题,并且水平单向荷载的作用方向一般沿着群桩水平布置的对称轴方向。

    The same problems also exist in the pile groups , and the direction of unidirectional horizontal loading is along the symmetry axis of the pile level layout .

  15. 然后,利用三极和偶极的关系导出了水平层状大地偶极-偶极电测深的正演计算公式,并对水平层状大地的对称四极测深和偶极-偶极测深曲线进行了对比。

    Then , the relation between tri-electrode and dipole-dipole array gives the resistivity forward formula of dipole-dipole sounding on horizontal layered earth . Finally , it contrasts dipole-dipole sounding curves with Schlumberger sounding curves on horizontal layered earth .