
  1. 斯特拉知道他说“重来”是什么意思。

    Stella knew what he meant by ' start again '

  2. 斯特拉,21岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。

    Stella , 21 , is at art school training to be a fashion designer .

  3. 从旧斯特拉福特的A422号出口出来。

    Take the A422 exit at Old Stratford .

  4. 斯特拉豁然开朗。

    Stella had a moment of enlightenment .

  5. W:斯特拉,你看上去怎么不高兴?

    M : Well , Stella ? Why do you look unhappy ?

  6. 这段视频让斯特拉感动得热泪盈眶,这段视频被上传到YouTube视频网站上之后,也让许多观者感动得热泪盈眶。

    That message reduced Stella to tears , and many others as well now after the video was posted to YouTube 。

  7. NPR的罗恩·埃尔文说每个人都想在纽约霍夫斯特拉大学的活动中获益。

    NPR 's Ron Elving says each man is looking to make big gains at New York 's Hofstra University .

  8. 斯巴鲁已经预演了其电气未来插件在混合动力和全电动概念基础上斯特拉紧凑和R1微型。

    Subaru has already previewed its electric future with plug-in hybrid and all-electric concepts based on its Stella compact and R1 minicar .

  9. 金门大学(GoldenGateUniversity)市场营销教授米盖尔o安o斯特拉赫维茨表示,这对于深谙技术的消费者来说可能有点难以接受,因为他们已经习惯了电子设备每一部件都会定期改良。

    Which can be a bitter pill for tech-savvy consumers to swallow as they become acclimated to regular advancements in every other part of their electronic devices , says Michal Ann Strahilevitz , a professor of marketing at Golden Gate University .

  10. 她发现自己选择了偏爱箱型款式的设计师的作品,包括斯特拉・麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)的一条蛇皮图案宽松直筒连衣裙。

    She found herself packing pieces from designers who favor boxier shapes , including a snakeskin-printed shift dress from Stella McCartney . '

  11. 巴黎世家被认为是开云集团的“新兴奢侈品牌”之一,其他类似的品牌包括斯特拉·麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)、亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)和克里斯托弗·凯恩(ChristopherKane)等。

    Balenciaga is considered one of Kering 's " emerging luxury brands , " along with Stella McCartney , Alexander McQueen , Christopher Kane and others .

  12. 去年10月在巴黎举行的2014年春夏季时装秀上,斯特拉•麦卡特尼(Stellamccartney)用蕾丝边性感吊带裙与贴身女背心与挺括西服巧妙混搭。

    At the spring / summer 2014 collections shown in Paris in October , Stella McCartney mixed her crisp suiting with sensuous lace-trimmed slip dresses and camisoles .

  13. 北京时间今早9时开始,美国总统奥巴马和共和党候选人罗姆尼纽在约州霍夫斯特拉大学举行的第二场总统候选人辩论中再次交锋,今日90分钟的辩论将由CNN首席政治记者坎迪-克罗利主持。

    President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead , New York Tuesday evening for the second of three presidential debates , moderated by CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley .

  14. 上述研究的联合作者、霍夫斯特拉大学(HofstraUniversity)心理学助理教授弗罗(JeffreyFroh)说,物质主义产生的效果与感恩刚好相反。

    Materialism had just the opposite effect as gratitude -- almost like a mirror , ' says study co-author Jeffrey Froh , associate professor of psychology at Hofstra University .

  15. 作为股东,sin-tang目前持有该公司12%的股份,高于斯特拉塔所持的8%。

    With 12 per cent of shares , sin-tang is now a larger shareholder than Xstrata with 8 per cent .

  16. 密歇根州激流市的玛丽•戴克斯特拉(MaryDykstra)是个规划专家,帮助人们设定具体而又现实的目标,然后将目标分解成可供衡量的细小步骤,并制定完成时间表。

    Mary Dykstra , a Grand Rapids , Mich. , professional organizer , coaches people to set specific , realistic goals , then to break each goal into small , measurable steps , with a timetable .

  17. 不管是卡芬(Carven)带有贴袋的冰沙色紧身装、斯特拉•麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)优雅自然的提花丝绸装,还是圣罗兰超瘦版晚礼服,所配裤子都是下抵脚踝,上过肚脐。

    From sorbet-coloured skinnies with patch pockets at Carven to fluid jacquard silks at Stella McCartney and the skinniest of Saint Laurent tuxedos , the trousers were ankle-skimming and soared up above the navel .

  18. 斯特拉就跳起来,跑到杰克的床前。

    Stella jumped up and ran over to Jack 's bed .

  19. 斯特拉:你的三明治要不要加洋葱?

    Stella : Would you like onions on your sandwich ?

  20. 我向斯特拉挥手致意,可她连招呼也不打一个。

    Stella didn 't even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting .

  21. 斯特拉就直接去琳达的办公室

    And she just wants to go straight to Linda 's office .

  22. 你不需人家的妻子从斯特拉福来告诉你。

    You needed no wife come from Stratford to tell you that .

  23. 辩论将在星期三晚上在纽约州亨普斯特德的霍夫斯特拉大学举行。

    Going into the debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead , New York .

  24. 斯特拉伸手进去摸它们。

    Stella reached her hand in to touch them .

  25. 斯特拉年青时是一名职业舞蹈演员。

    Stella was a hoofer when she was young .

  26. 杰克和斯特拉的房间一片漆黑。

    Jack and stella 's house was totally dark .

  27. 斯特拉说她不去柏林了。

    Stella said that she would not visit Berlin .

  28. 手电光照在斯特拉的桌子上,床底下。

    The torchlight lit up Stella 's desk and shone under the beds .

  29. 在等杰克的回答时,斯特拉看起来很激动。

    Stella 's face was fierce as she waited for Jack 's answer .

  30. 斯特拉医生-快看哪太可爱了可爱到爆了

    Dr. Stella . - Look at that.So cute . That 's adorable .